Category Archives: Racism

The Muslim fanatic is well established in Australia

If you want any proof of the deep roots fanatical Islam has struck in Australia, this video will give it. The Muslim coverage begins at 1 min 12 secs.

These people are our enemies. They say it themselves. For them Australia is a ‘shithole, racist, settler colony’. They don’t recognize our long legally constituted country. Yet some of these fanatics sit treacherously on seats in our parliament.

Do we have to wait for a couple Muslim fanatics to step from the train at Wynyard Station and pump bullets into the white people they can see in the crowd?

Multiculturalism has been a criminally conceived disaster for the people who built the Australian nation.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election in 2025

White reinvented Aboriginals preside over ‘truth-telling’ farce

Below is a 3 September report from the ‘Yoorrook Justice Commission’. This justice commission is about slandering the white settlers who built the nation that funds such commissions whose sole object is to disqualify the true Australians – the people who originated from the community of the First Fleet. The Aboriginals – a post-settlement determination – had nothing to do with the nation’s establishment. In fact, they did their best to stop the nation building by slaughtering settlers, killing their stock, and burning their crops.

How’s that for truth?

You won’t get that truth – empirically justified – from the ‘Yoorrook Commission’. You’ll get their own brand of self-serving separatist truth.


Descendants of early colonial figures to give evidence to Yoorrook

September 3, 2024

Content warning: Please note the following contains historic language and events that may cause distress to First Peoples.

Three non-Indigenous witnesses are set to give evidence to Victoria’s truth telling process this week. This includes two descendants of early colonial figures who will reflect on their families’ involvement in key events in Victoria’s colonial history, which had a devastating effect on First Peoples.

The hearing will look at issues including early massacres of First Peoples in the 1830s and 40s and the passing of the so-called ‘Half Caste’ Act in 1886, which played a key role in the Stolen Generations.

The Yoorrook Justice Commission hearing will commence at 10am on Wednesday September 4 and will be livestreamed via the Yoorrook Facebook page and website.

Witnesses will include:

  • Elizabeth Balderstone, the current owner of a property in Gippsland on which the ‘Warrigal Creek’ massacre occurred in 1843.
  • Peter Sharp, a great grandson of former Prime Minister Alfred Deakin, who has researched Deakin’s involvement in the passage of the Aborigines Protection Act 1886, more commonly known as the ‘Half Caste’ Act.
  • Dr Katrina Kell, a researcher, author and fourth-generation matrilineal descendant of Captain James Liddell, who brought Edward Henty to Gunditjmara Country in November 1834 on board ‘the Thistle’, leading to the first permanent European settlement in what would become the State of Victoria.

Read the rest here . . .

This is an insurgent war

There is an insurgency underway in Australia – an attempted political and cultural coup. It is conducted by a small group of insurgent thugs. And they are getting away with it. Those responsible for defending Australia against the insurgent forces do nothing. They are doing nothing because they are either colluding with the insurgents or are too gutless to do anything about it. Either way, the insurgency calls for a response.

Most Australians are sick to death of having reinvented ceremonies forced upon on them. We are sick to death of having an animist religion forced on us. We are sick to death of large tracts of land being given away to people who have a claim based on race – often a ludicrous claim by those indistinguishable from the average Australian. It has to stop.

The Age has today reported yet another declaration of war by the insurgents who in the dark of night – where they belong – have brought down another statue of Captain Cook. They used an angle grinder to saw it off at its ankles. The report provides a video of the insurgents at work. This is how confident they are in their work of insurgency – confident nobody will act. They left their usual message:


It hardly needs saying. There is no colony. There is a nation that had its origin in January 1788. The new nation extinguished whatever society was before it, as primitive as it was. All those who now receive its benefits tacitly assent to its laws and government. A nation has a right to defend itself against attempts to destroy it. These are notion civilized people have agreed to through the centuries.

Let the insurgents know that Australia will fall over the dead bodies of a multitude of Australians if it comes to that.

The warning is there.


Cooks’ Cottage statue toppled in latest attack on Melbourne monuments

By Alex Crowe, The Age, February 27, 2024

A bronze statue of Captain James Cook has been hacked off its plinth in a Melbourne park, prompting a police investigation.

The sculpture of the British explorer at Cooks’ Cottage in East Melbourne’s Fitzroy Gardens was cut off between 5pm on Sunday and 7am on Monday, causing it to fall to the ground.

