Tag Archives: Qantas

What to do about the fanatical left?

One has to admire the ingenuity and perseverance of the left. Over fifty years there has been no slackening in their efforts to impose their Marxist agenda on Australians. In 2019 we see the major organs and institutions of our once liberal-democratic society captive of the left: the universities, the schools, the public service, the media, sports administration and even the corporate world. The stunning gains in the last few years have been sports administration and the corporate world.

The capture of the corporate world is no better exemplified than in Alan Joyce CEO of Qantas. Homosexual Alan Joyce came to Australia with his boyfriend to head up Qantas, an iconic Australian company and the pride of Australians. Without any compunction whatsoever, he used Qantas as a tool to further his far-left ideals. He is quiet open and unabashed about his deviousness and the insult to Australians.

One could weep over the developments in sports administration. Alan Joyce-types, those undaunted by their betrayal, now head the administrations of Australian Rules, Rugby Union and Rugby League. If a sportsman does not toe the leftist line in these sports, there is no future for him.

The outstanding example is Israel Folau. This champion footballer in both League and Union has no sporting future because he won’t be bowed by the traitors who have insinuated themselves into these once great sports, sporting codes that every boy could once aspire to.

A recent development tightening the far-left’s grip on our decaying traditional society has been the pressure groups formed to stop those few conservatives defending traditional morality and traditional western society. No tactic, no matter how nasty and grubby, is beneath them.

The far left are now seriously threatening Alan Jones of Radio 2GB and Andrew Bolt of Sky News. By threatening bad publicity they are picking off the advertisers who make such programs possible . And it’s working. Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt are losing advertising. What a gutless display by these companies. Their cowardice makes you vomit. What happened to the principled manly Australian who once would have held up his fists to such traitorous blackmail?

It’s total war for the left. The war won’t end until there’s total victory and Orwell’s 1984 becomes a reality. We are a long way down the path.

I ask, what to do about the fanatical left?