Category Archives: Religion

‘Melbourne is ours, Australia is ours, the world is ours’

Nasser Mashni wearing Aboriginal and Palestinian flags

That is what this Muslim enemy of Australia was bold and confident enough to scream at Australians from a public place. And why could he do that?

He could do it because Australian authorities haven’t the guts to stop him.

They haven’t the backbone to stand up to people who hate us and who would, if the opportunity was given, slit our throats as soon as look at us.

A chilling demonstration was provided by two Muslim nurses working in an Australian hospital.

For more than a year Nasser Mashni led an insurrectionist occupation of Australian’s cities.

The more Muslims in Australia, the greater the chance to turn an insurrectionist march into national occupation.

The Australians who allow Muslim Nasser Mashni to have free rein are either gutless or treasonous.

See the clip of Mashni’s cry HERE

Muslims hate the West

Of course, Muslims hate the West. They keep on saying it. They are in the West to secure their piece of real estate, pocket the generous social services handouts, and await the time when they have reached the critical stage where they can act.

Australians look back to European culture and the goods it has provided; Muslims look back to the Middle East and the centuries of military conquest that led to the state of Iran and the Taliban.

A curse on those betraying our Western Civilisation.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election early in 2025

Uncorrectable barbarism in the Muslim world

The young woman in the photo below – the one bleeding from multiple rapes and dragged around by her hair by her less-than-human captors – was the one image of 7 October I can’t forget. On this animalistic photo alone – with all its implications of what the Muslim world is like – the Israelis are justified in bombing the shit out of them.

Multiple terrorist actions by Muslims through fifty years have shown they would do the same to any non-Muslim if they had a chance.

To ignore this unalterable fact, the properly constituted authorities of the nation of Australia would be guilty of the most heinous betrayal.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election early in 2025

Why are they here in the first place?

The report below is from the government’s multicultural broadcaster SBS – Australia’s anti-white central. The report is surprisingly neutral for SBS who puts the boot into Australia’s white Anglo population (the majority) whenever it can. The trouble is they were cornered. They couldn’t openly justify the barbaric fanatics who adhere to Islamic groups like Hezbollah.

The same restrictions apply to the Labor Party spokesman Tony Burke. He could hardly minimize the seriousness of such blatant support for barbarism. But why, Tony Burke, are these Muslim fanatics in Australia, anyhow?

Why did your political party concoct the multicultural policies that are now threatening to tear Australia apart?


Tony Burke warns of visa cancellations after Hezbollah flags waved at Melbourne protest

Politicians have condemned the presence of Hezbollah flags at a pro-Palestinian rally in Melbourne, which could also prompt referrals to federal police.

A man in a suit speaks at a lectern.

Federal Liberal frontbencher James Paterson said the presence of Hezbollah flags at a pro-Palestinian protest was “disturbing” as the home affairs minister warned of visa cancellations for anyone seeking to incite “discord” in Australia.

The rally in Melbourne formed part of a national day of action for Gaza, with thousands of people also taking to the streets in Sydney and other cities.

A small group with Hezbollah flags — some holding what appeared to be framed photographs of the Lebanese militant group’s slain leader, Hassan Nasrallah — joined the Melbourne event as speeches ended and people began to march.

Nasrallah was killed by an Israeli airstrike on Friday amid escalating tensions in the region.

Paterson said the presence of Hezbollah flags at the rally was “disturbing” given it is designated by Australia as a terrorist organisation and called for police to enforce the law.

Victoria Police said the display of terrorist symbols was a Commonwealth offence.

“[We] support the right to protest peacefully and had a visible presence at the protest to ensure public safety,” it said in a statement.

“Appropriate referrals will be made to the Australian Federal Police as the lead agency concerning prohibited symbols.”

Minister for Home Affairs Tony Burke said: “Any indication of support for a terrorist organisation is unequivocally condemned.”

