Category Archives: Christianity

Muslims hate the West

Of course, Muslims hate the West. They keep on saying it. They are in the West to secure their piece of real estate, pocket the generous social services handouts, and await the time when they have reached the critical stage where they can act.

Australians look back to European culture and the goods it has provided; Muslims look back to the Middle East and the centuries of military conquest that led to the state of Iran and the Taliban.

A curse on those betraying our Western Civilisation.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election early in 2025

Close-up of social disjuncture and disintegration

The commentary below is from THE OFFICER TATUM (3.12m subs).

The value of this short video of opening ceremony of 2024 Olympic Games is that it gives a clear picture of the social disjuncture and disintegration I spoke about in a previous comment.

We have a vivid picture of the Woke dictatorship we live under today in the West. To contradict the dogma projected by this scene is to invite almost certain destruction.

Colonization is a fact of history

Anyone with a modest education would know that Islam arose in the 7th century and then proceeded to conquer and colonize the countries around Mediterranean which were mostly Christian. If the Islamic armies had not been stopped outside Vienna and later driven out of Spain, the map of Europe and the peoples of Europe would look a whole lot different. Islam is in essence a conquering colonising religion. They will not stop. The empirical evidence is overwhelming. Paul Collits takes us through the evidence below.


Colonisation 2.0

PAUL COLLITS, Newsletter, 6 DEC 2023

Two statements struck me this week. 

One came from a Hamas leader, who said that 7 October was “just a rehearsal”.  Which kind of makes Israel’s strategy of wiping out Hamas look pretty sensible.  Proportional, blah, blah, blah.

The second comes from the classical historian Victor Davis Hanson:

The pro-Hamas crowd has little appreciation that colonizing Arab Muslims have one of history’s longest records of “settling” other countries far from their historic birthland.

Like Rotherham, United Kingdom, where the local teenage girls received undue attention from the incomers [widespread cases of grooming and sexual abuse], just to take a random example.  Or Paris.  Or Lakemba.

Hanson continues:

They “settled” and “colonized” the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Middle East, Berber North Africa, and southern Spain. Millions of Middle Easterners migrated to—“settled?”—supposedly infidel European cities, where they often self-segregate and do not assimilate fully with their magnanimous hosts.

So, the Palestinians are both serial terrorists AND colonisers.  But why pick on them?   We are all colonisers.  Every damned one of us, since Adam was a boy.  We know that the British were.  Post 1788 bleaters, typically located in settler colonial studies programs housed in our more prestigious universities, never, ever shut up about it.

Hanson also states:

Before Israel even retaliated, the mass murdering of Jews earned praise from the Middle East, the international hard Left, and especially the faculty and students of elite Western campuses. See The Unhinged Among Us.

Note the third cohort of Jew-haters mentioned here.  The faculty and students of elite campuses.  Three things have simultaneously occurred over half a century in the academy to turn it into a seed-bed of social revolution.  First, there was the takeover of the humanities by post-modernist Marxism-Freudianism.  Second, we massively increased the numbers going on to higher education.  And third, we corporatised what were formerly communities of scholars, turning academics into employees and colonising – I use this word deliberately – the activity of teaching and learning with mini human resources dictatorships.  The universities have become the fulcrums of the push to change society.

Well, if VDH [Victor Davis Hanson] is correct, it is true that Aborigines and Palestinians do have much in common.  They are engaged in more or less aggressive re-colonisation (or de-colonisation) projects.  Tent embassy founder Gary Foley recently said:

Aboriginal people have a deep understanding of what Palestinians are going through because we are going through the same.  We stand with you to the end.

Intifada dreaming, as Timothy Cootes calls it.  Cootes says:

Decolonisation, as activists and professors like to remind each other, is not a metaphor.: it must involve taking back of land and the reclamation of sovereignty, and one might have to be armed when doing so. See Intifada Dreaming.

Read the rest here . . .

Governor Lachlan Macquarie – the Father of Australia (2)

From my book (Chapter 1) PRISON HULK TO REDEMPTION. Lachlan Macquarie as a nation builder.

