Category Archives: Political

Guffaws echoing from Moscow over Donald ‘Chamberlain’ Trump

Trump, Vance, and Hegseth show what delusion is. Why wouldn’t psychopathic Putin and his mafia laugh their heads off?


Russian state TV and Kremlin insiders laughing at Trump’s concessions to Putin over Ukraine: report

Story by Gustaf Kilander, The Independent, 14 Feb 2025


GettyImages-2155645757.jpg© AFP via Getty Images Clown Solovyov

Kremlin insiders spent Wednesday night laughing on Russian state TV after President Donald Trump handed his counterpart, Vladimir Putin, significant concessions in the upcoming peace talks over the war in Ukraine before the negotiations had even begun.

Trump and his administration in recent days have put the kibosh on the notion that Ukraine could become a member of NATO and that it could take back territories currently under Russian control.

Propagandists on Russian state TV and radio broke into elated laughter as Ukraine and its allies were left bewildered. Olga Skabeeva, the host of the Russian state TV program 60 Minutes, called the events “unthinkable” and “unimaginable,” according to Julia Davis, an analyst of Russian media, writing for The Daily Beast.

Skabeeva asked the network’s Europe correspondent Mikhail Antonov: “What does it all mean? Ukraine is left without NATO? Ukraine is left without money?”

Antonov argued that the era of American dominance has ended. He added that Europe wouldn’t be able to provide Ukraine with the same level of military assistance as the U.S. as Skabeeva struggled to hide her glee.

Meanwhile, 60 Minutes co-host Evgeny Popov celebrated that Trump is doing Moscow’s work for it by doing away with Western alliances and cutting Europe into pieces, which the Kremlin aimed to do from the beginning.

Russian TV pundits have said for years that Trump’s return to the White House would mean the end of U.S. aid to Ukraine, which would turn the war in Russia’s direction. But the experts appeared to marvel at the speed at which Trump seems to be doing Moscow’s bidding and that he’s treating Putin as his equal.

Read the rest here . . .

Trump and the US cave in – Putin and imperial Russia win

Who can comprehend this?

There is so much evidence from the Russians themselves to demonstrate that Putin and his barbaric clique are a repetition of Hitler and the Third Reich.

Just when that Russian psychopath and his band of kleptocrats are on the ropes, Trump and his delusional team surrender and make way for Russia’s further imperial expansion.

What’s going on?

What a victory to savour for his grovelling, brown-nosing sycophants in the Russian media.

That clown Solovyov, Skabeeva, and Simonyan won’t be able to believe their ears. They’ll be clapping each other on the backs, sniggering about the stupid west, and raising their flasks of the best vodka.

What’s to be done?

What’s to be done when anyone who has taken notice knows that you can’t trust a thing the Russians say and that Putin will continue to pursue his goal of achieving Russian hegemony over Europe? He won’t stop until he is stopped.

Nato Secretary General Mark Rutte has clearly indicated the way. It is better, he said, to confront Russia on the borders of Ukraine than on the shores of Western Europe.

There is no alternative. Western Europe must mobilise and put equipment and troops into Ukraine while Russia is nearing exhaustion.

Putin is counting on the Europeans to be typically weak and irresolute.

Natural Law, Social Justice, and the Crisis of Liberty in the West

March 10, 2017, Ryan T. Anderson

The essay below by Ryan T. Anderson on The Witherspoon Institute website is an excellent piece on the natural law. Edmund Burke outlined similar ideas about the duties inherent in man’s nature. See Edmund Burke on what it means to be a people.

Since I have just said a few words on natural law and economic freedom, I want to say a few words about a natural law conception of social justice and how it can help us now. Some people think social justice is a twentieth century invention of left-leaning thinkers, but this starts the history of social justice midstream. To understand its true meaning, we must look farther back to its real historical origins.

The first known use of the phrase “social justice” was by a Jesuit Thomist, Luigi Taparelli, in his multivolume work published between 1840 and 1843 titled Saggio teoretico di dritto naturale appoggiato sul fatto (A Theoretical Treatise on Natural Law Resting on Fact). I want to emphasize two arguments that Taparelli highlighted by coining the new phrase “social justice”: first, that man is social by nature and belongs to many societies and, second, that man has natural duties to others in justice.

Read the rest here . . .

Ever heard of ESG?

