This is Marcus Stewart described as a ‘Nira illim bulluk man of the Taungurung Nation’.
But I say this is a white European man whose ancestry is most likely in one or other Germanic tribe of Northwest Europe. Put a horned helmet on his head, a wolf skin around his neck, a sword in one hand, and shield in the other, he could convincingly pass as an extra in a television series about the Vikings.

But Marcus has long paraded unashamedly before the glare of the television cameras as an Aborigine. Does he really think he fools anyone but the most biased activists – indigenous of non-indigenous – that collection of fanatics who are conning the Australian people into accepting a system of apartheid?
Today Marcus is reported as accusing Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price of hating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
“I don’t think I’ve come across anyone that hates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander — or seems to hate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people so much,”
In another report, white European Marcus is recorded as saying, ‘We have a far-right politician in Senator Nampijinpa Price out there spreading lies, spreading mis- and disinformation.’
This is typical of the abuse fakes like Marcus resort to when confronted with arguments against the YES campaign. Marcus and his faux-Aboriginal mates will spout this sort of abuse until the last moment of the campaign to establish the parasitic nation of their fantasies.
Senator Price was not lost for words as reported in the Daily Mail:
‘What can I say? I’m used to powerful Aboriginal men personally attacking me when they feel like they’re on the backfoot … And evidently that’s where Mr Stewart is at … This reeks of desperation from the Yes campaign … [Mr Stewart is] completely removed from the Indigenous people [in her family and in the most vulnerable communities] … He has been part of the Aboriginal industry and done very well for himself]
‘All I’ve been fighting for, for many years now, is for my mob in the bush to have the same sorts of opportunities that he has had in life.’
Of course, she is absolutely right.
The great difference between Marcus and Senator Price is that Senator Price has a full-blood parent and grew up in outback Aboriginal society while Marcus is the product of the white urban middle class.