Tag Archives: Transgenderism


February 4, 2024

Helen Joyce’s book TRANS: WHEN IDEOLOGY MEETS REALITY is not before is time. She discusses the detail with Henrik Beckhein.


Helen Joyce: Trans is a godless neo-religion. Gender identity, ideology and drag show story hour.

How gender identity conquered the world and what it means for women, children, gay people and the sporting community

‘There are few subjects which need treatment that is at once delicate, thoughtful and brave. Helen Joyce manages all of these things in Trans. Anyone looking to understand this most fraught of issues should start here.’ Douglas Murray, author of The Madness of Crowds

Gender identity ideology is about more than twitter storms and using the right pronouns. In just ten years, laws, company policies, school and university curricula, sport, medical protocols, and the media have been reshaped to privilege self-declared gender identity over biological sex.

People are being shamed and silenced for attempting to understand the consequences of redefining ‘man’ and ‘woman’. While compassion for transgender lives is well-intentioned, it is stifling much-needed inquiry into the significance of our bodies, particularly with regard to women’s rights, fairness in sport, same sex attraction and children’s development.

If we recommit to our liberal values of freedom of belief, freedom of speech and robust debate, we stand a chance of addressing what is at stake.

TRANS: When Ideology Meets Reality Helen Joyce

A ‘moderate’ Liberal is a left-wing woke infiltrator

In a brazenly bias act that demonstrated the helpless ideological bent of the mainstream media, political journalists led by the hacks from the ABC, the Age, the Guardian, and the Sydney Morning Herald began calling Liberals who opposed Tony Abbott, ‘moderate’ Liberals. This was to distinguish Liberals who subscribed to a left-wing woke view of the world from the ‘far-right’ ( read conservative) Liberals who supported Tony Abbott. And the label, despite its transparently brazen prejudice, stuck.

‘Moderate’ when applied to a Liberal is code for subscribing to a Marxist position on abortion, the unending program of LGBTG+++, sexualising of children, homosexual marriage, open borders, Aboriginal separatism, and lately the crackpot ideology of transgenderism that has males competing in female sports, thus destroying sport for females.

The latest ‘moderate’ Liberal to publicly wear the badge of intolerant Liberal lefty is Matt Kean, the NSW State Liberal Government’s treasurer. Kean is a man for whom the conservative can justly have loads of disgust and contempt.

Kean showed his fat ‘moderate’ head above the trenches in response to Katherine Deves’s position on transgenderism. Attractive Deves is the newly selected Liberal candidate for the federal seat of Waringah, currently held by the very limited wokist, Zali Steggall. Deves uttered opinions in very colorful language about transgenderism and woman’s sport with which every conservative worthy of the name would heartily agree and approve – both the position and the language. Fathead Matt lost his temper and joined the media pile-on. Here is his spray as reported by the ABC:

Mr Kean, who is a leader of the moderate faction in New South Wales, told the ABC there should be no room for her views inside the Liberal Party.

She’s got to go,” Mr Kean said.

“There is no place for that vile bigotry in a mainstream political party or quite frankly anywhere.

“I am sick of people turning a blind eye to it.”

Kean later supported his outburst to the ABC with extra detail. He tweeted:

There is no place in a mainstream political party for bigotry. Coming out as Trans would be hugely challenging, especially for kids, and political leaders should be condemning the persecution of people based on their gender, not participating in it.

Kean, like the usual unreflective ideologically-enslaved wokist, begs the question – as any discriminating philosophy 101 student could tell you. He assumes what is at issue, namely transgenderism. You see, Matt, transgenderism is a theory in which there are problems screaming for clarification and justification. There are issues of rights (of women), of biology and psychology that for a person of average intelligence and good will need clarification. You need to defend your position, and not like a bloated commissar lazily dismiss opposition with abuse and call for their destruction.

On his own implicit principles, Matt Kean is a vile bigot.

How does a politician like Matt Kean survive in the Liberal Party of Robert Menzies, let alone hold a crucial portolio? Well, the process of infiltration of inimical people and ideas into the Liberal Party began shortly after Menzies retired in 1966. Like all Marxist infiltration it was gradual and determined until they had an irremovable foothold – a critical mass. Fathead Matt is one of the group.

A sure test of who is in the group is when the wokist media attach ‘moderate’ to the Liberal’s name.

Transgender fascists and gutless sports authorities

Today’s newsletter from Senator Claire Chandler catalogues the ideological ferociousness of transgender activists and the floppy backbones of the sports authorities.

If you’re a woman and you’re reading this newsletter, there’s a fair chance you’ve been called a ‘TERF’ by trans activists and their supporters in the media and politics.

It’s their go-to insult for any woman who recognises the reality of biological sex or insists that women should be entitled to single-sex sports, spaces or facilities. Often, the slur is accompanied by threats of violence or misogynistic insults.

Here are the consequences of the celebration by many on the left of online abuse of women, and their rush to cheer on males invading women’s sport.

Male MMA fighter Fallon Fox, who chooses to fight women and once fractured a female athletes skull, is openly bragging about punching ‘TERFs’ (meaning women who recognise the person punching them is male) in the face. Fox describes this as ‘doing my part’.

This is nothing more or less than a male bragging about violence against women, with an implicit threat that there are other activists out there willing to do the same to anyone they label a ‘TERF’.