A video posted to an anonymous social media account shows masked vandals using an angle grinder to saw the statue off at its ankles, before pushing it over.

The words “the colony will fall” were painted beside the fallen statue, according to the account.

“Yet another monument to the imperialist James Cook has been felled in so-called Melbourne. Rumour has it that this was the last remaining Cook statue in the city,” the post on Instagram says.

“Monuments such as this only serve to prop up the narrative that enables so-called Australia’s continuing theft and desecration of land and life, and to legitimise its ongoing violence.

“This narrative is as hollow as a monument to a long dead coloniser who met his just fate, being speared by first nations warriors in Hawaii.”

According to the Captain Cook Society, the statue was sculpted by Marc Clark in 1973, and was owned privately before it was gifted to the City of Melbourne in 1996. The sculpture was moved into the garden at Cooks’ Cottage the following year.

Built in 1755, Cooks’ Cottage was the Yorkshire home of Captain Cook’s parents, with the two-storey brick house and its adjoining stable taken apart and shipped from England to be rebuilt in Melbourne. The attraction was publicly opened in 1934.

The targeting of Cook’s statues follows similar incidents in Melbourne on the eve of Australia Day.

Only white people are racist

Far and away the most multicultural countries in the world are the European countries and those lands settled by white people, like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the US. Not too long ago, those countries were predominantly white by a large margin.

In the mid-1960s, the Marxist-left launched a campaign to change the migration laws to allow the entry of non-white peoples into these predominantly white countries. A multicultural society would enrich the country, they said.

At the same time, nobody launched a similar campaign to enrich Asian and African countries by allowing unimpeded migration of white people. After all, if the standard applied to white countries, why not Asian and African? In fact, the opposite was the rule. Many African and Asian countries kicked out white people.

But that was not the rule for the Marxists. Their rule was to smash white, male, capitalist society. You see, by definition capitalist countries are white and masculine.

The Marxists have achieved a stunning victory. Those formerly white countries are now on the point of dropping below the 50 percent level of white people.

They have taken in people from the poorest, crime-ridden, undemocratic, violent countries. And many have brought their troubles with them.

White countries have given non-white people the opportunity for the best education, the most freedom, and the most stable government.

Are they happy with the privileges they would never have had in the countries they still give their allegiance to? No, they are now discovering there are too many white people around them, who make them feel inferior. The presence of white people is suffocating.

The passing of a white majority can’t be too soon. Indeed, one looks forward to the time when white people are made to suffer for what whiteness has done.

They have turned against us

Caving into the violence of the far-left ‘Aboriginal’ activists

Far-left ‘Aboriginal’ activists have continued their program of intimidation and demoralization – classic Marxist praxis. They went on a raid to destroy monuments to Australia’s colonial period which was a preface to the nation as we know it.

The statue of Captain Cook at St Kilda, the monument in Fitzroy Gardens, and the statue of Queen Victoria near the CBD were victims of the raid.

The media, including the ABC in the report below, are calling it the work of ‘vandals’ when they know very well who the perpetrators are. Indeed, a question remains how much collusion there is between the Marxists, the media (especially the ABC), and local councils who the Marxists have hijacked.

The activist thugs left various messages behind their work of intimidation: ‘Cook the colony’, ‘shame’, ‘the colony will fall’. Those messages are a continuing declaration of war against the Australian nation.

Do you think Australia’s authorities will carry the war up to those traitors and subversives? Not on your life. Some are too gutless to act; others support the treachery and subversion. They support what amounts to a political, land and cultural coup.

Far-left Jacinta Allan, Daniel-Andrews-clone and premier of Australia’s first genuine Marxist government, declared the statue of Captain Cook would be restored when the news first broke. Now, she says she is leaving it to the councils. We know what the relevant councils will do, don’t we?

It has been reported that a ‘Yarra city council officer has recommended the memorial be permanently removed due to the serious, irreparable damage and because it has “little or no significance” to the park.’ Exactly. This is the way the war will continue.

Is there nobody to defend the Australian people?


Captain Cook monument toppled in Edinburgh Gardens in Melbourne’s north, days after vandalism spree

ABC Sun 28 Jan 2024

A stone monument toppled over with the words "cook the colony" graffitied on the stone in red paint
The toppled Captain Cook plaque was emblazoned with the words “cook the colony”.(ABC News)

Police are investigating after a colonial monument in Melbourne’s north was targeted by vandals, following a string of similar incidents around the city in the lead up to January 26.

