Category Archives: Islam

Hamas’s unrepentant barbarity

The sequence of photos below is of Israeli soldier Naama Levy. These photos of the brutalised gang-raped young woman, dragged around by her hair, are forever burnt in my mind as an example of the Muslim world’s babarity.

The despicable, loathsome man below, an enemy of Australia, supported Hamas’s action on 7 October 2023.

This hateful contemptible man led an insurrectionist occupation of Australia’s cities for more than a year. The gutless, traitorous authorities did nothing about it.

The person standing next to him is Australia’s Foreign Minister.

She won’t put a stop on Muslim migration. Australians must vote in a political party that will not be afraid to do so.


Video showing bloodied Israeli female soldiers captured by Hamas released

The captives’ families hope the three-minute footage will increase pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to agree a truce with Hamas and secure the hostages’ release.

Read the rest here . . .

Synagogue bombing – we know who did it

Jewish girl gang raped and brutalised by Hamas 7 Oct 2023


We know who were responsible for the bombing of the Melbourne synagogue and the antisemitic vandalism in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney.

So, why won’t the media point the finger at the obvious culprits?

The charge of Islamophobia is half the answer. The media is collectively frightened of mentioning the word Muslim in connection with the acts of violence and intimidation they’re responsible for.

The second half of the answer is Marxists. The long-established Marxist groups in Australia always collaborate with fellow extremists to undermine and destroy white capitalist society.

For more than a year the streets of Australia’s major cities have been hijacked by the collaboration of Marxists and Muslim extremists.

So, again, why won’t the media say so? Why won’t our elected authorities do anything about it?

We are in an age of betrayal and gutlessness. Everywhere you look, the ordinary Australian – not those whose allegiance is to foreign countries and their ideologies – sees treachery, betrayal, and gutlessness.

Pakistani Mehreen Faruqi hates Australia

There is so much evidence of Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi’s hatred of Australia and (white) Australians that you wonder why the mainstream media treats her as untouchable. Sky News Chris Kenny raises that very point below.

Faruqi denounces Australia as ‘criminal’ because her ramshackle country can’t organise itself against critical climate events. She wants reparations from Australia for the damage allegedly caused by the climate when (as Kenny points out) Australia’s minimalist contribution to the climate would not make the slightest difference if it was suddenly eliminated.

Faruqi makes these hysterical charges (there are many others) because she suffers a crippling case of Anglophobia.

This vicious hateful Greens senator from Pakistan should take herself back to her country of birth so she can solve their dreadful problems of violence and organisation before attending to the problems Australia has – Australia, meaning that nation the disgusting Anglos founded and built, and which now pays her a salary only elite Pakistanis could dream of.

Faruqi must be removed from Australia’s parliament at the federal election due early next year.

It’s a mockery that such a person soils the floors of a building that is a symbol of Australia’s democracy.

Get her out!

Gutless government, gutless corporate sector, and gutless Myer

It is the season of betrayal and gutlessness. Everywhere you look, Australia is being betrayed by those elected to protect the nation.

Gutless Federal Labor government, gutless State Labor government, gutless Jacinta Allan, gutless corporate sector. Everywhere gutlessness. Everywhere surrender to Australia’s enemies.

The grounds of rebellion are being laid.

Muslims hate the West

Of course, Muslims hate the West. They keep on saying it. They are in the West to secure their piece of real estate, pocket the generous social services handouts, and await the time when they have reached the critical stage where they can act.

Australians look back to European culture and the goods it has provided; Muslims look back to the Middle East and the centuries of military conquest that led to the state of Iran and the Taliban.

A curse on those betraying our Western Civilisation.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election early in 2025

Uncorrectable barbarism in the Muslim world

The young woman in the photo below – the one bleeding from multiple rapes and dragged around by her hair by her less-than-human captors – was the one image of 7 October I can’t forget. On this animalistic photo alone – with all its implications of what the Muslim world is like – the Israelis are justified in bombing the shit out of them.

Multiple terrorist actions by Muslims through fifty years have shown they would do the same to any non-Muslim if they had a chance.

To ignore this unalterable fact, the properly constituted authorities of the nation of Australia would be guilty of the most heinous betrayal.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election early in 2025

Muslim fanatics scorn Australia’s laws

AAP reports below that Muslim fanatics under the banner of the barbaric terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah will conduct their obscene protests no matter what.

Of course, they will.

These Muslims have contempt for Australia’s laws. Indeed, they have contempt for anything which does not suit their hellish ideology.

Will Australia’s legitimate authorities do anything about their hateful behavior? Probably not. Not only have they not done anything about it, but they have made it worse by opening Australia’s borders to these lawless people.

Will nobody do anything? Must we sit by steaming with fury while watching people who hate Australia and Australians occupy our city streets?


Palestine rally organisers vow to ignore court ruling

AAP Story by Jack Gramenz and Callum Godde

 A pending court case will not stop pro-Palestine rallies and vigils around the anniversary of the Hamas terror attack on Israel, as one premier says her state is powerless to halt them.

Evidence will be filed on Thursday before a hearing in the NSW Supreme Court to decide on a police push to declare that scheduled rallies in Sydney should not go ahead on Sunday and Monday.

A snap protest has been organised, with the Palestine Action Group Sydney calling on supporters to gather in the court precinct prior to the hearing.

“The application to ban demonstrations commemorating and mourning one year of Israel’s genocide in Gaza and now invasion of Lebanon is an attack on fundamental democratic rights,” the group said.

Organiser Josh Lees said demonstrators needed to protest “more than ever to stop this war and madness that is going on”.

“We’ll be going ahead with our protest on Sunday … regardless of what happens in the court,” he told ABC Radio on Thursday.

NSW has a permit system that allows participants to disobey laws against blocking transport routes, but police can go to court to deny protest permission.

Read the rest here . . .

Who would have thought that a Muslim terrorist flag would adorn our city streets?

Australians – be angry, be very angry.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election early in 2025