Category Archives: Left
Russian propaganda and the Tenet case
KGB supremo and USSR reviver Vladamir Putin might be struggling on the battlefield but he’s taking all before him in the propaganda war. Nothing has revealed the dark tentacles of the revived KGB and the USSR than the recent scandal of Russian dark money paying well-known conservative You Tubers to do their dirty work. Jake Broe gives an irrefutable account of the Lauren Chen and Tenet project in the video below. The account begins at around the 14-minute mark.
It is utterly astounding.
Jake Broe is well-known for his convincing reporting and analysis of Russia’s war against Ukraine. He is less convincing about Donald Trump who he denounces as a Russian stooge. Indeed, he lacks the distance in judgement he shows in his reporting of the war.
Although I have said in previous posts that Trump will likely lose the election if he does not reverse his view of the war and support Ukraine, Trump cannot be reduced merely to a Russian stooge. Apart from his view about the war, Trump has policies that are in the main acceptable to a clear-headed conservative. Little that far-left fanatic Kamala Harris proposes is acceptable.
Two Russian citizens who work for RT News have been indicted by the Department of Justice for money laundering and failing to register as foreign agents after paying millions to a group of right-wing podcasters and influencers including Lauren Chen, Tim Pool, Lauren Southern, Tayler Hansen, Matt Christiansen, Dave Rubin, and Benny Johnson.
Coming to Australia
All through the West, one cultural group has distinguished itself for crime (mostly drug running) and violence – from bashings through to barbaric terrorism. The barbarism of some terrorist action is too nightmarish to contemplate.
Two Swedish girls go on a camping holiday to a Middle Eastern country. They end up having their heads hacked off, videoed, and the video sent via their phones to their parents in Sweden. This is just one unimaginable case in thousands.
Before the recent British elections, one commentator warned the British people that Keir Starmer was of the far left. If he was elected, the British people would soon be forced-fed the bitter dish of his far-left politics.
The far left feature for their hatred of Western Civilization, and the people of Western countries – particular white people and most particularly white Anglo people.
Take note of Starmer’s furious threats against his natural people in the video below. Starmer was born in London and clearly of the detestable color white.
Australians should carefully contemplate Starmer’s far-left action in relation to the federal election that is likely to take place in the first half of 2025. Starmer and PM Albanese could not be chummier.
Far right! Far right! Far right! – it’s become a fetish
Nobody’s rightwing anymore, or even conservative. Anyone to the right of centre is far right. Of course, we know the key reason for this. It’s immigration.
For those on the leftist spectrum, the mention of immigration is racist. The left controls the media and the left want to fundamentally change Western Society – meaning destroy white Anglo capitalist society. So, the media chiefs brand any mention of immigration as ‘far right’ and prescribe the label to their reporters.
Thus, every wet-nose cub reporter to the high-and-mighty in the media refer to those transgressing their rules as ‘far right’. The rise of so-called ‘populist’ parties in recent times and their expressed concern about migration has meant the cry of ‘far right’ continually echoes through the media firmament.
As one goes from one report to another, from one instrument to another, from one platform to another, one is driven to the edge of madness. It’s like the water torture.
But if the unceasing cry of ‘far right’ is a torment to conservatives like me, I have noticed that many reporters get a thrill from its sound. Their eyes bulge, their cheeks redden, and a shiver shakes their posture. It’s like the workings of a fetish.
I watched one reporter give a long account of Marine Le Pen and her party Rassemblement National in the French elections just concluded. She couldn’t mention Le Pen’s name or her party. With flashing eyes, it was the far right, the far right, the far right, obviously meaning Le Pen and her party.
I’m sure that reporter was wet between the legs when she finished.
Pronoun madness
We are in the grips of Woke terror.
Weak stomachs should avoid unpleasant work
Yesterday, the government funded ABC reported the reaction of unnamed people in Victoria’s justice department to a police presentation on Victoria’s gangs. The report was headed:
Victoria Police presentation on youth crime criticised for ‘racist’ focus on ‘African gangs’
‘The presentation,’ the ABC reporter wrote, ‘followed a three-day conference on gangs which had attracted law enforcement officers from America, England, Italy and New Zealand. Dozens of public servants from the Department of Justice and some from the premier’s department had been invited to take part.’
The unnamed people are ostensibly professionals in the area of juvenile violence. Sadly, their reaction, fulsomely described by the indignant female reporters, showed they were not suited to making dispassionate judgments on the (very) serious subject of youth and gang violence.
