Tag Archives: ABC

Marxist rewriting of Australia’s history continues on ‘multicultural’ channel SBS

Under the heading SBS series New Gold Mountain rewrites history, and short-changes the audience, Catherine Hannebery writes in the Australian a penetrating review of NEW GOLD MOUNTAIN, an expensive SBS production.

I have scarcely read a more compelling deconstruction of the endless woke, Marxist-driven series served up for us on the taxpayer-funded ABC and SBS. Indeed, SBS has risen to Australia’s leading far-left propagator of what they present as ‘multiculturalism’, but in reality is an unrelenting, rancid dish of anti-white racism, particularly focusing on Australians of Anglo-Celtic ancestry.

For the traitorous white management of SBS, there could not be a badder, more racist lot than the people who laid the foundations of the Australian nation and delivered it complete by the 1950s, only to be improved upon – or subverted.

By minutely examining the SBS version of an actual event, Hannebery convincingly shows how SBS perverted the real story for ideological purposes. Indeed, everything on SBS is generated for ideological purposes. Her judgement is irrefutable on the evidence:

‘There is much to say about what the series promises, and what it delivers. But the central problem is the ideological use of historical fiction. Egregious colonial misdeeds and racism are being presented in the form of entertainment and we are being invited to draw contemporary parallels. This series, in my view, poses questions about the use and abuse of history…

The biggest disconnect in the TV series lies between the visionary premise of viewing colonial history through an authentic Chinese lens and the insensible narrative dreamt up to deliver this. Rather than the gritty truth, or the intriguing Chinese men of flesh and blood involved in the real murder case, the producers have served up revisionist-western tropes and characters filled from central casting. A woke agenda has shifted the storytelling goals from truth-telling to wishful thinking — with glib prescriptions about who the villains and heroes need to be…

‘The fictionalised story on screen undermines the producers’ conceit that they might be delivering us an important untold story. While it captures vividly the multicultural backbone of life in the frontier society and the goldrush’s hothousing effect on greed and ambition — beyond this, reality has been jettisoned. With Shing as the narrative’s pivot, the murder mystery is reinvented and backfilled with inclusive melodrama…

‘As the series frames itself as a revisionist-western, it doubles-down on mixed messaging. There are protagonists in period costume expressing 21st century ideas, alternately slicing or shooting each other up and talking about their feelings. By episode three, we are led to understand that inclusive community-based detective work will crack the murder case. We are reminded pointedly by fictional characters about their brave quests for truth.

‘This is what retro-fitted empowerment and agency look like for marginalised groups in expensive TV period drama…’

Why does the ordinary Australian put up with the misuse of their money for traitorous ideological purposes?

Racism is not restricted to whites – obviously

It’s not racism if the ABC do it – and it’s about Australia’s majority white population. Their comedy skit Wake Up to Yourself is ostensibly meant to be a parody of the way white talk programs go on. But it’s no parody. No one will find a television produced by white people in which white people appear that resembles anything like this crude ignorant unfunny racist skit.

The ABC, run predominantly by culturally hollow white people, and the government funded SBS, Australia’s ‘multicultural’ channel, are out there, in the forefront, propagating anti-white racism in Australia.

Scholars of the left debunk faux Aboriginal’s book of nonsense

Ever since Bruce Pascoe’s book first slithered from the press, it has had a thrashing over its inaccuracies, exaggerations, and baseless assertions. Because those slamming the book were perceived to be on the conservative side of politics, the criticisms were ignored or sneeringly dismissed. As expected, foremost among the critics of the conservatives’ view were ABC people. Their comments and support for Dark Emu showed they had uncritically swallowed Pascoe’s dodgy dish.

That grubby foul-mouthed Benjamin Law said, ‘Dark Emu will calibrate everything you know about Aboriginal architecture, engineering and agriculture on this continent.’ Political commentator Patricia Karvelas claimed that Dark Emu made ‘heavy use of primary extracts – it’s all there.’ Well, it wasn’t all there. It’s a mild criticism to say the book is a lot of rubbish. It deserves a lot more.

But now two academics of the left have written book to debunk the hoax (see below). But do you think the left will back down? Not on your life. Dark Emu is a massive propaganda tool. The left will not let it go without a struggle.


Debunking Dark Emu: did the publishing phenomenon get it wrong?

In 2014, Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu revolutionised interpretations of Indigenous history, arguing that Aboriginal people engaged in agriculture, irrigation and construction prior to the arrival of Europeans. Now, in a new book, two highly respected academics say that there is little evidence for these claims.

By Stuart Rintoul, The Age, JUNE 12, 2021

The walls of Peter Sutton’s home in country South Australia are hung with ghosts – black-and-white photographs he has collected from second-hand shops over the years, the long-gone people he calls “poignant strangers”, staring out from the past, without families who want or remember them.

It’s a rambling old house of stone and timber, everything you would expect an anthropologist’s home to be: rooms filled with books, papers, a large volume of genealogies of Wik families from Cape York among whom he has spent much of his professional life, including some 2000 records of births and deaths. Sutton has spent many decades with the Wik people; danced with them, cried with them. There are other records, from western Arnhem Land, Daly River, the Murranji Track – ghost road of the drovers, Central Australia and the corner country of the Lake Eyre basin.

