Category Archives: Uncategorized

Muslims hate the West

Of course, Muslims hate the West. They keep on saying it. They are in the West to secure their piece of real estate, pocket the generous social services handouts, and await the time when they have reached the critical stage where they can act.

Australians look back to European culture and the goods it has provided; Muslims look back to the Middle East and the centuries of military conquest that led to the state of Iran and the Taliban.

A curse on those betraying our Western Civilisation.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election early in 2025

Close-up of social disjuncture and disintegration

The commentary below is from THE OFFICER TATUM (3.12m subs).

The value of this short video of opening ceremony of 2024 Olympic Games is that it gives a clear picture of the social disjuncture and disintegration I spoke about in a previous comment.

We have a vivid picture of the Woke dictatorship we live under today in the West. To contradict the dogma projected by this scene is to invite almost certain destruction.

Elite’s betrayal further promotes separatism

How much more of the Australian nation’s land will Australia’s treasonous elites give away to culturally reinvented separatists?

Has there ever been a greater act of betrayal?


Kabi Kabi people recognised as Native Title holders over the Sunshine Coast

ABC Sunshine Coast / By Kirra Grimes 17 June 2024

  • In short: A Federal Court judge has recognised the Kabi Kabi people as native title holders over Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.
  • The order applies to 365,345 hectares of land and waters spanning Gympie, Noosa, Maroochydore, Caloundra, Bribie Island and Mudjimba Island.
  • What’s next? Other parts of the native title claim are yet to be determined.

The Federal Court has formally recognised the Kabi Kabi people as native title holders over 365,345 hectares of land and water on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

A determination by Justice Berna Collier at a special hearing in Brisbane on Monday recognised the Kabi Kabi people’s non-exclusive rights to an area including Gympie, Noosa, Maroochydore, Caloundra, Bribie Island and Mudjimba Island.

Justice Collier told the court she was satisfied the Kabi Kabi people “have and always have had native title rights and interests in this country”.

The determination marks the first occasion on Australia’s east coast when native title has been recognised in a heavily urbanised area.

It is also the first time that the right to “take resources from the area for any purpose” is being recognised in South-East Queensland.

Previously, the right was limited to personal, communal and non-commercial purposes.

Aerial view over surf and bushland
The native title claim covers about 10,280 square kilometres and includes Noosa.(Supplied: Paul Smith, Noosa World Surfing Reserve)

The decision comes after seven Kabi Kabi applicants reached an agreement with stakeholders including the state and federal governments and seven local councils.

The court’s decision only applies to Part A of the Kabi Kabi people’s claim, which extends in the south from Elimbah Creek catchment area, Sandstone Point and Bribie Island, north to Cooloola National Park, Curra State Forest, Mary River and the Isis River, and in the east from lowest astronomical tide of the coastline west to Nambour, Jimna and the Burnett and Coast ranges.

Parts B and C of the claim are yet to be determined.

Read the rest here . . .

The Voice – Qantas Chairman owns up to the corporate world’s grovelling forelock tugging to the woke class

Many of us – not only conservatives – have been sickened to the pits of our stomach over the corporate world’s supine puppy-dog attitude to the commissars of the woke class. Many of those commissars are the newly appointed feminist CEOs of big corporations. The Coles and Woolworth’s CEOs are excellent examples of the feminist activists who have got a foothold in business through quotas and positive discrimination.

So, it has been a surprise that a male chairman of a high-profile corporation has stiffened his backbone and admitted the wooshes of big business have cringed in fear over what the woke class will do if they do not obey.

Well done, John Mullen. May you continue to keep your backbone straight.


Warren Mundine brands corporate Voice support a ‘national disgrace’ after new Qantas chair John Mullen admits companies got it wrong

Warren Mundine has welcomed an admission by incoming Qantas chair John Mullen that corporate support for the Voice to Parliament’s Yes campaign “backfired” on companies, arguing big businesses “looked down their noses” at anyone opposed to the proposal.

Max Melzer, SkyNews, 14 June 2024

Prominent Indigenous advocate Warren Mundine has branded corporate support for the Voice to Parliament a “national disgrace,” after incoming Qantas chair John Mullen conceded businesses did themselves a “disservice” by backing the proposal.

Qantas drew significant public criticism when it announced its backing for the controversial Indigenous body, with the airline beset by a number of scandals around the time campaigning for the Voice referendum began.

Other corporate bodies also joined the Yes campaign, sparking accusations of tokenism from some Voice opponents who argued business should remain independent of social issues.

Now, months after the Voice referendum was rejected, Qantas’ new chair has become one of the only business leaders to concede corporate Australia may have made a mistake in how it handled the campaign.