Here is a selection of the complaints made by the so-called professionals:
The presentation was ‘racist’ and focused on ‘African gangs’ …
‘The language, tone, and imagery … was very racist …
‘Attendees complained they should have been warned beforehand they would see “someone get stabbed to death”.’
Some staff were “disturbed”, “upset” and “extremely affected”.
The graphic content was “gratuitous”.
One attendee wondered about the “Unclear purpose of showing [this] video.”
The accusation of racism arose because of the graphic footage of African and South Sudanese gangs in action.
My advice to the unnamed fragile staff in Victoria’s justice department is that if they haven’t the stomach to face the reality of gang violence and the reality of the specific groups involved, they should get out of the department and find work more conducive to their precarious emotional makeup – and stop taking up wasted space.
The Greatest Lie Ever Told: ‘George Floyd’ & The Rise Of ‘BLM’
Last January I posted a comment about the George Floyd and BLM incident that unleashed a leftist mania worldwide: George Floyd and BLM – All Based on Lies. There has hardly been an incident that Marxists have so gloriously exploited. Millions went into the pockets of a handful of Marxists who now enjoy the benefits of their windfall – and have a big laugh at how easy the shake-down was.
Today I am posting Candace Owens’ video demonstrating again how successful the BLM Marxists were in exploiting the death of an habitual criminal and drug addict and sending an innocent policeman to a lengthy term in jail who was just doing his job. The George Floyd and the BLM mania is emblematic of the decay in Western Civilization.
Woolworths – Treachery Betrayal
In early January 2024, the news broke that the Woolworths Group had got rid of their Australia Day merchandise (flags, caps, towels, and so on). They would no longer sell anything to do with Australia Day. The decision was clearly ideological. Woolworths management had joined the woke elites who supported the Aboriginal activists. This was in the face of the crushing defeat the activists suffered in the referendum to authorize what in reality was a separate Aboriginal state. Outrage thundered across Australia. Woolworths remained unrepentant. In this video, I show on the basis of the information on Woolworths’ corporate website, that the Woolworths’ Group is fully committed to the wokish agenda. The outrage of the ordinary Australian was justified.
Woolworth’s decision to remove Australia Day merchandise from its shelves hit like a bombshell across Australia.
What could they have been thinking, people were asking? Loud contempt and savage criticism have been poured on the corporate sector for cowardly turning their backs on ordinary people and falling in behind the wokist and Marxist elites who are never finished reading us their lessons and never finished scheming and manipulating the political process.
One would think that prudence would have dictated more subtle political action. But, no, in a sickening act of betrayal, they resorted to a business nulla nulla to bash us into submitting to their wokist political agenda. Indeed, Woolworths’ competitor, Coles, seems to have decided to keep Australia Day stock and escaped the lashing. Woolworths’ cussedness is an indication of their ideological rigidity. The people must obey, and if they resist, they must be made to obey.
Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci fronted the media on behalf of what’s called the Woolworths Group Executive Committee to defend the corporation’s action.
He squirmed and wriggled as he struggled to parry the criticism with the excuse that it was an economic decision. Australia Day merchandise did not sell. No sense in having stock that doesn’t sell. That’s pitiable nonsense, of course. It’s a fact that Australians buy Australia Day merchandise throughout the year, and not only around Australia Day. On simple business principles, a business would stock merchandise for which there was a demand. Brad’s explanation did not wash. And people could smell the wokist politics a mile off.
Continue reading Woolworths – Treachery BetrayalRecommended books
Socially and politically oriented Youtube channels often interview authors of books that have captured the reading public’s attention.
The books below attracted my attention because they give powerful arguments and evidence against the Woke class’s condemnation of Western Civilization.
The final two by Timothy Gordon and his wife, Stephanie, are so ‘out there’ on the fringes for most conservatives that they will not consider them. The books, however, restate age-old beliefs about men’s natural leadership and women’s role as organizer of the domestic sphere.
I intend to add to the list whenever I come across book of similar interest.
Against Decolonization: Campus Culture Wars and the Decline of the West, Doug Stokes
Trans: Gender Identity and the New Battle for Women’s Rights, Helen Joyce
Colonialism: A Moral Reckoning, Nigel Biggar
The Case for Colonialism, Bruce Gilley
Feminism Against Progress, Mary Harrington
The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us, Carrie Gress
Occult Feminism: The Secret History of Women’s Liberation, Rachel Wilson
The Case for Patriarchy – Timothy Gordon
Ask Your Husband: A Wife’s Guide to True Femininity, Mrs. Timothy. J. Gordon