Category Archives: History

White reinvented Aboriginals preside over ‘truth-telling’ farce

Below is a 3 September report from the ‘Yoorrook Justice Commission’. This justice commission is about slandering the white settlers who built the nation that funds such commissions whose sole object is to disqualify the true Australians – the people who originated from the community of the First Fleet. The Aboriginals – a post-settlement determination – had nothing to do with the nation’s establishment. In fact, they did their best to stop the nation building by slaughtering settlers, killing their stock, and burning their crops.

How’s that for truth?

You won’t get that truth – empirically justified – from the ‘Yoorrook Commission’. You’ll get their own brand of self-serving separatist truth.


Descendants of early colonial figures to give evidence to Yoorrook

September 3, 2024

Content warning: Please note the following contains historic language and events that may cause distress to First Peoples.

Three non-Indigenous witnesses are set to give evidence to Victoria’s truth telling process this week. This includes two descendants of early colonial figures who will reflect on their families’ involvement in key events in Victoria’s colonial history, which had a devastating effect on First Peoples.

The hearing will look at issues including early massacres of First Peoples in the 1830s and 40s and the passing of the so-called ‘Half Caste’ Act in 1886, which played a key role in the Stolen Generations.

The Yoorrook Justice Commission hearing will commence at 10am on Wednesday September 4 and will be livestreamed via the Yoorrook Facebook page and website.

Witnesses will include:

  • Elizabeth Balderstone, the current owner of a property in Gippsland on which the ‘Warrigal Creek’ massacre occurred in 1843.
  • Peter Sharp, a great grandson of former Prime Minister Alfred Deakin, who has researched Deakin’s involvement in the passage of the Aborigines Protection Act 1886, more commonly known as the ‘Half Caste’ Act.
  • Dr Katrina Kell, a researcher, author and fourth-generation matrilineal descendant of Captain James Liddell, who brought Edward Henty to Gunditjmara Country in November 1834 on board ‘the Thistle’, leading to the first permanent European settlement in what would become the State of Victoria.

Read the rest here . . .

The Enemy within

Decolonising the curriculum: challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning

Dr Marlon Moncrieffe, School of Education
Dr Yaa Asare, School of Applied Social Sciences
and Dr Robin Dunford, School of Humanities

A renewed call to ‘decolonise’ the university curriculum has marked a shift in thinking about education and what should form the canon of curriculum content. It has been amplified further here in the UK by the ‘Rhodes must fall’ campaign. However, fresh approaches and opportunities for advancing practice in teaching and learning, with an aim to diversify the university curriculum for teaching and learning, are not without challenges. Our paper reflects on the meaning of decolonising the curriculum and on attempts to decolonise the curriculum at both institutional and subject specific level. In this article, which is in three sections, we use examples from our
own practice to reflect on some of the challenges of decolonising the curriculum and opportunities for sharing good practices amongst colleagues.

This article outlines the need for decolonising the curriculum within and beyond the university. The call to decolonise the curriculum, made by students, social movements and academics in higher education, is a call to take seriously the legacy of colonialism in the curriculum. It is also a call to include a diverse range of experience, away from the white hegemonic world view and experience that informs much of our teaching.

Read the rest of this treasonous document here . . .

Matthews Flinders – Australian hero reburied

It is more than ironic that Australia’s so-called multicultural (government-funded) television channel did a report on the reburial of Matthew Flinders, the English explorer who gave the new nation, Australia, its name. There was no Australia before the settlers from the British Isles founded our nation in January 1788.

It’s ironic because SBS is anti-white central in the Australian media and the mouthpiece for the mostly mixed-race people who have reinvented themselves as Aboriginal and are successfully pursuing their separatist agenda.

Will Donald Trump commit political suicide?

Donald Trump is way ahead of Joe Biden in the race for the next President of America. Biden shows signs of the onset of dementia, but I don’t think it’s as bad as it looks. Elderly people’s cognitive powers slow, but their conceptual powers do not necessarily go with it. I’ve heard Biden speak sensibly about difficult political matters.

No, the real reason Trump is so far ahead of Biden is his connection with the concerns of ordinary Americans who are forced to observe the gradual destruction of the nation’s foundational principles. Trumps’s rhetoric is often rough, abusive and sometimes incoherent.

But the ordinary American can see past these faults to what he thinks about America’s problems and how he proposes to fix them.

Trump understands ordinary Americans and they understand him. The woke elite look on this with incomprehension, dismissing Trump supporters as an ignorant ‘far-right’ rabble. The more they do this, the stronger Trump will hold his constituency.

Trump, however, has an Achilles heel and if he doesn’t do anything about it, I predict he will lose the election to Biden or whoever may replace Biden. The Achilles heel is his attitude to Putin and the war in Ukraine.

It is dismaying to see so many conservatives swallow the narrative that Nato and the West are responsible for the war in Ukraine. They allegedly pushed Putin into a corner where this (alleged) defender of traditional values and Christianity had to come out fighting.