“It draws the immediate attention of our security agencies. There is a higher level of scrutiny if anyone is on a visa. I have made clear from day one that I will consider refusing and cancelling visas for anyone who seeks to incite discord in Australia.”

Organisers of the rally told AAP the group was not affiliated with those running the demonstration.

Read the rest here . . .

Remember this at the coming Federal Election in 2025

People who don’t belong in Australia – but they’re here courtesy of the Labor Party

‘Australia and Israel share two things in common … being a shithole, racist, settler colony …’ Nasser Mashni, president of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN)

Fanatical Nasser Mashni and his Labor Party sponsor

Australia’s #1 Hamas Fan

Timothy Cootes, QUADRANT, Sep 11 2024

Nasser Mashni, president of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN), has been impossible to avoid of late. His irruption into public debate began at about the same time as Hamas’ pogrom, when many journalists got into the habit of including a comment from Mashni in their copy. Since then, he’s become a regular interviewee on the national broadcaster and a talented demagogue at the podium at the weekly pro-Palestine rallies across our capital cities.

Unsurprisingly, he was quoted just about everywhere in the wash-up from Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s call for a pause on Gazan refugees. Words like “shameful” and “racist” have received quite a workout in APAN’s press releases in the last week or so, though it should be noted that those were some of the milder rebukes.

Before Mashni made his acquaintance with the broader Australian public, he was better known to the Victorian justice system. In 1991, a 22-year-old Mashni was convicted for kidnapping a child, whom he beat and locked in the boot of a car. According to the Herald Sun, he then drove his victim to an empty paddock, where he expressed a keen interest in breaking the child’s legs. Since that day out and his subsequent conviction, Nasser Mashni’s moral outlook, I would argue, hasn’t really improved all that much. On October 7, he was busy ‘liking’ social media posts that praised and justified the massacre, though, to be fair, that was hardly unusual among the activist and intellectual Left.

Mashni has distinguished himself from his co-thinkers, however, in a number of ways. His anti-Israel fulminations, for example, could rival in intensity those of just about any Hamas spokesperson, I suspect. “Israel has to cease to exist,” he told one interviewer recently. On his own radio show, he wobbled into conspiracy theory, railing against the world’s “power structures that all focus upon Zionism”. The solution, as usual, came in his demand for “the decolonisation of Palestine and the ending of Zionism.” He avoided specifics as to what that process might look like for Israelis, though his listeners probably didn’t have to think about it for very long.

After all, his preferred strategies aren’t exactly difficult to glean. Mashni and APAN are unconvinced of the prevailing view that Hamas is a terrorist organisation in the first place. He gets particularly huffy when his media interlocutors inquire as to whether he has a stern word to say about the terror army at all. Journalists really should resile from such a line of inquiry, as Mashni has always been rather ecumenical in his admiration for different factions of Islamists. When terrorists of Islamic Jihad and Al-Aqsa Brigades escaped from an Israeli prison in 2022, Mashni was quick to glorify them as “heroes”.

Read the rest here . . .

Islam and violence

A young Muslim tried to murder an Assyrian priest in Sydney during a sacred ceremony. It was a miracle the young Muslim, invoking the Muslim God as he wildly plunged with his knife, failed in his assassination attempt. It was just another case of Islamic terrorism. A few days later, it was reported that police carried out raids that arrested six young Muslim men who then were charged with terrorist activities.

That terrorism activities involved Muslims was absolutely no surprise. The empirical evidence of the last fifty years in the West shows one must expect violence wherever Muslims have settled. We must expect it to happen again.

In the video below, Florence Bergeaud-Blackler warns about the Endogenous Islamist threat to Europe. She might as well have included Australia.

War with Russia is coming – unless action is taken

As I have confessed, Putin fooled me as he has fooled and still fools many conservatives. The key aspect about Putin is that you cannot trust a word that comes out of his mouth. Everything he says is to manipulate the audience he is addressing. He controls the Russian population by strictly supervising the media, telling the Russian people a pack of lies, blocking foreign media, and jailing or killing those defying his dictates.