Speaking to The Australian on Thursday, Mr Mullen, who will take over the reins at the airline in July, admitted backing the Yes campaign “backfired” on big business by creating the impression it was acting “high and mighty.”

“The way that corporate Australia went about supporting it was detrimental to the image of corporate Australia in the eyes of many people,” he said.

“In retrospect, the broader business community was seen by a lot of people in Australia as high and mighty and telling us what we should do.”

Read the rest here . . .

Reconciliation Australia’s Two-Faced Activism

Joe Stella, Quadrant, 27 May 2024

Every year, Reconciliation Australia Limited (RAL) marks the period between the anniversaries of the 1967 referendum (May 217) and the Mabo judgment (June 3) as National Reconciliation Week. Last year, the theme was “Be a Voice for generations”, a reference to the looming referendum. This year’s theme, “Now more than ever”, reflects the organisation’s unprocessed shock and denial at the result. According to RAL, “as a nation we stumbled” but “the fight” must continue.

Really? RAL has now been operating for 23 years, more than twice as long as the statutory Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation that preceded it. As I have argued in a new paper for Close the Gap Research, “surely so emphatic a defeat of what advocates called ‘an act of reconciliation’ demands an objective assessment of the continued viability of that process.”

That assessment must begin with a difficult and still largely unexplored question: Is reconciliation what Aborigines actually want? In an address delivered during the last Reconciliation Week, ‘Yes’ campaigner Megan Davis cast serious doubt on this. During consultations in the lead-up to the 2017 Uluru Statement, she told a Townsville audience, “our old people kept saying, unsolicited and organically, that reconciliation was the wrong process, that reconciliation was the wrong word.”

We do not know how many of these “old people” there were, much less whether they represent a significant body of opinion among Aborigines. However, Davis’ comments are helpful because they at least acknowledge the diprotodon in the room. Reconciliation has always been promoted as a means to cement national unity. As such, it is inimical to a radical Aboriginal rights agenda centred on the indicia of a separate race-based nationhood: sovereignty, self-determination, international recognition, treaties, embassies and so on.

The Uluru Statement endorses the Aboriginal nationalist program first developed by the National Aboriginal Conference between 1979 and 1981. This includes Aboriginal sovereignty, a treaty (makarrata), reparations and recognition of customary law. The Voice to Parliament, the brainchild of non-Aboriginal academic Shireen Morris, was a novel addition. As later accounts of the convention that produced the Uluru Statement demonstrate, a treaty was the top priority for many delegates. They needed to be persuaded that the Voice was a necessary preliminary measure. This tension is reflected in the final text of the Statement, which characterises a treaty as “the culmination of our agenda”.

Read the rest here . . .

Destroying the myths about slavery

An essential part of the wokist narrative, now dominating the academy, is that colonization by European nations brought nothing but suffering to the people and places they colonized. The contrary is, however, is true. Despite causing some suffering, the European colonizers brought on balance civilization to those countries. There is plenty of evidence to back such a claim – particularly with regard to the British. One of the claims with which haters of white people and their civilization use to thrash them is slavery. Historian Nigel Biggar states the facts.


‘Eminent historian Nigel Biggar delves into the historical roots of slavery as a universal institution spanning throughout human history. Join him as he explores Britain’s leading role in the abolition and eradication of slavery worldwide. Gain insightful knowledge about the trans-Atlantic slave trade’s place within the broader context of this pervasive institution. Prepare to broaden your understanding of history and challenge preconceived notions.’

Demographic suicide – who cares?

People have been discussing the issue of reducing populations around the world for years. The stark warning is that some nations are heading for obliteration, not by a nuclear bomb, but by their population disappearing. Korea is such a country – indeed a worst case scenario. Think what it would be to see a country disappear in a hole in the ground. That’s what demographic collapse means. Imagine a country like Australia disappearing. But it’s not only nations.

Think what it means for a race to disappear. That’s what’s happening to the white race – to the joy of many non-whites around the world who eagerly lend a hand by promoting interracial marriage.

The white race is contracepting, aborting, and homosexualizing itself out of existence.

But who cares?


Why Do So Many People Not Want To Have Children?

Malcolm Collins is a pronatalist, Stanford MBA graduate, venture capitalist and an author. What would the world actually look like if only the global population was only 500 million people? Given the current birth rate projections, we’re approaching a massive collapse. If you think a planet with too many people on it is bad, a planet with too few is even worse.

Expect to learn why Korea is projected to experience a 94% population extinction within the next century, why so few people actually want to have kids in 2023, why a ‘super virus’ has taken over the progressive movement, whether prosperity, equality, education and fertility are incompatible with each other, whether authoritarianism could fix this problem, if there’s a moral obligation to have children, the implications of using new technology for gene-editing & birthing via artificial wombs and much more…

The woke beast has Western Civilization by the throat

I keep wondering why nobody will do anything. Why won’t someone in authority do something about the constant wrecking of Western Civilization and take up the sword to defend us against the saboteurs and traitors? Is there no one who will save us and our heritage?

