It is more than ironic that Australia’s so-called multicultural (government-funded) television channel did a report on the reburial of Matthew Flinders, the English explorer who gave the new nation, Australia, its name. There was no Australia before the settlers from the British Isles founded our nation in January 1788.
It’s ironic because SBS is anti-white central in the Australian media and the mouthpiece for the mostly mixed-race people who have reinvented themselves as Aboriginal and are successfully pursuing their separatist agenda.
It is now almost eighteen months since my son, Roger, and I completed our trip up through northwestern New South Wales to find where our colonial Wilson and Jones Ancestors lived and worked. James Joseph Wilson arrived in Sydney in 1827 and Michael Jones in 1829. Both were convicts. Their free settler wives, Jane and Elizabeth Harris, came from a small village in Wiltshire.
It was the trip of a lifetime, a trip that I’m probably too old to do again.
Of course, we were a couple of rank amateurs as far as making videos went. And viewing the results no television station will be running after us. However, despite our amateur efforts we are more than happy with the results. We achieved what we set out to do. We set out to trace our family history, not only for ourselves, but for Australians with similar family background.
The experiences of our family and like-families were, and are, an important part of Australia’s history. Indeed, they were the starting point of the Australian nation. Without them, there would be no Australian nation. It’s a part of Australia’s history that an elite class is now desperate to erase.
I hope the six episodes of our discoveries will spur other Australians to go and find themselves and Australia in a similar expedition. You won’t regret it.
Caving into the violence of the far-left ‘Aboriginal’ activists
Far-left ‘Aboriginal’ activists have continued their program of intimidation and demoralization – classic Marxist praxis. They went on a raid to destroy monuments to Australia’s colonial period which was a preface to the nation as we know it.
The statue of Captain Cook at St Kilda, the monument in Fitzroy Gardens, and the statue of Queen Victoria near the CBD were victims of the raid.
The media, including the ABC in the report below, are calling it the work of ‘vandals’ when they know very well who the perpetrators are. Indeed, a question remains how much collusion there is between the Marxists, the media (especially the ABC), and local councils who the Marxists have hijacked.
The activist thugs left various messages behind their work of intimidation: ‘Cook the colony’, ‘shame’, ‘the colony will fall’. Those messages are a continuing declaration of war against the Australian nation.
Do you think Australia’s authorities will carry the war up to those traitors and subversives? Not on your life. Some are too gutless to act; others support the treachery and subversion. They support what amounts to a political, land and cultural coup.
Far-left Jacinta Allan, Daniel-Andrews-clone and premier of Australia’s first genuine Marxist government, declared the statue of Captain Cook would be restored when the news first broke. Now, she says she is leaving it to the councils. We know what the relevant councils will do, don’t we?
It has been reported that a ‘Yarra city council officer has recommended the memorial be permanently removed due to the serious, irreparable damage and because it has “little or no significance” to the park.’ Exactly. This is the way the war will continue.
Is there nobody to defend the Australian people?
Captain Cook monument toppled in Edinburgh Gardens in Melbourne’s north, days after vandalism spree
ABC Sun 28 Jan 2024
Police are investigating after a colonial monument in Melbourne’s north was targeted by vandals, following a string of similar incidents around the city in the lead up to January 26.
A stone monument to Captain Cook at the entrance to Edinburgh Gardens in Fitzroy North was toppled and spray-painted with the words, “cook the colony”.
The monument had been the target of several acts of vandalism in recent years, with one incident in 2020 seeing the monument crossed out with white paint, with the word “shame” painted across it.
Following that incident, former Yarra Mayor Misha Coleman said that despite the continued vandalisation, there were no plans to remove the monument.
A statue of Queen Victoria was splashed with red paint near Melbourne’s CBD, while a statue of Captain Cook was sawn off at the ankles, toppled, and painted with the phrase, “The colony will fall”.
The incidents are presumed to be in protest against the commemoration of colonial figures in public spaces.
Police said in a statement that investigations into whether the three incidents were connected was ongoing.
“The plaque has been pushed over and sprayed with red paint,” the statement read.
“It is yet to be established when the damage took place, and the investigation is ongoing.”
Police are urging anyone with information about any of the incidents to contact Crime Stoppers.