A stone monument to Captain Cook at the entrance to Edinburgh Gardens in Fitzroy North was toppled and spray-painted with the words, “cook the colony”.

The monument had been the target of several acts of vandalism in recent years, with one incident in 2020 seeing the monument crossed out with white paint, with the word “shame” painted across it.

Following that incident, former Yarra Mayor Misha Coleman said that despite the continued vandalisation, there were no plans to remove the monument.

Investigations ongoing, police said

The latest incident comes after two other statues around Melbourne were the target of vandalism earlier in the week.

A statue of Queen Victoria was splashed with red paint near Melbourne’s CBD, while a statue of Captain Cook was sawn off at the ankles, toppled, and painted with the phrase, “The colony will fall”.

The incidents are presumed to be in protest against the commemoration of colonial figures in public spaces.

Police said in a statement that investigations into whether the three incidents were connected was ongoing.

“The plaque has been pushed over and sprayed with red paint,” the statement read.

“It is yet to be established when the damage took place, and the investigation is ongoing.”

Police are urging anyone with information about any of the incidents to contact Crime Stoppers.

George Floyd and BLM – all based on lies

From here in Melbourne, watching the reports of the George Floyd incident, I thought, as I have often done, here we go again.

What I saw on the bare images were policemen doing their job against a man who was resisting arrest. Derek Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s lower neck, as it appeared from the angle of the video. It looked like a routine police manoeuvre. I clearly heard Floyd say, ‘I can’t breathe.’ If he couldn’t breathe, how could he say so distinctly, ‘I can’t breathe?’

As expected, people in high office paraded through the media, deploring the racist action of the police. As expected, people in low office – indeed, the lowest offices – took the cue and Minneapolis descended into chaos. Anarchy reigned for more than a week. George Floyd turned into a cause that flashed across the world.

But it was all based on lies.

The outstanding film below offers the proof. It also offers proof that the highest offices in western society – not just America – are filled by corrupt people, many of whom are determined to destroy everything the west has built up over the centuries. The film is on the video platform Rumble.

Destroying the myths about slavery

An essential part of the wokist narrative, now dominating the academy, is that colonization by European nations brought nothing but suffering to the people and places they colonized. The contrary is, however, is true. Despite causing some suffering, the European colonizers brought on balance civilization to those countries. There is plenty of evidence to back such a claim – particularly with regard to the British. One of the claims with which haters of white people and their civilization use to thrash them is slavery. Historian Nigel Biggar states the facts.


‘Eminent historian Nigel Biggar delves into the historical roots of slavery as a universal institution spanning throughout human history. Join him as he explores Britain’s leading role in the abolition and eradication of slavery worldwide. Gain insightful knowledge about the trans-Atlantic slave trade’s place within the broader context of this pervasive institution. Prepare to broaden your understanding of history and challenge preconceived notions.’

Hysteria meets facts about colonialism

The video below is of an attempted debate about British colonialism between historian & broadcaster Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and television personality Narinder Kaur.

While Rafe Heydel-Mankoo reels off basic facts about British colonialism, Narinder Kaur launches into a screaming rant. Kaur drops to the depths of imbecility with the accusation that Heydel-Mankoo ‘sounds quite mad.’

Narinder Kaur is representative of many female commentators – though most are younger than Kaur – whose views are driven solely by emotion, often wild emotion. They have an emotion about a particular issue, and that’s the end of it. Say what you want, it does not matter. Come with the most undisputed facts, it makes no difference. In Australia we have a clone of Kaur – Lidia Thrope. You could not meet a greater crackpot than Thorpe.

There are more than 5,000 comments on this ‘debate’. I have included two below that are representative.

Rafe Heydel-Mankoo has his own channel. I highly recommend it. His fluency and grasp of historical detail is impressive.


1 month agoI have a headache after listening to this woman. $500 hair , $300 nails, $1000 outfit, screaming at everyone on a public forum that she is somehow opressed by the people who gave her everything including the freedom to yell and scream at everyone. Bloody hell…..


2 months agoA woman sitting there in beautiful clothes (well, to my eye anyway), perfectly styled hair, professionally applied makeup and in seemingly perfect health screaming that she’s not lucky. Poor thing.