David Penberthy Herald Sun February 24, 2024

As another millionaire CEO loses his job over another PR disaster, maybe it’s time sanctimonious corporations resorted to honesty. There was an interview in last month’s Qantas inflight magazine with the chief executive of the mining giant Rio Tinto. Rio Tinto you will recall is the company which landed itself in deep strife when it emerged in 2020 that it had blown up two 46,000 year-old Aboriginal caves in Western Australia to access $135 million worth of iron ore.

The revelation was pivotal in the departure of former CEO Jean-Sebastien Jacques and his replacement with new boss Jakob Stausholm, the subject of the profile piece in the Qantas mag.

In that article, Stausholm talked about how he has always placed himself at the vanguard of what’s known in business circles as ESG, which stands for environmental, social, governance. ESG is basically the progressive corporate checklist covering everything from carbon emissions and reconciliation to gender equality and LGBTQI friendliness, against which “enlightened” modern corporations assess their conduct as good corporate citizens.

ESG strikes a delicate and often unsuccessful balance between doing the right thing, and coming across as preachy and sanctimonious.

It creates a real risk that companies can be seen as straying from their day jobs.

And it can also set them up for accusations of hypocrisy, as was the case last year when Rio Tinto took time out from its once-hectic schedule blowing up indigenous sacred sites to campaign for a Yes vote at last year’s referendum.

Continue reading Ever heard of ESG?

Insidious Chinese nationalism

Two comments ago, I focused on the power of ethnic voting blocks in Australia. I cited the large Chinese community as an example. It was justifiable claimed that the Chinese community voting as a block shifted enough votes to the Labor Party to enable it to win the 2022 federal election. Why did they get behind the Labor Party? Or, perhaps a more accurate question was, ‘Why did the Chinese community vote against the Liberal-Country Party Coalition?

The second question is more accurate because many, if not all, Chinese residents vote for the party that best represents their ethnic interests. Their ethnic interests fundamentally include their identity as Chinese, an identity situated in Communist China. Chinese nationalism is irradicable in most Chinese.

The Chinese community punished the Morrison government for their fierce criticism of the Chinese government.

Below are three videos which display the sort of nationalism found in the Chinese diaspora – as it’s called. The first begins with well-known youtuber Brendan Kavanagh playing the piano at London’s Pancras Station. There is a group of young Chinese just visible in the background. It seems harmless enough. What could possibly happen in such a cozy, inoffensive scene?

About nine minutes into the video, the scene suddenly transforms to Kavanagh’s increasing bemusement. What develops is partly hilarious and partly sinister.

The second video reveals who the Chinese were, and the third is by an American who has been a resident in China for ten years. He makes some relevant comments about Chinese nationalism, comments that people should take note of in countries that have a large Chinese community. He clearly made the comments as mere observations without any political intent.


The Brendan Kavanagh Affair:


Who the Chinese provocateurs were:


Great surge of nationalism in China.



Chinese go on the attack with lies and distortions. People should watch the original to see the falsehood of the allegations:

It must be a war of attrition against the Russians

I thought the expectations of Ukraine’s summer offensive were far too optimistic. At least, the media hyping of the war was optimistic – even delusional. Now everywhere the media are expressing disappointment that the offensive has stalled. I thought a more realistic stance would have been wait-and-see how the Ukrainians performed with the new weapons and the men they had.

Not far into the offensive, it quickly became obvious the tactics the Russians were adopting . It was a WW1 tactic: dig in and blast the attackers while having a bottomless pit of men they could throw into the meatgrinder. Putin is a vicious psychopath who has no regard for the number of Russian soldiers killed. He thinks he can outlast the weaponry the West is willing to give and the number of men Ukraine has at their disposal.

If Russia wants a war of attrition, let’s give it to them. The Ukrainians must dig in a fortress build-up and pound the lines of Russian trenches. Let’s see how long the Russian population is willing to suffer the losses, how long Russia can bear the sanctions, and how long they are willing to remain the pariah of the world, their friends being the world’s most barbaric regimes.

Frank Ledwidge, military analyst and lecturer, outlines this approach in the video below in a far more expert way than I am able.

Growing momentum for positive vote?

PM Albanese claims, ‘momentum is growing to enshrining an Indigenous voice in the Constitution’? Nonsense. The opposite. There’s growing resistance to setting up an apartheid system favouring mainly city-based Anglo-Aboriginals. He says he ‘commits to holding a national poll in the next 12 months’? Beware the Labor Party’s attempt to rush through the vote/referendum before the resistance spins out of control.

An indigenous woman to support

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price’s Newsletter of 8 April 2022

The left love to use Indigenous Australia to win political points.

