Tag Archives: Aboriginals

The (deceptive) Voice

The deceit is being slowly laid bare. The Voice is the biggest con in Australia’s history. The small clique of Aboriginal elites have only ever wanted to grab land and wealth from 95 percent of the population to create a separate country. If they succeed, it will be the biggest shakedown in history.


Final Report of Referendum Council: Voice to Parliament will lead to Treaty, Reparations

David Hiscox, XYZ, 20 April 2023

A Freedom of Information Request has resulted in the publication of the Final Report of the Referendum Council, which you can read in full here.

Unsurprisingly, it reveals the intention of aboriginal activists for the so-called “voice to parliament” to lead to a so-called “treaty” which could in turn lead to “reparations”. An excellent summary has been provided by Aboriginal Voice Exposed:

Secret government documents the National Indigenous Australians Agency was forced to release under freedom of information laws say that “any Voice to Parliament should be designed so that it could support and promote a treaty-making process”.

And what’s in the treaty?

According to these secret documents, it must include a “fixed percentage of Gross National Product. Rates/land tax/royalties”.

The documents explain:

… a Treaty could include a proper say in decision-making, the establishment of a truth commission, reparations, a financial settlement (such as seeking a percentage of GDP), the resolution of land, water and resources issues, recognition of authority and customary law …

This a direct quote from the secret Voice documents:

“Australia got a whole country for nothing, they haven’t even begun to pay for it.”

Doesn’t that just tell you everything you need to know?

But it gets worse.

According to these documents, they want to abolish the Australian flag, because “the Australian flag symbolised the injustices of colonisation”.

What’s modest about forcing you to change your flag or pay a percentage of the entire economy as reparations?

Again, you can read the entire document here. It makes for startling reading. We can make a few brief observations.

Note that the document was published on 30 June, 2017. The process leading to this year’s referendum has been long and bipartisan:

In 2010 Prime Minister the Hon Julia Gillard established the Expert Panel on the Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Constitution, co-chaired by Patrick Dodson and Mark Leibler, which reported in 2012. Prime Minister the Hon Tony Abbott established a Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, co-chaired by Senator Ken Wyatt and Senator Nova Peris, which reported in June 2015. Prime Minister the Hon Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader the Hon Bill Shorten then established this Referendum Council in December 2015.

We should take the Coalition’s appearance of opposition to the “model” being proposed for the “voice” with a big grain of salt.

Read the rest here …

The Murdering Governor Brothers – excusing the barbaric?

On 3 December, an article by Remy Varga appeared in the review section of the Weekend Australia with this heading:

Do these men actually deserve your empathy?

Who were the two men? One might have guessed that the men and the empathy concerned ‘First Nations’ people, Aboriginals, in other words. But in this case, it was about two full-blood Aboriginals.

The article continues: ‘Two Aboriginal men, debased by the pain and humiliation of racism, killed nine people, including three children and a baby. Have we misunderstood this terrible stain on our history?

Before inquiring how killing nine people could be misunderstood and why it is a stain on Australian history, and not on Aboriginal culture, we should have a bit more information.

Varga writes: ‘[Jimmy] Governor, and possibly Joe, slaughtered Mrs Grace Mawbey, her 16-year-old daughter Grace, 14-year-old Percival, 11-year-old Hilda and schoolteacher Helen Kerz. Continuing the murderous rampage, they then killed another man, Alexander McKay, a woman, Elizabeth O’Brien, and her baby. ‘ How were they killed? With a tomahawk and a nulla nulla – slashed to death and heads bashed in. Jimmy Governor seems to have been the main agent of the murder and mayhem.

Remy Varga, a young woman (from her photo), continues: ‘But should we have empathy for killers? [Jimmy] Governor was far from the only Aboriginal man whose life was debased by the pain and humiliation of racial injustice.’ You could say the same about the Irish, Catholics, and other undesirables and deplorables victimized by the left. But do you think the question would come up if it concerned anyone else but an Aboriginal? Not on your life. Varga generously invites the readers to ‘make up their own minds’ by listening to the reconstructed detailed which will tiptoe past the violence inherent in Aboriginal culture.

