Cardinal Pell High Court Appeal

The following are articles and commentaries before and after the High Court Appeal

A Closer Look at Those Pell Redactions, Peter O’Brien, Quadrant

Why ScoMo Owes Cardinal Pell an Apology (And to Every Victim of a Miscarriage of Justice in Australia), Augusto Zimmermann, The Caldron Pool.

Was the Royal Commission hand in glove with the “Get Pell” campaign? Michael McAuley, Mercatornet

Pell Derangement Syndrome, Paul Collits, Freedom Project

Between the Lines: Decoding Witness ‘J’, Peter West, Quadrant

The Scapegoating of Cardinal Pell, Joel Hodge, Quadrant

Cardinal Pell: The story of a targeted assassination, Patrick Morgan, News Weekly

Justice at Last: George Pell Cleared, Quadrant

The Twitter Mob Has a Fit, Quadrant

Robbed of Reputation and Achievement, Peter O’Brien, Quadrant

Rogue Justice, as Bentham Would Put It, James Allan, Quadrant

Their ABC: Always Bash Catholics, Mark Powell, Quadrant

Australia’s ‘Most Trusted’ Smear Machine, Tony Thomas, Quadrant

Two Judges and the Baying Mob, Keith Windschuttle, Quadrant

George Pell and the Ladies of the Left, Christopher Akehurst, Quadrant

Video of High Court Pell vs The Queen

How the Rome Interview Changed Choirboy’s Story, Keith Windschuttle, Quadrant

What Everyone Has Overlooked in the Pell Case, Chris S Friel, Quadrant

The Crown Prosecutor’s Retraction, Keith Windschuttle, Quadrant

The Burden of Proof and the Pell Case, Peter West, Quadrant

Pell’s High Court Appeal and ‘This Hiatus, This Gap’, Keith Windschuttle, Quadrant

George Pell and the disappearing priests, Keith Windschuttle, Quadrant

The Crown prosecutor’s bent trump card, Keith Windschuttle, Quadrant

Cardinal George Pell, Australia’s Dreyfus, Christopher Akehurst, Quadrant