As a kid learning to read, I read thousands of comics. Among my favourites were the superhero comics Superman, Batman and Robin, the Phantom and others. These heroes – images of real men – were courageous, unflinching in danger, protected the weak, and made a mess of the baddies. It was impossible for me to imagine such men kissing a man. My stomach would have heaved uncontrollably. I was no different from most boys who loved their superheroes.

DC Comics, the company that publishes the Superman comics, has betrayed their constituency. They have befouled the ideal and tradition behind those wonderful fictional characters and stories, stories that kept millions of boys quiet and dreaming.

One way to counter the betrayal is to boycott DC comics product. They will feel intense pain if they lose money to their far-left campaigns, campaigns to turn Western Society on its head.


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the first bisexual Superman

The Australian OCTOBER 12, 2021

Superman fell for a reporter and now his son is doing the same, although this time the superhero’s love interest is a man called Jay.

DC Comics announced on Monday that the new Superman, who is the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, will have a romantic relationship with a male friend.

Jon Kent and budding journalist Jay Nakamura struck up a friendship in a story released in August. They will share a kiss in a comic to be published next month, the publisher said, describing Kent as “bisexual.”

“Following a scene where Superman mentally and physically burns out from trying to save everyone that he can, Jay is there to care for the Man of Steel,” DC Comics said.

The storyline will feature in “Son of Kal-El” issue five, due to hit shelves on November 9, the publisher said in a press release headlined “Jon Kent finds his identity.”

Read the rest here…

My ongoing reappraisal of Russia

Russia has a rich culture – literature, music, ballet, Orthodox Christianity, and more. My introduction was exclusively with its literature – Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekov, at university level. The rest came much later. In recent years I have come to appreciate Russia’s dance tradition which is second to none.

The Soviet Union suppressed much of that tradition. The arts from the time of the Bolshevik revolution was under the control of Communist commissars. That control resulted in mutilated works, now only of historical interest. Until recently, my knowledge of Russia was limited to its literature. I knew little about the Russian people and their daily lives.

For all I knew, they could have been living in mud huts and spent their time hunting and foraging in the forests for their food. The internet has brought a big change. One can find many youtube videos which give a picture of contemporary Russia. I have a few favourite youtubers.

At the top of my list, as entertainment, is a foursome of charming unaffected young women who sing Russian folk songs against a rural background. They call themselves Beloe Zlato and regularly post on youtube. Their latest is a dreamy song titled, ‘Thoughts.’ (1699) Beloe Zlato – Думы // Thoughts – YouTube

I follow three vloggers who provide a fascinating picture of Russian society. Surprise, surprise, the ordinary Russian is not much different from people in the West. Indeed, the townscape of an ordinary Russian town differs little from those in the West. One difference is the state of disrepair and dilapidation of some rural towns. That contrasts sharply with Moscow which appears clean and super modern (see links below).

Natasha of Yeah Natasha is the star of the three. She has had a meteoric rise from a small basis a year or so ago to 240,000 subscribers. How has she become so popular around the world? Three factors, I think. She gives an engaging view of social life in Russia, her English is good, and perhaps most of all she is disarmingly natural. No affectation at all. A recent video (below) is of Vladivostok in Russia’s far east. Natasha is from Spassk, a small town north of Vladivostok,

Vladivostok, the capital of the Russian Far East | Chinese quarter, Japanese cars & Russian samovars

Next is Eli from Russia. Eli is older and from Moscow. Like Natasha, she aims to show the social and cultural side of Russia. She’s very professional both in delivery and production. Her English is very good. She covers what dating people would find interesting in Russia, particularly in Moscow. A representative video of her work would be:

Who wears the pants in a Russian family? | Gender roles in Russia

There is Viacheslav of Russiaplus who ‘makes videos about places from around the world.’ He speaks good English with an American accent. Representative is his video comparing Moscow with US cities. He gives a fascinating view of modern Moscow. This video in particular forced me to adjust my assumptions about Moscow – and Russia.

What US сities сan learn from Moscow. My Impressions After 2 months in the US.

Let me end with a delightful video of Natasha taking a walk in Moscow with Viacheslav of Russiaplus. They begin in Gorky Park. Another fascinating view of Moscow.

Walking in Moscow with Natasha. Talking about Russia’s Pros and Cons

There is also Dari Step. She’s young and new to the Vlogging business. She needs to develop her presentation and improve her English. But she’s enthusiastic and no doubt will improve over time.

(1730) ONE DAY OF MY LIFE \\ That’s How People Live In Moscow, Russia 2021 – YouTube