They think that if they acknowledge traditional land owners enough, talk about changing the date of Australia Day, support Black Lives Matter and join protests about deaths in custody, we’ll all vote for them.

We all know the left think they have a monopoly on minority groups.

It’s the “soft bigotry of low expectations”.

They do their best to distract us, keep us angry and divided about the problems of the past, hoping we won’t pay too much attention to the problems of NOW, because they have no REAL solutions.

While Loopy Lidia Thorpe cries racism because she wasn’t allowed on her tax-payer funded flight because her handbag was overweight, Indigenous women in the Northern Territory remain the most at-risk group for domestic violence. 

Women like R Rubuntja, a founding member of the Tangentyere Women’s Family Safety Group, who was brutally murdered last year by her own partner Malcom Abbott.

Where was the outcry for her? Where was her ‘Black Lives Matter’ protest?

A woman who had worked so hard to raise awareness of domestic violence in the NT, who was a voice for the voiceless, a mum and a grandma murdered in cold blood by a man with a chilling record of violence against women.

In 1997 this monster was only given 10 years for stabbing two women, killing one. In 2009, just two years out of prison, he was only given five more for stabbing his partner three times. Just after that in 2014 he was only given 15 months for assaulting his sister-in-law. And in 2019, it was just one year for stabbing another partner.


Fatherlessness, drug and alcohol abuse, and black-on-black crime rates going unaddressed mean the country is leaving rural Indigenous communities behind.

It’s all caused by racist white men and the patriarchy.

The left have done their best to remove all responsibility from the shoulders of the perpetrators. They say it’s not their fault things are bad, and only they can fix it for us. 

The left are more concerned with dredging up the problems of history than the REAL problems facing us NOW!

Well sorry, but we’ve tried it your way.

It’s time we find REAL solutions to the REAL problems affecting Indigenous communities.

It’s time we stop listening to inner-city “experts” and start listening to REAL women like R Rubuntja.

Maybe if we focus on the NOW, not the past, we can save some lives.

If I get to Canberra, that’s what I’m going to do.

I’m going to represent you – and the community I’ve lived in my whole life – by listening.

And when I get to the Senate, I have some things to say, and the people who pay lip service to Indigenous Australians to win some white-guilt votes aren’t going to like it.

See you there. 

Yours for REAL solutions,

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

Country Liberal Party Senate Candidate for NT

Vladimir Putin – a vandal and barbarian after all

Vladimir Putin had reasonable issues regarding Russia’s security – the same America had at the time of the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. John Mearsheimer, to whom I referred in previous comments, outlined a background – NATO’s eastward movement – for Putin’s concerns about security in his video, Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? I found his case compelling.

A second reason I had sympathy for Putin’s position was his projection of a Burkean conservatism in speeches that invoked Russia’s rich history, traditions and culture. But the idea that Putin espoused a Burkean conservatism was a chimera – a chimera destroyed by a brutal invasion that has since degenerated into barbarism and vandalism.

Putin’s invasion of Ukraine shows he cannot be trusted and that his nationalism is similar to that of Hitler’s or Mussolini’s, both driven by a warped vision of their history. Their form of nationalism must destroy the sympathy of those who think history, tradition, and custom, circumscribed by the natural law, are of fundamental importance to a healthy nation. Nothing can excuse the indiscriminate pulverising of Ukraine’s cities.

The best outcome now for Putin is a Pyrrhic victory, the worst, total defeat. One must have not only sympathy for the people of Ukraine, but also for the Russian people, most of whom clearly did not want a war with the people of Ukraine and who regard the Ukrainians as brothers and sisters.

Old Parliament House – insurrectionists’ act of war

A naked act of war entirely predictable

Insurrectionists, mostly Australians of different degrees of Aboriginal ancestry, some unrecognisable as ‘indigenous’, have been shouting their intentions for years. They don’t recognise ‘ownership or ‘sovereignty’ over Australia by anyone but themselves. ‘Always was, and always will be’ is a constant refrain sung by the complicit government-funded ABC and SBS. These are not empty beliefs. They are intentions and beliefs to be acted on. And they have acted.

They were shouting ‘burn it down, burn it down’ while they piled kindling on the flames eating away at the doors of Old Parliament House. They had no compunction setting alight Old Parliament House. It was a right act in a righteous cause. Their ownership gives them the right to destroy whatever does not meet their insurrectionist/separatist agenda.

And there, yet again, was the seriously delusional Greens senator, Lidia Thorpe, shouting her support for what was nothing else but an act of war.

The insurrectionists have declared war on Australia. Why not give them the war they want?