* * * * *

THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT was determined to end the Colony’s chronic problems that only an energetic authority, they seemed to think, could overcome. An energetic authority, in their terms, was an authority that secured obedience. Fortunately, the man they chose was not one to come with a big stick to beat the people into submission no matter what. It was Colonel Lachlan Macquarie who arrived with his wife in 1810. He has been given the title ‘Father of Australia.’ The title is not at all undeserved. Though interrupted and bent at times, the basic lines of his regime would carry on into the future and be the foundation of the nation that would officially bear the name Australia before his return to the mother country. He was conscious of his supreme authority and the administrative and moral tasks ahead but was determined to be just to all. Above all, he accurately sized up the cultural groups that were jostling each other. He set about calibrating their power position.

First, he disbanded the New South Wales Corps and absorbed those staying in the Colony into the 73rd Regiment, which he had brought with him as their commander. The rest of the New South Wales Corps returned to the mother country. He had thereby considerably reduced the power of one class. He then embarked on an extensive infrastructure building program. Schools, churches, courthouses, hospitals, and army barracks rose everywhere. Towns and roads were improved, and new roads laid. Each district was to have a new town with a church, a school, and a courthouse. At the end of his tenure as governor, he could look with pride on 265 buildings, some of which one can only describe as imposing today, particularly those designed and built by the convict architect Francis Greenway.

At the same time, he took measures to raise the community’s moral standards. His Christian faith was of the first importance to him, so he was eager to uphold Christian morality as well as the requirements of gentility and civility. Accordingly, he combated the easy tendency of cohabitation between couples, enforced the Sabbath, prohibited drunkenness, and promoted Bible study. The truly ground-breaking policy, however, was his treatment of convicts, ex-convicts, and their children. And this is where his regime, highly regarded in London as well as in the Colony, met resistance. It would be his undoing. That warhorse, that monstrous troublemaker and despiser of all authority except his own, John Macarthur, would be back in town by 1817 to take his place in the vanguard of attempting to get rid of Macquarie.

Continue reading Governor Lachlan Macquarie – the Father of Australia (2)

The free world? Don’t make me laugh

News reports about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine often invoke the opposition between the ‘Free World’ and the brutal tyranny of authoritarian regimes like Russia, China and North Korea. As I say, don’t make me laugh.

We did indeed have a free world in 1960, based on a mixture of liberal ideas harvested from philosophers like J.S. Mill, Thomas Paine, and John Locke. There was also the fundamental equality and moral freedom inherent in Christian Aristotelianism.

But all that changed when Marxists geared up their decades-old subversion to launch an open determined attack on the West around 1965. By 2022, Marxists and Marxist ideas have captured all the major institutions of Western Society. The liberalism of Locke and Mill – of the fellow travellers – has gone down the toilet with Burkean natural law conservatism and religious belief. 

Our system of democratic government is now the puppet of leftist media organizations like the ABC, woke corporations, woke corporate leaders, universities, millionaires, overseas billionaires who fund treasonous local organizations … and the rest.

Is there nobody to stay the hand?

So many people warn about the West’s determination to destroy itself. Edward Feser’s warning is particularly vivid. ‘Whom the demons want to destroy, they first make mad.’ A man claiming to be woman … and taken seriously …

Western cultural suicide as apostasy

Edward Feser, The Catholic World Report, 18 December 2021

The modern West has abandoned the Faith, and lost, along with it, even the natural virtues, along with these supernatural gifts.  The higher one has been raised, the further he has to fall.

In his classic book Suicide of the West, James Burnham famously characterized liberalism as “the ideology of Western suicide.”  I’ve been meaning for some time to write up an essay on the book.  This isn’t it.  But Burnham’s thesis came to mind when reading Michael Anton’s essay “Unprecedented” in the latest New Criterion, because the phenomena Anton cites clearly confirm Burnham’s analysis.