For the Western audience, he has a stock of conservative ideas to shower on them. He focuses on the Christian groups with sentiments about family, religion, and history. Indeed, I once thought he was essentially a Burkean conservative because of his valuing Russian history and its lessons. An appalling mistake that now embarrasses me.

In reality, Putin is a vicious murdering type of Russian Czar who is fixated on rebuilding the Russian empire. Nothing stands in his way. He is in a constant state of recalculating what he says to suit the time, place and audience. That’s the reason he so often contradicts himself – seemingly contradicts himself. He stays unerringly on the line.

If the West does not prepare itself, it might find Putin and his army in its backyard. The interview below with General Richard Shirreff shows just what’s at stake. Shirreff talks about rebuilding the army of the NATO countries. What he does not talk about are the emasculating ideologies that are weakening the West. These ideologies have to be eliminated. The reality is that men fight wars.



The main point that emerges from Ross Fitzgerald’s review of Gerard Henderson’s book, Cardinal Pell, the Media Pile-on and Collective Guilt, is that the cardinal’s antagonists remain immovable in their belief that he is guilty as charged. It does not matter what has been said, how detailed and coherent the analysis of the ‘choirboy’s’ absurd story, the 7-0 verdict of the High Court, and the international consternation at the failure of Australia’s legal system, they remain impervious. You only have to follow Louise Milligan’s twitter account to witness the mob’s delusion and unrestrained hatred of Cardinal Pell. Indeed, I have described Milligan as delusional, but I wonder. Is it delusion or is it pure malice? Is she mad or bad? Gerard Henderson’s highly recommended book provides evidence for one or the other – or perhaps both.


Cardinal George Pell: a man of sorrows

Ross Fitzgerald, The Australian, 8 December 2021

The case of George Pell revealed deep fault lines in Australian society. Some people were convinced of his innocence, but many others wanted him to be guilty.

The trial, retrial, and conviction in December 2018 of Cardinal Pell for historical child sexual abuse of two choirboys at Melbourne’s St Patrick’s Cathedral that allegedly occurred in the mid-1990s, gained international attention.

Sensationally, in April 2020, all seven judges of the High Court of Australia quashed Pell’s conviction.

On April 7, 2020 at 10am, Chief Justice Susan Kiefel quoted from the unanimous judgment: “It is evident that there is a possibility that an innocent person has been convicted because the evidence did not establish guilt to the requisite standard of proof.” That Tuesday morning, as a high-profile convicted pedophile, Cardinal Pell was in solitary confinement at the maximum security Barwon Prison, near Geelong. He had been incarcerated in various prisons for 405 days.

As Gerard Henderson documents in this scrupulously researched book, the High Court’s decision had huge reverberations. Even though the evidence against him was weak, most of Pell’s opponents, in Australia and overseas, retain their unambiguously entrenched positions.

Henderson argues, convincingly, that the Cardinal’s many antagonists continue to deny him the presumption of innocence.

Read the rest here …

Noble savage – or just savage

Propagation of the picture of the noble savage in the lands the European powers colonised in modern times is a vastly important part of the Marxist effort to create a body of myths to demoralise people in the white west and destabilise their society and government. Bruce Pascoe’s DARK EMU is an eminent case.

Powerful forces went into promoting this shameless fantasy about Aboriginal culture until self-respecting academics on the left could not bear the shame of supporting something so academically outrageous. But like true Marxists, many on the left refused to relinquish its power of indoctrination – foremost among them the government funded ABC and SBS.

I have provided links to many articles demonstrating how violent and uncivilised the Aboriginal tribes were pre-settlement (see tab Aboriginal violence pre-settlement). Such violence and savagery was found in all ‘First Nations’ peoples.


