Tag Archives: Feminism

Andrews Government – More Marxist legislation

The Andrews Marxist Government has passed the Gender Equality Act which is fundamentally Marxist. It is the Andrews Government’s forced erasure of natural differences in ability and sex for the relief of an imagined oppressed class (women) and the putting down of the oppressor class (men).

A certain percentage of men will not realise their capability nor put into practice the qualifications they have spent years acquiring. A woman of inferior ability and qualifications, and probably commitment, will take their place. The hard work and dedication will have been for nothing.

Not only men will suffer this insane discrimination, but their wives and children into the bargain. Those women who see their husband’s and children’s welfare destroyed should know who is to blame.

Of course, there will be no gender equity in the dirty filthy dangerous jobs that men do and have always done.

The Marxist degradation of Australian society continues.


Victoria has passed historic Gender Equality Act


gender equality

Victoria has just made history, passing the country’s first ever state-based Gender Equality Act and establishing new standards for equity and equality in the state.

The Andrews Labor Government’s Gender Equality Bill 2019 has passed through the Parliament and marks a major legislative push to address workplace gender barriers and gender discrimination.

The Act aim to ensure that workplaces publicly report on their gender equality progress whilst also implementing gender equality action plans.

Read on…

Bettina Arndt attacked for AM

That grubby shallow woke news platform news.com.au opened its report on the reaction to Bettina Arndt’s receiving an Australia Day honour – Member of the Order of Australia – with this sentence:

Australians have reacted with fury to controversial commentator and men’s rights activist Bettina Arndt being recognised in this year’s Australia Day awards.

When the dominant PC class talk about ‘Australians’, they mean people who think like them, hold the same intolerant views, and work to disqualify those disagreeing with them. The news.com.au report is nothing more than a one-sided listing from the usual suspects of all Arndt’s crimes, the worst of which is her advocacy for men. Cub reporter Ben Graham’s report was headlined:

Controversial commentator given Australia Day honour for ‘advocacy for men’

A controversial commentator and sex therapist who’s stoked fury among feminists has been given an Australia Day honour for her “advocacy for men”.

There can be no greater crime in Australia than sticking up for men and resisting the tsunami of abuse pouring from the demented feminists who infest all corners of academia, the public service, and government. A representative sample from ‘journalist’ Sherele Moody:

“Arndt’s work is not about gender equity. It’s misogyny-driven hate designed to keep women barefoot, pregnant and tied to the kitchen sink.”

You would think that after all the millions of feminist words denouncing men, Moody could be a little more inventive. Her appearance would indicate she has no place whatever for men of any sort in her world (see following post with Janice Fiamengo latest video).

There has been plenty of support for Arndt from those recognising the appalling anti-male bigotry rife in Western society and the growing disadvantage of men and boys. Janice Fiamengo and Karen Straughan are foremost among those. (Links to the Fiamengo File episodes are in my feminism page. ) What Bettina thinks exactly about the issue of men and feminism can be found on her website.

Pushing back on the feminist narrative about ‘toxic masculinity’

The following has appeared on Mark Latham’s Outsiders website:

Calls for government to end “culture of denial”

Posted by  on July 18, 2017
“Toxic masculinity” is a rancid term. It belittles all the many magical elements of masculinity and underlines society’s relentless war on men. Apparently, they only have themselves to blame for being rapists, murderers and women bashers.  Read on…

Make December blue for boys

Boys in Australian schools are presently being subjected to a cruel program of radical re-education. The program aims to rid them of the idea that they are different from the girls around them. It is to reprogram them so that think no differently from girls.

The difference is typically the thought that boys are more suitable to some tasks in society than girls, those tasks usually requiring strength and agility. Or worse, the thought that boys are more suitable to leadership roles than girls. Less repugnant is the belief that boys’ preference for recreational activities or hobbies or other such things is generally different from that of girls.

Whatever the degree of repugnance, the maintenance of such differences is in the last resort a malignant part of the illegitimate segregation that bourgeois capitalist society has placed on its members. The idea that boys are different or superior in some respects to girls is, according to the Marxists who created and run the campaign, the justification for boys thinking that they can do violence to girls at will. That segregation and the way boys think must be destroyed. The masculine violent-inducing manner of thinking must be eradicated. Continue reading Make December blue for boys