The British Australian Community has produced a blockbuster video, providing a brief historical account of what made Australia the great nation that it became in a miraculously short time.
Wonderful scenes are shown of the Australian people as we used to know them. In contrast with these rousing scenes is the threat of runaway migration that includes people from incompatible cultures with suspect intentions. See my previous comments about the Chinese community.
For me the main point of Andrew Bolt’s dismissal of charlatan Bruce Pascoe’s concoction of Aboriginal history is that the mainstream media has swallowed it and awarded the unabashed fabricator the highest honor in Australian journalism – a Walkley. The award makes a farce of the Walkleys. A person of the minutest degree of reason could never take them seriously. Indeed, for most leftist journalists the Walkleys is merely another tool in their propaganda armoury.
‘Fake’: Bruce Pascoe’s doco slammed for treating the ‘most ludicrous propaganda’ as true
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the agenda of racial division and propaganda is continuing in Australia.
Mr Bolt said, “fake aborigine” Bruce Pascoe’s documentary ‘The Dark Emu Story’, which defends Mr Pascoe’s “fake history”, won The Walkley for Best Documentary.
“What’s going on here is like organised, government-funded lying – a conspiracy against truth and the public to push a very divisive, racial agenda,” he said.
Mr Bolt slammed Mr Pascoe’s documentary for treating the “most ludicrous propaganda” as true.
“The next time the journalists who run the Walkleys tell you they’re in the truth business, laugh in their face,” he said.
The deceit is being slowly laid bare. The Voice is the biggest con in Australia’s history. The small clique of Aboriginal elites have only ever wanted to grab land and wealth from 95 percent of the population to create a separate country. If they succeed, it will be the biggest shakedown in history.
Final Report of Referendum Council: Voice to Parliament will lead to Treaty, Reparations
David Hiscox, XYZ, 20 April 2023
A Freedom of Information Request has resulted in the publication of the Final Report of the Referendum Council, which you can read in full here.
Unsurprisingly, it reveals the intention of aboriginal activists for the so-called “voice to parliament” to lead to a so-called “treaty” which could in turn lead to “reparations”. An excellent summary has been provided by Aboriginal Voice Exposed:
Secret government documents the National Indigenous Australians Agency was forced to release under freedom of information laws say that “any Voice to Parliament should be designed so that it could support and promote a treaty-making process”.
And what’s in the treaty?
According to these secret documents, it must include a “fixed percentage of Gross National Product. Rates/land tax/royalties”.
The documents explain:
… a Treaty could include a proper say in decision-making, the establishment of a truth commission, reparations, a financial settlement (such as seeking a percentage of GDP), the resolution of land, water and resources issues, recognition of authority and customary law …
This a direct quote from the secret Voice documents:
“Australia got a whole country for nothing, they haven’t even begun to pay for it.”
Doesn’t that just tell you everything you need to know?
But it gets worse.
According to these documents, they want to abolish the Australian flag, because “the Australian flag symbolised the injustices of colonisation”.
What’s modest about forcing you to change your flag or pay a percentage of the entire economy as reparations?
Again, you can read the entire document here. It makes for startling reading. We can make a few brief observations.
Note that the document was published on 30 June, 2017. The process leading to this year’s referendum has been long and bipartisan:
In 2010 Prime Minister the Hon Julia Gillard established the Expert Panel on the Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Constitution, co-chaired by Patrick Dodson and Mark Leibler, which reported in 2012. Prime Minister the Hon Tony Abbott established a Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, co-chaired by Senator Ken Wyatt and Senator Nova Peris, which reported in June 2015. Prime Minister the Hon Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader the Hon Bill Shorten then established this Referendum Council in December 2015.
We should take the Coalition’s appearance of opposition to the “model” being proposed for the “voice” with a big grain of salt.
The vote for the Aboriginal Voice in Parliament is the most critical vote living Australians will make in their lifetime. One should be absolutely sure of what one is voting for. David Barton has written one of the clearest articles I have come across on what’s at stake.
As Lidia Thorpe so Eloquently Said, ‘It’s War’
David Barton, Quadrant, 6 April 2023
Most people don’t realise that Australia is at war – with itself. In a sense we are already engaged in an internal ‘us and them’ civil war which shows every sign of becoming much worse. This will be especially true if the ‘Voice’ referendum is successful. Indeed, the democracy of Australia has not been under such threat since World War II.