Ours is a civilization in decline, and at a rapidly accelerating pace.  That isn’t new in human history.  But the precise manner in which it is disintegrating seems to be unprecedented, which is the reason for the title of Anton’s essay.  What has effectively become the ideology of the ruling classes, which goes by many names – political correctness, “wokeness,” “critical social justice,” the “successor Ideology,” the baizuo mentality, and so on – manifests a perverse self-destructiveness and nihilism that, as Anton argues, appears sui generis.

This ideology, now embraced wholeheartedly by our elites and propagated by them in all the major institutions of society, teaches hatred of their own country and their own civilization as somehow uniquely malign and oppressive.  It encourages foreigners and immigrants to regard the United States and the West in general with the same hostility.  Affluent left-wing whites have also adopted an ethnic self-hatred that is unparalleled in history, enthusiastically embracing the demonization of their “whiteness” as the source of all evil in the world.  Yet these forms of oikophobia or hatred of one’s own are prescribed by them only for Westerners and white people – non-Westerners and non-whites, however bloody or oppressive the histories of their own people, are encouraged only ever to celebrate their heritage.

Read the rest here …

Noble savage – or just savage

Propagation of the picture of the noble savage in the lands the European powers colonised in modern times is a vastly important part of the Marxist effort to create a body of myths to demoralise people in the white west and destabilise their society and government. Bruce Pascoe’s DARK EMU is an eminent case.

Powerful forces went into promoting this shameless fantasy about Aboriginal culture until self-respecting academics on the left could not bear the shame of supporting something so academically outrageous. But like true Marxists, many on the left refused to relinquish its power of indoctrination – foremost among them the government funded ABC and SBS.

I have provided links to many articles demonstrating how violent and uncivilised the Aboriginal tribes were pre-settlement (see tab Aboriginal violence pre-settlement). Such violence and savagery was found in all ‘First Nations’ peoples.


The North American Martyrs and the Myth of the Noble Savage

PAUL KRAUSE, Crisis Magazine, 19 October 2021

October 19 is the feast day of St. Isaac Jogues in the General Calendar. He was a Jesuit missionary working and living among the Mohawk Indians in the 1630s and 1640s before being tortured and beheaded on October 18, 1646. Few Catholics, especially Catholics in America, even know of the story of the North American Martyrs. Why?

In an age when we are meant to weep and cry over the tragedy of the Native Americans due to European settlement and Christianization, none are told to weep over the Europeans who were brutally butchered at the hands of the indigenous populations that routinely warred and killed each other prior to the arrival of European settlers. The Mayans were active sodomites, and some of their surviving artwork celebrates sodomite lust and violence. The Aztecs engaged in human sacrifice, cannibalism, and a slavery far worse than the Atlantic slave trade. The mound-building Native Americans in the interior river basins of North America also engaged in ritualistic human and child sacrifice. These were hardly noble and peaceful people before the arrival of Europeans.

The defenders of these horrors argue that the Christian (predominately Catholic) sources overexaggerated the brutality of the natives to justify conquest. This is typical among the Christ-hating intellectual establishment. Dismiss all the evidence that doesn’t conform to your presuppositional ideology. If facts don’t fit the theory, dismiss the facts as fake.

It is important for Catholics to have the memory of the North American martyrs for several reasons. 

First is that the story of the Catholic martyrs suffering from the hands of the Native Americans dispel any illusion that the natives were peaceful victims of supposed European aggression. On the contrary, it was often native aggression toward Europeans that sparked the wars between the settlers and Native Americans. Why weep for Native Americans when holy saints were flayed alive and had their skulls crushed by tomahawks? Eradicate that memory and the tragedy of the Native Americans can be weaponized for contemporary political goals.

Read the rest here…

Is Vladimir Putin a Burkean conservative?

That would seem a weird question to ask. After all, how could a KGB officer of the former Soviet Union hold to a political philosophy, the core of which is ‘prescription’ – the prescription of custom, tradition, and settled, proven ways of social and political organisation? Prescription underscored by the natural law is Edmund Burke’s political philosophy in a nutshell. But President Putin is a Marxist-Leninist, surely?

