The Sydney Institute’s Gerard Henderson has been foremost among the small number in the media who have braved the abuse and vilification of the left for writing fearlessly and objectively about the Cardinal Pell case. Below is his list of the media lynch mob as given on his Media Watch Dog, about half of which are ‘ABC types’. The high ABC-membership only goes to show what a worthless bigoted overfed broadcaster the ABC is. The mob does not care the High Court quashed the Cardinal’s conviction 7-0. Nor is it perturbed by Keith Windschuttle’s book THE PERSECUTION OF CARDINAL PELL which pulverizes the case the cardinal.

Richard Ackland,
Phillip Adams,
Emma Alberici,
Waleed Aly,
John Barron,
Paul Bongiorno,
The late Richard Carleton R.I.P,
Barrie Cassidy,
The Chaser Boys (average age 481/2),
Gorgi Coghlan,
Rachel Corbett,
Stephen Crittenden,
Quentin Dempster, 
Melissa Davey,
Raphael Epstein,
Jon Faine,
Sarah Ferguson,
Peter FitzSimons,
Ray Hadley,
Wendy Harmer,
Peter Helliar,
Derryn Hinch,
Tony Jones,
Fran Kelly, 
Kristina Keneally,
Paul Kennedy,
Dom Knight,
Hamish Macdonald,
Dee Madigan,
David Marr,
Stephen Mayne, 
Shaun Micallef,
Alex McKinnon,
Karen Middleton,
Lisa Millar,
Louise Milligan,
Tim Minchin,
Lucie Morris-Marr,
Paul Murray (up until Pell was charged), 
Charlie Pickering,
Craig Reucassel,
Michael Rowland,
Leigh Sales,
Chris Smith,
Justin Smith,
Tim Soutphommasane,
Josh Szeps,
Virginia Trioli,
Jack Waterford and 
Cathy Wilcox.