Category Archives: radicalism

Hamas’s unrepentant barbarity

The sequence of photos below is of Israeli soldier Naama Levy. These photos of the brutalised gang-raped young woman, dragged around by her hair, are forever burnt in my mind as an example of the Muslim world’s babarity.

The despicable, loathsome man below, an enemy of Australia, supported Hamas’s action on 7 October 2023.

This hateful contemptible man led an insurrectionist occupation of Australia’s cities for more than a year. The gutless, traitorous authorities did nothing about it.

The person standing next to him is Australia’s Foreign Minister.

She won’t put a stop on Muslim migration. Australians must vote in a political party that will not be afraid to do so.


Video showing bloodied Israeli female soldiers captured by Hamas released

The captives’ families hope the three-minute footage will increase pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to agree a truce with Hamas and secure the hostages’ release.

Read the rest here . . .

China’s electronic reach

Former head of MI6 Sir Richard Dearlove tells Times Radio that China can disable all their cars bought worldwide at the flick of the switch.

It is China’s project, written in the papers of their highest body, to gain electronic control of the world by 2150.

The West is choosing to ignore this explicit goal. The more cars China sells in nations like Australia the more control they have over our mobility.

White Aboriginals on the cusp of successful coup

Nothing demonstrates how degraded and corrupted Australian government has become more than the so-called Treaty negotiations between white Aboriginal coup leaders and the traitorous Marxist Andrews/Allan government.

The origin of this cancerous problem is the NATIVE TITLES ACT 1993 passed by the perfidious Keating Labor government. The cumulating coup by white Aboriginals, at the centre of which are and always have been unrelenting Marxists, can only be stopped by repealing this destructive treacherous act.


Permanent Indigenous voice on the table as Victoria treaty negotiations ramp up

Story by Benita Kolovos Victorian state correspondent, The Guardian, 14 Jan 2025

First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria co-chairs Ngarra Murray (right) and Rueben Berg. A permanent Indigenous voice to parliament would deliver ‘practical solutions for Aboriginal communities across the state’, Berg says. Photograph: Joel Carrett/AAP© Photograph: Joel Carrett/AAP

A permanent Indigenous voice to parliament is being considered as part of treaty negotiations between the Victorian government and the state’s First Peoples’ Assembly.

On Monday, the two groups issued a joint statement outlining the topics to be discussed as part of negotiations that began in late November, which includes the “creation of an ongoing First Peoples’ representative body”.

The possibility of “evolving” the First Peoples’ Assembly into such a body will be discussed. Further, “the role of a representative body in decision-making relating to Victorian government programs and services for First Peoples” and the “interaction between a representative body and the Victorian parliament and government” will also be negotiated.

Although the statement does not refer to such a body as a voice to parliament, the government has previously referred to the work of the First Peoples’ Assembly as being part of the “voice” aspect of the Uluru statement of the heart.

The assembly was established in 2018 to represent traditional owners of country and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria “on the journey to treaty”.Expand article logo

Read the rest here . . .

Aboriginal fakes galore

I have long wondered how a white Australian can look at another white Australian and accept the claim that that white Australian is Aboriginal. After all, there are undisputed examples of Aboriginals in northern Australia. Those full-blood Aboriginals are as black as coal.

Marcus Stewart – Victorian Treaty negotiations

Ken Wyatt – Former Liberal Minister for Aboriginals plus white reinvented, painted-for-the-occasion suburban Aboriginals

What’s going on here?

Don’t we have here a clear example of cognitive dissonance?

Or is it something else – like a political campaign? A campaign of usurpation – a coup? A campaign to rewrite history and reassign political power to an elite who cynically use a disadvantaged people for their purposes?

We should be grateful to Andrew Bolt who is unrelenting in tearing the mask away from the enemy.

Jacinta Allan and her treasonous Marxist government must go

Premier Jacinta Allan is merely a less obnoxious version of that Marxist megalomaniac Daniel Andrews. It’s time Victorians put an end to the treasonous aftermath of the Andrews era.


‘Will never return’: TV host calls out Jacinta Allan over Australia Day parade

Sky News host Danica De Giorgio calls out Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan for cancelling Melbourne’s Australia Day parade.

“The Jacinta Allan government has today announced the annual Australia parade will never return,” she said.

“Victoria is now one step closer to erasing Australia Day.”

Read the rest and see the video here . . .

Synagogue bombing – we know who did it

Jewish girl gang raped and brutalised by Hamas 7 Oct 2023


We know who were responsible for the bombing of the Melbourne synagogue and the antisemitic vandalism in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney.

So, why won’t the media point the finger at the obvious culprits?

The charge of Islamophobia is half the answer. The media is collectively frightened of mentioning the word Muslim in connection with the acts of violence and intimidation they’re responsible for.

The second half of the answer is Marxists. The long-established Marxist groups in Australia always collaborate with fellow extremists to undermine and destroy white capitalist society.

For more than a year the streets of Australia’s major cities have been hijacked by the collaboration of Marxists and Muslim extremists.

So, again, why won’t the media say so? Why won’t our elected authorities do anything about it?

We are in an age of betrayal and gutlessness. Everywhere you look, the ordinary Australian – not those whose allegiance is to foreign countries and their ideologies – sees treachery, betrayal, and gutlessness.

Russia – it’s still the Soviet Union

Nothing the Russian governing elite says can be trusted. It’s all propaganda to advance their imperial objectives. In this sense, it is hardly different from the Communist Soviet Union.

In the powerful video below, Jake Broe breaks down the history of Eastern Europe over around a hundred years, to show the aggressor is not NATO but the Russian governing elite – and always has been. It shows just how delusional people like useful Tucker Carlson are.

Vladamir Putin came to power from his position as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Russian KGB. His mentality is thoroughly KGB – full of lies, deceptions, manoeuvrings, and tricks.