This is utterly delusional.

The cold hard facts about Putin’s idea of Russia’s history and its destiny, his scheming from the moment of the fall of the Soviet Empire, and his barbaric ‘special operation’ in Ukraine where civilians and fundamental infrastructure are targeted, show that Putin can justifiably be compared to Hitler.

Trump should be warned: many of his constituents who understand him also see the real Putin and his objectives. Everything Putin says and does points to his unrelenting efforts to establish a renewed Russian Empire. Their fear of this maniacal dictator will overcome their support for Trump – if he sticks to the false narrative. They will turn their support to whoever stands up to Russia’s delusional megalomaniac.

The video below is from one the best commentators on the war in Ukraine and Putin’s objectives.

Patterns of decline – the clock is ticking

This is one of the most penetrating analyses I have heard of the problems eating away at Western Civilisation. Highly recommended. Be afraid, very afraid.


‘Professor Hanson joins John Anderson to discuss his new book The End of Everything, as well as the considerable unrest across America in the lead up to the 2024 Presidential election. They unpack the recent turmoil in higher education, and its aggravation due to the unchecked left-wing ideology of those in leadership. They also discuss the unassailable appeal of Trump among Republican voters due to his outsider status and combative persona. They finish on a discussion of his new book The End of Everything, examining various historical parallels with our time, and the importance of recognizing patterns of decline to prevent another civilisational catastrophe.

‘In addition to writing hundreds of articles, book reviews and newspaper editorials, Hanson is also the author of twenty-four books and hosts a regular podcast series, ‘The Victor Davis Hanson Show’. Hanson was awarded the National Humanities Medal in 2007 by President George W. Bush, and was a presidential appointee in 2007-08 on the American Battle Monuments Commission. His book, The Dying Citizen, was published in October 2021. And his latest book, released on May the 7th this year, The End of Everything, How Wars Descend Into Annihilation.

Reconciliation Australia’s Two-Faced Activism

Joe Stella, Quadrant, 27 May 2024

Every year, Reconciliation Australia Limited (RAL) marks the period between the anniversaries of the 1967 referendum (May 217) and the Mabo judgment (June 3) as National Reconciliation Week. Last year, the theme was “Be a Voice for generations”, a reference to the looming referendum. This year’s theme, “Now more than ever”, reflects the organisation’s unprocessed shock and denial at the result. According to RAL, “as a nation we stumbled” but “the fight” must continue.

Really? RAL has now been operating for 23 years, more than twice as long as the statutory Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation that preceded it. As I have argued in a new paper for Close the Gap Research, “surely so emphatic a defeat of what advocates called ‘an act of reconciliation’ demands an objective assessment of the continued viability of that process.”

That assessment must begin with a difficult and still largely unexplored question: Is reconciliation what Aborigines actually want? In an address delivered during the last Reconciliation Week, ‘Yes’ campaigner Megan Davis cast serious doubt on this. During consultations in the lead-up to the 2017 Uluru Statement, she told a Townsville audience, “our old people kept saying, unsolicited and organically, that reconciliation was the wrong process, that reconciliation was the wrong word.”

We do not know how many of these “old people” there were, much less whether they represent a significant body of opinion among Aborigines. However, Davis’ comments are helpful because they at least acknowledge the diprotodon in the room. Reconciliation has always been promoted as a means to cement national unity. As such, it is inimical to a radical Aboriginal rights agenda centred on the indicia of a separate race-based nationhood: sovereignty, self-determination, international recognition, treaties, embassies and so on.

The Uluru Statement endorses the Aboriginal nationalist program first developed by the National Aboriginal Conference between 1979 and 1981. This includes Aboriginal sovereignty, a treaty (makarrata), reparations and recognition of customary law. The Voice to Parliament, the brainchild of non-Aboriginal academic Shireen Morris, was a novel addition. As later accounts of the convention that produced the Uluru Statement demonstrate, a treaty was the top priority for many delegates. They needed to be persuaded that the Voice was a necessary preliminary measure. This tension is reflected in the final text of the Statement, which characterises a treaty as “the culmination of our agenda”.

Read the rest here . . .

The Greatest Lie Ever Told: ‘George Floyd’ & The Rise Of ‘BLM’ 

Last January I posted a comment about the George Floyd and BLM incident that unleashed a leftist mania worldwide: George Floyd and BLM – All Based on Lies. There has hardly been an incident that Marxists have so gloriously exploited. Millions went into the pockets of a handful of Marxists who now enjoy the benefits of their windfall – and have a big laugh at how easy the shake-down was.

Today I am posting Candace Owens’ video demonstrating again how successful the BLM Marxists were in exploiting the death of an habitual criminal and drug addict and sending an innocent policeman to a lengthy term in jail who was just doing his job. The George Floyd and the BLM mania is emblematic of the decay in Western Civilization.