Sprawled across a dining room table is an almost-finished book about the early 20th century Queensland anthropologist Ursula Hope McConnel, who was brave and brilliant and solitary.

Sutton is one of Australia’s leading anthropologists. A gifted linguist, rigorous, sometimes controversial, a debunker of myths who stood, grief-stricken, in the little cemetery at Aurukun, on the west coast of Cape York, in September 2000 and began to think the thoughts that gradually formed themselves into his heretical essay and then book, The Politics of Suffering: Indigenous Australia and the End of the Liberal Consensus, which exposed the gulf between progressive ambition and dysfunctional reality in Aboriginal communities.

Quietly spoken, with a restless curiosity, independent-minded Sutton is now almost 75 years old but doesn’t seem it. An outsider in many ways throughout his life, he was born in working-class Port Melbourne at a time when men in hats and shabby suits played two-up on the other side of his grandmother’s back fence.Advertisement.

Read the rest here…

Christian Porter’s Bipolar accuser

In contrast with Cardinal Pell’s initial lack of support, there have been some powerful responses to the ABC mob after Attorney-General Christian Porter for alleged rape. But one important similarity between the Pell and Porter accusers is their mental and emotional health.

Despite the ban on the media to keep the identify and state-of-mind of Cardinal Pell’s accuser secret, information continues to dribble out. Merging all the information about ‘J’ or the ‘kid’, as he was variously referred to, one can form a picture of a man plagued by severe mental disorders.

While we rely on bits and pieces about Pell’s accuser, there is no such impediment with Porter’s. She suffered from bipolar disorder before killing herself – a common outcome of bipolar disorder. Bill Dawes in his ‘Accusations from the Realm of Madness’ (Quadrant, 10 March 2021) explains what the condition of bipolarity means.


Accusations from the Realm of Madness

Bill Dawes, Quadrant, 10 March 2021

On Friday a reporter put this question to Attorney-General Christian Porter: “Why do you think this woman would come up with such an elaborate lie?” According to reports, the woman in question, who had accused Christian Porter of raping her in 1988, suffered bipolar disorder. If the reporter spent any time reviewing the experiences of people who suffer from bipolar he would not have asked such an asinine question.

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a diagnosis bestowed upon those who experience sweeping mood swings that range from depressive lows to manic highs. Those who suffer from bipolar are often clever, as this poor girl was reported to be, however they must stick to a strict routine of strong medication to prevent slipping into a psychotic state. When they do, it is routine to experience a recurrence of false memories of a violent and sexual nature that become embedded in the brain, only to reappear when another episode occurs.

“Ah, give me madness, you heavenly powers! Madness that I may at last believe in myself! Give deliriums and convulsions, sudden lights and darkness, terrify me with frost and fire such as no mortal has ever felt, with deafening din and prowling figures, make me howl and whine and crawl like a beast: so that I may come to believe in myself!”– Friedrich Nietzsche.

If our ace reporter wanted to find out more about the experiences of bipolar patients and how they come up with such elaborate stories, he could have simply turned to google to read confessions such as this from PenelopeAnn:

Read the rest here…

More articles about the Porter Affair are HERE.

The Incestuous ABC AGAIN

The Australian reports today that ABC couple Tony Jones and Sarah Ferguson will not take up their appointed positions in China. Boo-hoo for them. What trial to have to surrender a mates’ appointment.

I did not know Ferguson was married to Jones. But it is no surprise and it is no surprise they are yet another leftist ABC couple. Ferguson is fresh from a massive three-episode program about the sexual abuse of minors in the Catholic Church. Can you imagine the cost of those three episodes, a cost on the side of the taxpayer ledger? No expense is too much when the likes of Ferguson has her bigotry to propagate.

Continue reading The Incestuous ABC AGAIN

This is ‘your ABC’

The latest Q&A program on ‘our’ ABC was a long delusional rant by a group of hysterical feminists who reduced the world to a cruel white patriarchy in which all women were the victims. So the viewer was exposed to a frenzy of anti-white anti-male bigotry and weeping crying helpless victimology.

The leading ranter was a self-styled ‘Egyptian-American’ woman who could barely stop herself from calling for the wholesale slaughter of men, as she did on another occasion (see previous blog). This is indeed ‘your ABC’ as the current ABC promotion goes.

Yes, it is the ABC, Australia’s fortress of Marxist traitors who are pursuing their campaign of perverting everything that was good about Australia with its largely Anglo population. A key part of that campaign is to disappear the Anglos and replace them with a more appropriate brand of person, presumably ‘people of colour’ like the deluded Egyptian-American.


ABC TV pulled the program from their platform after a storm of understandable criticism. The Egyptian-American unbowed and unperturbed continued her delusional rant on other social media platforms. news.com.au provided the relevant clip of the disturbed fantasist in action

Christina Hoff Sommers’ short comment on this feminist type.

The ABC’s indefatigable anti-Christian bigotry

Andrew Bolt’s comments on the ABC’s recent programs on the eve of Cardinal Pell’s trial are entirely accurate. The ABC is irreparably broken. It is the unrelieved captive of the Marxist Left.


he ABC today steps up its war on Christianity, falsely claiming the men most likely to abuse women are Evangelical Christians “who go to church sporadically”.

Host Fran Kelly ponders: “Is it a matter of belief systems?” Her guests claim the problem is the Bible putting men in charge of women – a feminist theory that is debatable. Read on…