Tag Archives: Alan Jones

The Left cooking the books

The left have an ideological framework. The framework is Marxist. Everything must fit into that Marxist framework. That means, for example, the rewriting of history so that it fits the agenda. This is happening at present with Bruce Pasco’s Dark Emu which is the unabashed rewriting of Aboriginal history and European settlement. The major propagation arm is the ABC who in 2020 have dropped all pretence about their Marxist agenda. Another example is the ‘fudging’ of temperature records. Alan Jones interviews Dr Jennifer Marohasy. This is a must-listen-to interview. It gives a startling picture of the strategies of the climate change fanatics.

Outback Australian town ‘robbed’ of 100yo world record due to figure fudging

A small town in outback Australia has been “robbed” of a 100-year-old world record due to apparent figure fudging by the Bureau of Meteorology.

The world’s longest heatwave was recorded in outback Western Australia in 1923/24.

Marble Bar, in between Exmouth and Broome, saw temperatures of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7°C) for 160 consecutive days.

But the Bureau of Meteorology has now adjusted its records, stripping Marble Bar of the record and “cooling history”, according to Alan Jones.

Dr Jennifer Marohasy tells Alan it’s been done to suit the global warming storyline.

Read on and listen…