The fake vetting the fake – how wild will it get?

The belligerent white Aboriginals wandering through the media in Australia’s big cities – not the outback – are the big elephant in the room, the emperor without clothes, the word none dare to speak … and the rest of the cliches. None except an Aboriginal like Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, who actually grew up in Aboriginal society. She calls those box-tickers who have to tell you they’re ‘First Nations’ – fakes who want the prestige and loola, dough, bucks etc etc the government throws around without questioning. Cory Bernardi had a go at them in his Sky News Program.

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SBS uses ‘heavily contested’ Indigenous man Bruce Pascoe for comment on ‘fake’ Aboriginals

Cory Benardi, Sky News, 20 March 2023

Sky News host Cory Bernardi says SBS ran a story about “fake Aboriginals” using a contested self-proclaimed Indigenous individual, Bruce Pascoe, as a “prop” to support their concerns.

“SBS – ran a very important story about fake aboriginals recently – the story was sparked by a 25 per cent increase in the number of self-identified aboriginals in the 2021 census, it’s a phenomenon known as ‘race shifting’ for a bunch of people who quote ‘are now box-ticking Indigenous as their identity in the Census, at workplaces, within cultural institutions and in educational settings,” Mr Bernardi said.

“A pretty important story, particularly if people are exploiting a race-shifting loophole gain benefits or preferment or patronage, goodness knows, I reckon, there are probably more than a few of those in public life already.

“We can’t challenge their claims of heritage because that would be racist, so I suspect we’ve got a few Elizabeth Warren equivalents in our midst, you may recall she’s the US Democratic senator who claimed to be native American – Donald Trump labelled her Pocahontas and forced her into getting a DNA test that actually revealed she had less native American DNA than almost every other American citizen.

Read the rest here …