The North American Martyrs and the Myth of the Noble Savage

PAUL KRAUSE, Crisis Magazine, 19 October 2021

October 19 is the feast day of St. Isaac Jogues in the General Calendar. He was a Jesuit missionary working and living among the Mohawk Indians in the 1630s and 1640s before being tortured and beheaded on October 18, 1646. Few Catholics, especially Catholics in America, even know of the story of the North American Martyrs. Why?

In an age when we are meant to weep and cry over the tragedy of the Native Americans due to European settlement and Christianization, none are told to weep over the Europeans who were brutally butchered at the hands of the indigenous populations that routinely warred and killed each other prior to the arrival of European settlers. The Mayans were active sodomites, and some of their surviving artwork celebrates sodomite lust and violence. The Aztecs engaged in human sacrifice, cannibalism, and a slavery far worse than the Atlantic slave trade. The mound-building Native Americans in the interior river basins of North America also engaged in ritualistic human and child sacrifice. These were hardly noble and peaceful people before the arrival of Europeans.

The defenders of these horrors argue that the Christian (predominately Catholic) sources overexaggerated the brutality of the natives to justify conquest. This is typical among the Christ-hating intellectual establishment. Dismiss all the evidence that doesn’t conform to your presuppositional ideology. If facts don’t fit the theory, dismiss the facts as fake.

It is important for Catholics to have the memory of the North American martyrs for several reasons. 

First is that the story of the Catholic martyrs suffering from the hands of the Native Americans dispel any illusion that the natives were peaceful victims of supposed European aggression. On the contrary, it was often native aggression toward Europeans that sparked the wars between the settlers and Native Americans. Why weep for Native Americans when holy saints were flayed alive and had their skulls crushed by tomahawks? Eradicate that memory and the tragedy of the Native Americans can be weaponized for contemporary political goals.

Read the rest here…

The Rise of Traditionalists?

Conservatives, you would think, could not be blamed for despairing over the defeat of Donald Trump followed by an almighty beat-up of the ‘sedition’ and ‘insurrection’ committed on Washington by the president’s legion of ‘fascist’ followers: Despair because a genuine conservative and defender of traditional Christian society was defeated in a highly questionable election (the circumstantial evidence of rigging is massive), and despair because the leftist media is peddling a narrative they know, as well as we, is a shameless fantasy. Videos by Ben Shapiro and Rudy Giuliano’s January 6th another frame up show what an unconscionable scam it all is. Indeed, the left seem once again to have taken all before it. But a popular youtuber in Delaware, Steve Turley, has a different view. In fact, he is optimistic the globalists and liberal elites are in retreat and populist parties and ordinary people hungering for traditional ways are in ascendance. He explains in the interview below.


The Rise of Traditionalists in a ‘Network Society’

Ray McCoy, American Greatness, 18 December 2020

Thanks to social media many leading commentators have built their foundations on organic growth through those platforms rather than in the traditional way. While many of these platforms are home to the denizens of the ultra-progressive postmodernist Left, traditionalists have also thrived on these same platforms and are even striking out with new ones (alt-tech). This parallels the rise of a new Right, the “nationalist populist right.” 

One of the most insightful commentators on this phenomenon is Steve Turley, a writer, classical teacher and musician from Newark, Delaware. Through his video channel on YouTube (his video updates are approaching 200 million views) and his podcast (currently ranked 11th in the “Daily News” category) Turley’s optimistic message and ability to describe the goals both of populism and of its opponents make him a go-to source for information about these world-changing events. 

As the world is embroiled in tumultuous debates over globalism, immigration, and rising political unrest, Turley’s approach may just as easily move to describe the Hindutva revolution happening in India under Narendra Modi as it does to the rise of Christian alternative schooling in Montana. To get a better grasp on some of the issues confronting not just the American political system but also the world, I wrote to Turley to seek his answers to those, as well as to discover how he believes technology is affecting all of these concerns.

Read the rest here...