In 1940 Great Britain was under attack by Germany and losing heavily on all fronts. British forces hastily evacuated the beaches of Dunkirk, and France surrendered. The great battleship Hood was sunk by the Bismarck in early 1941 and with Japan entering the war in late 1941 the Prince of Wales and Repulse were both sunk and Singapore fell in early 1942. Things could not have looked worse. It was not until the Battle of El Alamein in November 1942 that the British had their first serious win and from then on there were many victories.
The ‘Voice’ referendum is Australia’s El Alamein. Let me explain why.
In many respects, Aboriginal activists have declared war on the rest of Australia and they did so many years ago. Senator Lidia Thorpe made this clear by declaring on January 26 “this is war” to the crowd at the Melbourne ‘Invasion Day’ Rally.1 Arguably, she is right. We, the citizens of Australia ought to consider ourselves at war with those who would seek to take over and reshape Australia in their own image and for their own purposes. Most Australians probably haven’t noticed, but we’ve been at war with ‘Aboriginal interests’ for a long time now, and over the last few decades it’s not been going well, to name but a few here:
♦ We have lost and given up vast tracts of land under spurious ‘Native Title’ legislation, now “formally recognised to be about 50% of Australia’s land mass”.2
♦ We have lost and given up to the now obligatory ‘Welcome to Country’, which in reality is a statement about who really owns Australia.
♦ We are now surrendering our language so that many English place names are being replaced with Aboriginal names.
♦ We have lost and given up to mountains, beaches and waterways being closed and ‘non-indigenous’ access denied or new access fees charged.
♦ We have lost and given up freehold title to National Parks now handed over to localised Aboriginal Corporations.
♦ We have lost and given up to having our children’s education about early Australian history now revised, distorted and perverted into self-loathing.
♦ We have lost and given up to our universities being run by socialist academics hell-bent on revising our history, society and culture.
We have lost so much, especially in the last five years; we have voluntarily given up so much at the hands of black and white racial oppressors. And they are oppressors, because no-one has ever asked us if we wanted any of this stifling treatment. All of what we have lost, of what has been forced upon us, has all been done to us without any consultation and without our permission or consent. Who gave them the right to do that?
It is high time for some sense and historical accuracy to enter the vigorous ‘debate’ about colonialism in general and Great Britain’s colonial past in particular. Nigel Biggar Emeritus Regius Professor of Moral Theology at the University of Oxford and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Pusey House, Oxford has done just that with his just published ‘Colonialism’. From Triggernometry’s description of the their interview with Biggar:
‘Nigel Biggar CBE was Emeritus Regius Professor of Moral Theology at the University of Oxford and Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Pusey House, Oxford. He holds a BA in Modern History from Oxford and a PhD in Christian Theology & Ethics from the University of Chicago. His most recent book ‘Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning’ was initially accepted by Bloomsbury, who later changed their mind claiming “public feeling on the subject does not currently support the publication of the book”. The book was ultimately published by William Collins and has become a Sunday Times Bestseller.’
See the final 10 minutes of the video to hear who at Bloomsbury kicked up the fuss, forcing the publisher to run away from the contract and the author to take it back.
A long review of one’s cultural antecedents would reveal that the past has been a process of growth, adjustments, defeats, revival, consolidations until the present time. Take what I regard as Australian history. Time travel would take the majority of Australians back to the United Kingdom. From there, we would go back through the centuries, through migrations, invasions, colonization, and consolidation to the tribes of Northwestern Europe. From there one goes into the haze of pre-history or unrecorded history.
The point is that the above phases are a natural part of human history, a part of the nation into which one is born at a particular time. A country, a nation or a people is not illegitimate because it was the result of colonization and migration. Indeed, the new stable consolidation erases and supersedes whatever was prior to it.
However, one can make a moral and social judgment about a particular phase of migration and colonization. Prof. Nigel Biggar, Regius Professor of Moral and Pastoral Theology at the University of Oxford and canon of Christ Church Cathedral does so in his new book, Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning . Professor Biggar is interviewed by Peter Whittle on The New Culture Forum.
Political prudence aims at ‘combining the principles of original justice with the infinite variety of human concerns.’