The Aboriginal way of life was so primitive that it is estimated that one in three Aboriginal babies were killed at birth. Children threatened the existence of Aboriginals.
The treatment of women was no less savage. The early settlers were appalled at the battered condition of Aboriginal women.
It’s hard to believe that Trump, Vance, and Hegseth have offered Putin a get-out-of-jail card just when the Russian economy and war machine show signs of collapsing.
Trump and Vance’s fantasy about Putin and the Kremlin gang is like a fetish.
If they dither around, hoping it will all go away, they might find Putin and his crazies in 5 years not only strolling up the Champs Elysee but wandering around Whitehall inspecting the ruins.
Britain warned it ‘must be ready to go to war with Russia’
Story by Craig Munro, Metro, 14 Feb 2025
The UK must be prepared to go to war with Russia if Vladimir Putin decides to escalate his war in eastern Europe, a senior MP has said.
In the House of Commons today, MPs sharply criticised the move, comparing it to Neville Chamberlain’s ill-fated appeasement campaign that failed to stop the Second World War.
Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has also drawn a stark line between the US president’s position and his own, saying: ‘There’s no negotiation about Ukraine which doesn’t include Ukraine.’
Directing questions at defence minister Maria Eagle in the chamber this afternoon, MPs made clear their concerns over the potential repercussions of Trump’s move.
Sir Julian Lewis, the Conservative former head of the defence select committee, asked: ‘Will the Government impress on President Trump at every possible opportunity that the reason why appeasement led to World War Two was that it left a vacuum in Europe? ‘
He continued: ‘Whereas the reason why the occupation of Eastern Europe at the end of that war did not lead to World War Three was the United States filled any possible vacuum and contained further aggression.
‘So if he is going for a settlement against the wishes of the Ukrainian people, the least he can do is to guarantee directly the security of that part of Ukraine which remains unoccupied.’
Skabeeva asked the network’s Europe correspondent Mikhail Antonov: “What does it all mean? Ukraine is left without NATO? Ukraine is left without money?”
Antonov argued that the era of American dominance has ended. He added that Europe wouldn’t be able to provide Ukraine with the same level of military assistance as the U.S. as Skabeeva struggled to hide her glee.
Meanwhile, 60 Minutes co-host Evgeny Popov celebrated that Trump is doing Moscow’s work for it by doing away with Western alliances and cutting Europe into pieces, which the Kremlin aimed to do from the beginning.
Russian TV pundits have said for years that Trump’s return to the White House would mean the end of U.S. aid to Ukraine, which would turn the war in Russia’s direction. But the experts appeared to marvel at the speed at which Trump seems to be doing Moscow’s bidding and that he’s treating Putin as his equal.
There is so much evidence from the Russians themselves to demonstrate that Putin and his barbaric clique are a repetition of Hitler and the Third Reich.
Just when that Russian psychopath and his band of kleptocrats are on the ropes, Trump and his delusional team surrender and make way for Russia’s further imperial expansion.
What’s going on?
What a victory to savour for his grovelling, brown-nosing sycophants in the Russian media.
That clown Solovyov, Skabeeva, and Simonyan won’t be able to believe their ears. They’ll be clapping each other on the backs, sniggering about the stupid west, and raising their flasks of the best vodka.
What’s to be done?
What’s to be done when anyone who has taken notice knows that you can’t trust a thing the Russians say and that Putin will continue to pursue his goal of achieving Russian hegemony over Europe? He won’t stop until he is stopped.
Nato Secretary General Mark Rutte has clearly indicated the way. It is better, he said, to confront Russia on the borders of Ukraine than on the shores of Western Europe.
There is no alternative. Western Europe must mobilise and put equipment and troops into Ukraine while Russia is nearing exhaustion.
Putin is counting on the Europeans to be typically weak and irresolute.
The sequence of photos below is of Israeli soldier Naama Levy. These photos of the brutalised gang-raped young woman, dragged around by her hair, are forever burnt in my mind as an example of the Muslim world’s babarity.
The despicable, loathsome man below, an enemy of Australia, supported Hamas’s action on 7 October 2023.
This hateful contemptible man led an insurrectionist occupation of Australia’s cities for more than a year. The gutless, traitorous authorities did nothing about it.
The person standing next to him is Australia’s Foreign Minister.
She won’t put a stop on Muslim migration. Australians must vote in a political party that will not be afraid to do so.
Video showing bloodied Israeli female soldiers captured by Hamas released
The captives’ families hope the three-minute footage will increase pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to agree a truce with Hamas and secure the hostages’ release.
JONATHAN KING, a descendant of Philip Gidley King, the third governor of the Australian Colony (1800-1806), opened the introduction to his book, The First Fleet: The Convict Voyage that Founded Australia 1787-1788, with this claim:
“The founding of the Australian nation by the First Fleet is one of the greatest stories of mankind. Thirteen hundred and fifty people, crammed into eleven tiny ships, sailed halfway around the world to transplant European civilization, and on a voyage that took eight months and one week … It was an epic achievement of navigation, use of the wind, ocean currents, and organisation—yet it is a story little known within, or outside, Australia.”
‘No sober judgment of the facts could be at odds with this assessment. Some have compared the First Fleet voyage with the feat of landing a man on the moon. Despite the magnitude of the achievement, most Australians would have no idea that “the journals and diaries of at least eleven scribes have survived from the First Fleet along with reports and logbooks of others.” Those journals included that of author King’s ancestor Second Lieutenant Philip Gidley King RN on the fleet’s flagship HMS Sirius. [The Sirius was 27 metres long and 10 metres wide.] Australians of all ancestries have at their disposal firsthand reports of that incredible sea voyage that, against the odds, with never a navigational falter, led eleven ships into Botany Bay between the 18 and 20 January 1788, after 15,000 miles and 252 days.’
These were the opening paragraphs of chapter 13 of my book PRISON HULK TO REDEMPTION
So astounding was the scientific and technological achievement of the First Fleet that sailed through uncharted waters below the 44th parallel that it is difficult to think the analogy with the moon landing is overstated.
Sussan Ley, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party, went a trifle further and compared the First Fleet voyage with an expedition to settle Mars. It was a golden chance for the Labor Party to show their ignorance and political dilettantism.
Labor minister Katy Gallagher, Labor’s minister for man-hatred, reacted in character. She ‘labelled Sussan Ley’s comparison of the arrival of the First Fleet to Elon Musk’s SpaceX mission to reach Mars as “nuts”.’ We can’t expect anything better from useless Gallagher whose mind cannot cope with the intellectual content of a simple analogy and must at once go to mockery. Gallagher should be a target of the Liberal Party’s at the coming federal election. As a man, you would have to have a death wish to vote for her.
Prime Minister Albanese was milder in his reaction. He claimed, ‘it was a very strange analogy to draw, pointing out that Australia was populated when Captain Arthur Phillip landed, while Mars … is devoid of life.’
The question of population does not alter the analogy. The analogy is about the astounding achievement of the First Fleet. A later reported remark from the PM was something to the effect that the comparison was hurtful. Poor Anthony, that’s another case of the PM giving into his emotions. Whether the analogy is hurtful or not does not affect the analogy which is about scientific, technological, and navigational achievement.
As for population, estimates of the native population range from 300,000 to 800,000 on that vast mass of land that came to be known as Australia. Apart from that sparse population of primitive natives who spent their time in murderous conflicts over territory, there was nothing there, just land waiting for its riches to be won by a competent civilization of people.
I made a video of the First Fleet’s voyage.
Part 2 two of the presentation is about the settlement:
Political prudence aims at ‘combining the principles of original justice with the infinite variety of human concerns.’