And if you think that Fox is just an isolated crank, you’d be wrong. Fox has been breathlessly praised as “inspirational” by activist groups and worldwide media outlets.

Most troubling for Australian women might be the Twitter reaction to Fox from an Australian activist who was invited to participate in the development of Sport Australia’s infamous guidelines stating that women’s sport should be based on self-affirmed gender rather than sex.

In response to Fox’s brag about the “three times where I’ve punched a TERF in the face”, the activist who helped set Sport Australia’s position on allowing males into women’s sports said “You legend [heart emoji]” 

It’s no wonder that public support for sporting bodies and governments to protect women’s sport is growing. The more the public sees of males who force their way into women’s sport, the more we see the motivation behind it and how dangerous and unfair it is to female athletes.

The Australian Rugby League commission is the latest Australian sporting body to realise it might be unpopular if they expose TV audiences to male players smashing into females.

Media reports this week revealed that the NRLW has an application for a male to play in the country’s top-level women’s competition. This is an unsurprising development because the NRL’s own policies actively encourage males identifying as women to play women’s competitions.

Apparently, women and girls at their community clubs being forced to take hits from male players wasn’t a reason for the ARL to review their policy, but the prospect of it happening live on TV might be. 

This is not complex – males should not be playing in women’s rugby league competitions at ANY level.

It won’t be good enough for the ARL to minimise their own PR risk by making only elite level competition single-sex, while continuing to force female players at community level to play against males. As my Save Women’s Sport Bill makes clear, all Australian women and girls must be supported, protected and entitled to single-sex sport.

Senator Claire Chandler
Liberal Senator for Tasmania

Trans woman enjoys smashing real women

‘I enjoyed it’: Trans martial arts fighter tweets ‘bliss’ over hurting women

Fallon Fox said he enjoys ‘smacking up’ women who ‘talk transphobic nonsense.’Thu Jun 18, 2020

June 18, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — A male cage fighter who claims to be a woman has signalled his enjoyment of hurting women. 

Transgender mixed-martial artist Fallon Fox, 44, tweeted on June 16 that he loves “smacking up TE[R]FS.” TERF, which stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist,” is an expression used by trans activists for any woman who will not say that biological males are, or can become, women. 

“For the record, I knocked [two] women out,” he tweeted to other Twitter users, including Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling. 

“One woman’s skull was fractured, the other not. And just so you know, I enjoyed it. See, I love smacking up TE[R]Fs in the cage who talk transphobic nonsense. It’s bliss. Don’t be mad.” 

Read the rest here…

J.K. Rowling and the left eating itself

Paul Joseph Watson has one of the most popular conservative youtube channels. So, it’s not really necessary to promote him. His short video, however, on the reaction that J.K. Rowling has copped from the seriously delusional left for stating there are two sexes is worth highlighting. This will give a big satisfying laugh for those still in possession of their reason and sanity.

The irrationality of transgenderism is a step too far

Marxist ideology has made a distinction between biological sex and gender. Biological sex, male and female, is fixed. It can’t be changed. Of course, one can apply surgical interventions, like removing penis and testicles, but in terms of biological sex that amounts to mutilation. A person of the male sex without a penis, is a man without a penis. A deficient man.

On the othe hand, gender is fluid – so Marxist transgenderists tell us. From one moment to the other, a person can fancy himself male or female – or any other of the multiple genders the ideologues have dreamed up. Gender is a social construct – totally unstable and totally anarchic. The new discourse about gender overrides the discourse of sex and sex differences that has prevailed since time out of mind.

That attitude to sex from time out of mind saw biology and social behaviour inextricably linked. When revered novelist Jane Austen has her characters talk about the ‘female sex’ they are talking about character and social behaviour that is inherently female – not about penises and vaginas. There is a beautiful passage at the end of Persuasion where the central character Anne Eliot talks about the different ways men and women grieve over loss.

But social differences are, as I say, a construct according to the Marxist transgenderists, a construct formed by bourgeois capitalist society. Such an assertion is just an assertion – and not even a plausible one considering the observable differences between men and women regarding physical, affective and psychological make-up.

The Marxist will offer an explanation (not a proof in the proper sense) that draws on the materialist dialectic, a wobbly largely incomprehensible theory even to many self-avowed Marxist. You see, the Marxist cannot appeal to the empirical evidence because inductive and deductive logic are illegitimate bourgeois forms of reasoning the dialectic rules out of court.

The sober non-Marxist will not eschew the normal forms of reasoning and in the case of the social behaviour of men and women will argue inductively, that is, draw on the empirical evidence of the centuries. Since time out of mind the totality of differences between men and women have remained regular. Just as we know the sun will rise in the east tomorrow because it has ever been observed to rise in the east, so will men and women exhibit the same essential differences they have always exhibited.

Transgenderism is a cruel hoax perpetrated on psychologically confused children and adults by ideologues. It is bad enough that adults are indulged in this cruel fantasy. It is criminal that children without appeal are forced onto a mutilating conveyor belt of chemical and surgical applications.

There is more, however, to the story than these faults of reasoning. The problem of unintended consequences has reared its inconvenient head. Two articles have  appeared that discuss some serious consequences. Bill Muehlenberg has posted a piece of his website, ‘Trans Sanity is Destroying Women (and Everything else). Janet Albrecht has an article in the Australian, ‘First cut is the deepest but reversal also traumatic for trans community.’ Both are recommended.