Tag Archives: America

Has the Owl of Minerva taken flight?

Professor Sheldon’s description of the collapse of the political order in America applies just as much to Australia. The disgusting cultural self-loathing of the dominant political class on display on Australia Day (26 January) is enough to fill ordinary Australians with despair. If the Owl of Minerva does represent wisdom, knowledge and thought, she has certainly taken flight out of Australia.


The Owl of Minerva and the Night of America

Professor Garrett Ward Sheldon, Gen Z Conservative

The German philosopher Hegel famously said of political history “The Owl of Minerva takes Flight at Dusk.”

From Greek mythology, this Owl represented Wisdom, Knowledge, Thought, the Ideology of a Social System. When that political order was finished, about to end, its Thought System had reached its zenith. The Ideology justifying an era reached full development just as that order collapsed.

The thought system of the seemingly predominant order of Liberalism, Globalism, Radicalism now seems predominant. It has just established total power in the government by means of manipulation and intrigue, corruption and censorship. But these are not methods of a young, strong, healthy regime, but of an old, weak, desperate, dying system. Medieval ideology and “show” reached its zenith just as feudalism, monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings collapsed and was supplanted by industry, trade, and republican government.

          The triumph of Democratic Globalism and its Ideology of Diversity, Perversity, and Relativism ascends just as a new system of technology, living and working, more compatible with traditional American ideals of individualism with community, freedom, and rights (see my book, THE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF THOMAS JEFFERSON) emerges.

Read the rest here…

What explains Donald Trump’s appeal to so many Americans?

Emeritus Professor Garrett Ward Sheldon has provided us with a shrewd judicious analysis of Donald Trump’s great appeal to many people, not only in America, but around the world. This is an excellent, quality analysis that rings trues. Indeed, it makes those seeing his appeal as an issue of education and social standing look vacuously snobbish.


Trumpism is the Right Mix of Old and New

The combination of old American tradition and new American innovation make the Trump movement truly unique and momentous.

By Garrett Ward Sheldon, American Greatness, October 7, 2020

The political movement around Donald Trump is the greatest in American history since the American Revolution of 1776. Other major movements: Thomas Jefferson’s “Second American Revolution” of 1800; the Abolition of Slavery and rise of industrialism around the Civil War; the development of the Welfare State under FDR’s New Deal, are all major, but are not as momentous as this movement around Trump.

          This is because the current movement is a unique mixture of Old and New never before seen in history.

          As I described in a previous article in American Greatness (“How I Knew Trump Would Win in 2016 and Why He Will Win Again”), Donald Trump embodies traditional American notions of freedom, equality, faith, family, and patriotism so brilliantly described in Alexis de Tocqueville’s DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, going back 400 years to the New England Puritans and the Virginia settlers. Such cultural values, as the conservative philosopher Edmund Burke showed, do not change over hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. Although under assault for perhaps 100 years (especially during the past 50 years) they remain permanent American political culture, ready to be revived through the Trumpian movement.

          But what makes this restoration of traditional American political culture unique, is its combination with the New: the most advanced, cutting-edge, “progressive” developments in economics, technology and international relations.

          For, the old Liberal Democratic system of centralized government protecting old, outmoded economic monopolies, and global control based on corrupt alliances and outmoded technology, is actually LESS compatible with traditional American values of freedom, invention, creativity, competition and discovery. The newest technology is naturally decentralized.

          We see the contrast all around us in communication and business. In the place of four “news” cable networks with one Liberal message, we have hundreds of internet news and commentary blogs on every perspective. Big Med, Big Pharma, and Big Agra – preserved by government restrictions and regulations, replaced by a free market of alternative medicine and treatments, high tech diagnoses and treatment and a real progress in healthcare and nutrition. Ironically, the COVID-19 that was designed to destroy the American economy and Trump actually advanced this movement as online medical treatment, education, military (the Space Force) and commerce have all advanced.

In the place of monolithic State Education we will soon have School Choice with innovative mixtures of public and private, online and onsite, and practical learning based on free speech, examining all perspectives rather than Liberal identity-politics indoctrination. And many Americans are moving out of the cities, with their Democrat-sponsored riots, and to the country and small towns (another American tradition) where they can work remotely online and enjoy safe, quiet and pleasant communities, leaving the Democrat cities to rot like ancient Roman ruins.

The effect on international relations is likely that the Old World Order of USA/EU/China will be replaced with: USA/Great Britain/India/ Eastern Europe/peaceful Arab Countries/ Israel. Instead of Global control by a few will be multiple individual and regional alliances compatible with both traditional American values and advanced technology.

          It is this combination of the Old and the New that makes the Trump Movement unique and momentous.

Trump against the 'new World Order'

Michael Matt’s Christmas reflection in the Remnant, Here’s Exactly Why They’re Impeaching Trump, focuses on Trump’s determined departure from the New World Order of previous presidents and world leaders. The meaning he draws from Trump’s impeachment is that Trump is not the centre-piece of their unrelenting hatred. It is Christians. The Christ-child of the Christians is the object of their deep hatred. He, it is, who must be eliminated.

The accompanying video is a stark reminder about those pushing for the New World Order and the consequences for nations and peoples who are bullied into submission. President Trump is all about reversing those consequences.