Well, Marxists would already be looking askance at his efforts to reestablish the Russian Orthodox Church. Those efforts have included the building or rebuilding of hundreds of churches and a fair number of monasteries. That’s not very Marxist, is it? Remember Marx saying religion was the opium of the people, meaning the proletariat?

But, as a Marxist, one would have one’s hair standing on end listening to Putin’s advice to the West on how to deal with non-Western countries. Whatever the Russian President has said in the past, the advice in this youtube video is pure Burkean: BREAKING! Putin: NATO Created A Mess In Afghanistan But Entire World Must Now Deal With Consequences . Indeed, he seems to applying this approach in Syria.

The Rise of Traditionalists?

Conservatives, you would think, could not be blamed for despairing over the defeat of Donald Trump followed by an almighty beat-up of the ‘sedition’ and ‘insurrection’ committed on Washington by the president’s legion of ‘fascist’ followers: Despair because a genuine conservative and defender of traditional Christian society was defeated in a highly questionable election (the circumstantial evidence of rigging is massive), and despair because the leftist media is peddling a narrative they know, as well as we, is a shameless fantasy. Videos by Ben Shapiro and Rudy Giuliano’s January 6th another frame up show what an unconscionable scam it all is. Indeed, the left seem once again to have taken all before it. But a popular youtuber in Delaware, Steve Turley, has a different view. In fact, he is optimistic the globalists and liberal elites are in retreat and populist parties and ordinary people hungering for traditional ways are in ascendance. He explains in the interview below.


The Rise of Traditionalists in a ‘Network Society’

Ray McCoy, American Greatness, 18 December 2020

Thanks to social media many leading commentators have built their foundations on organic growth through those platforms rather than in the traditional way. While many of these platforms are home to the denizens of the ultra-progressive postmodernist Left, traditionalists have also thrived on these same platforms and are even striking out with new ones (alt-tech). This parallels the rise of a new Right, the “nationalist populist right.” 

One of the most insightful commentators on this phenomenon is Steve Turley, a writer, classical teacher and musician from Newark, Delaware. Through his video channel on YouTube (his video updates are approaching 200 million views) and his podcast (currently ranked 11th in the “Daily News” category) Turley’s optimistic message and ability to describe the goals both of populism and of its opponents make him a go-to source for information about these world-changing events. 

As the world is embroiled in tumultuous debates over globalism, immigration, and rising political unrest, Turley’s approach may just as easily move to describe the Hindutva revolution happening in India under Narendra Modi as it does to the rise of Christian alternative schooling in Montana. To get a better grasp on some of the issues confronting not just the American political system but also the world, I wrote to Turley to seek his answers to those, as well as to discover how he believes technology is affecting all of these concerns.

Read the rest here...

The Pope and ‘inclusive capitalism’

The Great Reset, the Vatican, and “Inclusive Capitalism”

Bill Muehlenberg, Culture Watch, Dec 15, 2020

What do the Pope and the Great Reset have to do with each other?

The papacy has been around for a long time – many centuries. The Great Reset, which I have discussed a lot of late, has also been around – at least for some decades. And a thing called “Inclusive Capitalism” has also been around for a few decades. What happens when you put all three together?

But let me say something at the outset: I am not picking on Catholics. Anyone who knows me realises I have always sought to avoid sectarian warfare. I have Catholic friends and Protestant friends. Some of my hardcore and very devout Catholic friends fully share with me concerns about the current Pope. He has been all over the place, and is far too often pushing various leftist agendas. One of my very committed Catholic friends recently told me she thinks Francis “is a heretic”!

Here I want to focus on a rather alarming website in which the Vatican is fully in bed with a rather worrying agenda. It is called “Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican”. Someone alerted me to it recently, and after just seconds into it, I was thinking to myself, “Wow, this sounds just like the Great Reset!” And a few seconds later I found that the site was linking to the main Great Reset organisation, the World Economic Forum. See here:

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