Category Archives: One World Government

Boiled Frogs: The Great Reset

Today I received the following email from Conor Court Publishing. The highlighted paragraphs describe exactly what happened in Australia. My book TONY ABBOTT AND THE TIMES OF REVOLUTION is an account of the thuggish Marxist activity at one university. One has to remember that those Marxists radicals left university to subvert whatever field, organisation, or institution they were in.


Every Friday Connor Court Publishing will share an extract from one of its recently published books. 

Today’s chapter is from  Australia Tomorrow — Edited by Jake Thrupp Your Price: $39.95



Dr Maurice Newman AC

In his 1960s bestseller, The Naked Communist, former FBI agent, W. Cleon Skousen, lays bare the post-war Marxist manifesto. He identified 46 goals ranging from re-ordering Western values and institutions to a one-world government under the United Nations.

A major objective was the capture of one or both of the major American political parties. Marxists would use the courts to weaken American institutions through technical decisions based on human
rights. Schools would become transmission belts for socialist propaganda and, by softening the curriculum, teachers’ associations would carry the party line in required-reading textbooks. Loyalty oaths would be abolished.

They aimed to infiltrate the media and control editorial writing, book reviews and student newspapers. Where possible, key positions in radio, television and film would be filled with sympathetic presenters, actors and producers.

“Cultural Marxism” would target all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship”. Lower cultural standards of morality would be encouraged through wider acceptance of pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV. Degeneracy and promiscuity were to be presented as “normal, natural and healthy”. Even churches would be targeted. Traditional religion would be replaced with “social” religion. The aim was to discredit the Bible and mock those who saw need for a “religious crutch”.

While the United States was the primary target, the mission was to aggressively spread the word to all parts of the Western world.

And so it came to pass.

Australia was an early adopter with post-war Labor Prime Minister Ben Chifley promoting a welfare state and pushing bank nationalisation. In the 1970s, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam took Australia further to the Left using his opposition to the Vietnam War to support anti-capitalist intellectuals as they infiltrated campuses and workplaces. Radical intellectuals in search of “big structural change” were given authority.

Continue reading Boiled Frogs: The Great Reset

What is the new Normal?

Below is a commentary on a documentary, The New Normal, produced by the A link to the documentary is in the commentary on the Mercola website. The ‘New Normal’ is about the ‘Great Reset’ proposed by The World Economic Forum (WEF), whose frightening detail has been exposed during this last year. The intentions of the Great Resent and the Fourth Industrial Revolution are not the fruit of some wacky right-wing conspiracy theory – the usual way the left deals with the exposition of their subversion and sabotage – but public outpourings of the fanatics and Dr Strangelove types that make up the cabal of the WEF. This is scary stuff. Read it. Acquaint yourself with a real Dr Strangelove.



  • “The New Normal” documentary by investigates speculation that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned — or at least is being exploited — by a group of tech elite who are dictating policy to governments globally in order to push a totalitarian agenda
  • At the root of the agenda is a significant economic and power shift that only a minority of people are aware of, being driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • The World Economic Forum stated that 50% of all employees will require reskilling by 2025, “as the ‘double-disruption’ of the economic impacts of the pandemic and increasing automation transforming jobs takes hold”
  • AI is predicted to merge with humans and take over jobs and cities; AI will be so much better at driving than people, the documentary explains, that eventually most people will be afraid to drive; soon after that, humans won’t be allowed to drive at all
  • Data colonialism and digital dictatorship are very real possibilities in the “new normal,” as is the division of the world into wealthy elites and a “useless class,” which ends up as an exploited data colony.

“The New Normal” documentary by investigates speculation that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned — or at least is being exploited — by a group of tech elite who are dictating policy to governments globally in order to push a totalitarian agenda.

There are many moving parts involved, from bad data that are inflating COVID-19 mortality rates to problems with PCR tests that are leading to very high false positive rates. A falsely inflated death rate drives more fear among the population, while a misleadingly high number of cases can be used as justification for more business closures and lockdowns.

All of this serves to further the ultimate agenda to “build back better” and “reset” the world to a “new normal.” At the root of the agenda, however, is a significant economic and power shift that only a minority of people are aware of, being driven by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Read the rest here…

The Rise of Traditionalists?

Conservatives, you would think, could not be blamed for despairing over the defeat of Donald Trump followed by an almighty beat-up of the ‘sedition’ and ‘insurrection’ committed on Washington by the president’s legion of ‘fascist’ followers: Despair because a genuine conservative and defender of traditional Christian society was defeated in a highly questionable election (the circumstantial evidence of rigging is massive), and despair because the leftist media is peddling a narrative they know, as well as we, is a shameless fantasy. Videos by Ben Shapiro and Rudy Giuliano’s January 6th another frame up show what an unconscionable scam it all is. Indeed, the left seem once again to have taken all before it. But a popular youtuber in Delaware, Steve Turley, has a different view. In fact, he is optimistic the globalists and liberal elites are in retreat and populist parties and ordinary people hungering for traditional ways are in ascendance. He explains in the interview below.


The Rise of Traditionalists in a ‘Network Society’

Ray McCoy, American Greatness, 18 December 2020

Thanks to social media many leading commentators have built their foundations on organic growth through those platforms rather than in the traditional way. While many of these platforms are home to the denizens of the ultra-progressive postmodernist Left, traditionalists have also thrived on these same platforms and are even striking out with new ones (alt-tech). This parallels the rise of a new Right, the “nationalist populist right.” 

One of the most insightful commentators on this phenomenon is Steve Turley, a writer, classical teacher and musician from Newark, Delaware. Through his video channel on YouTube (his video updates are approaching 200 million views) and his podcast (currently ranked 11th in the “Daily News” category) Turley’s optimistic message and ability to describe the goals both of populism and of its opponents make him a go-to source for information about these world-changing events. 

As the world is embroiled in tumultuous debates over globalism, immigration, and rising political unrest, Turley’s approach may just as easily move to describe the Hindutva revolution happening in India under Narendra Modi as it does to the rise of Christian alternative schooling in Montana. To get a better grasp on some of the issues confronting not just the American political system but also the world, I wrote to Turley to seek his answers to those, as well as to discover how he believes technology is affecting all of these concerns.

Read the rest here...

America at the Crossroads

The big media are now taking it on themselves to cut off President Trump during his talks. The puffed-up self-delusion of the giant media companies has reached an explosive level. Do they really think this sort apoplectic arrogance will impress the majority of the American population? The laughter is so loud that only those locked away in the echoing halls of their delusion would take them seriously. Dave Cullen is giving terrific coverage of the actions of the globalist cabal who think there is no god but them. Follow him on youtube and bitchute.

Kamala Harris – you were warned

I watched Kamala Harris’s vice-president speech to the faithful. Nothing unexpected. She showed herself as she has showed herself since her nomination as vice-president. If it was not obvious to the trusting and gullible, commentators have helped by stripping away the thin facade.

Kamala Harris is is a anti-white, man-hating feminist who believes in equality of outcome. It’s the same old vicious Marxism that sent millions to the gulag for their heretical beliefs.

Biden and the gang behind him will not be able to control her. We can look forward to that mouth working non-stop for the next four years.