Read the rest here …

See my tab about Aboriginal violence pre-settlement

Lachlan Macquarie – Father of Australia

Governor Lachlan Macquarie was called the ‘Father of Australia’. The title is just. It was his governorship that corrected many of the inveterate problems caused by troublemaker John Macarthur, the ‘exclusives’, and the NSW Corps who instigated the Rum Rebellion and removed Governor Bligh. Below is a short piece about Macquarie by Dennis Hill on his Facebook page. As is currently the trend, Hill gives too much space in such a short piece to the inevitable conflict with the Aborigines. See my next posting which has the section on Governor Macquarie from my book PRISON HULK TO REDEMPTION. I concentrate on Macquarie’s determining role as a nation builder.

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Lachlan Macquarie

by Dennis Hill FB


Major General Lachlan Macquarie, CB ( 31 January 1762 – 1 July 1824) was a British Army officer and colonial administrator from Scotland. Macquarie served as the fifth Governor of New South Wales from 1810 to 1821, and had a leading role in the social, economic, and architectural development of the colony. He is considered by historians to have had a crucial influence on the transition of New South Wales from a penal colony to a free settlement and therefore to have played a major role in the shaping of Australian society in the early nineteenth century. Macquarie expressing a desire for Aboriginal peoples to be treated kindly, in 1816 he gave orders that led to the Appin Massacre of Gundungurra and Dharawal people during the Hawkesbury and Napean Rivers

On 8 May 1809 Macquarie was appointed to the position of Governor of New South Wales and its dependencies. He left for the colony on 22 May 1809, on HMS Dromedary, accompanied by HMS Hindostan. The 73rd Regiment of Foot came with him on the two ships. He arrived on 28 December at Sydney Cove and landed officially on 31 December, taking up his duties on the following day. In making this appointment, the British government changed its practice of appointing naval officers as governor and chose an army commander in the hope that he could secure the co-operation of the corrupt and insubordinate New South Wales Corps. Aided by the fact he arrived in New South Wales at the head of his own unit of regular troops, Macquarie was unchallenged by the New South Wales Corps, whose officers led by John Macarthur had mutinied against and imprisoned the previous governor, William Bligh.

Continue reading Lachlan Macquarie – Father of Australia

Australian Black Conservative

Cheron Long is a full-blood Aboriginal, a rarity among those city ‘Aboriginals’ whose abusive voices fill the media. Having grown up in the same suburban social environment, many of them are indistinguishable from the ordinary white Australian. In striking contrast, full-blood Cheron Long grew up in an Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory. Below is her story on her Facebook page, Australian Black Conservative. No further comment is necessary because her story speaks for itself. Think of Cheron when you hear the ‘blak’ white or olive-tinged activists mouthing off during the election campaign about the undemocratic ‘voice in parliament’.


My name is Cheron Long.

I grew up in a small community called Bulla in the Northern Territory. It is a place that I have very dark feelings for. I am the oldest child out of 6 children. My brother who’s 5 and 4 sisters 7, 10, 11 and my sister Meesha who turns 18 in a couple month time.

Because of the neglect from my family I have been the main carer for my brothers and sisters for a long time now.

I’ve got two children of my own as well. It’s been very hard raising them as well as my brother and sisters but they have no one else to watch over them and keep them safe.

There is alcohol fueled violence in our community every day, too much drunk fighting. It is not a safe or healthy environment for our kids. On any given day you can see and hear women getting assaulted by their partners. You can see kids walking around from house to house looking for food. The kids see the drunken parties, they see and hear the drunks walking around Bulla yelling abuse at people.

We have to live with an ‘Aboriginal rape culture’. Sexual abuse is accepted as normal in too many Aboriginal communities. When I have been interviewed by the media I have been told not to use these words because they demonize Aboriginal men. The media don’t want to hear the truth. But white feminists are allowed to say whatever they want. Why is it that Aboriginal women and children suffer the most but they won’t let us have our own voice when it comes to violence and sexual abuse in this country? Why won’t they let us tell our own story?

Continue reading Australian Black Conservative

Racism is not restricted to whites – obviously

It’s not racism if the ABC do it – and it’s about Australia’s majority white population. Their comedy skit Wake Up to Yourself is ostensibly meant to be a parody of the way white talk programs go on. But it’s no parody. No one will find a television produced by white people in which white people appear that resembles anything like this crude ignorant unfunny racist skit.

The ABC, run predominantly by culturally hollow white people, and the government funded SBS, Australia’s ‘multicultural’ channel, are out there, in the forefront, propagating anti-white racism in Australia.

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, a (true) Aboriginal woman, is deputy mayor of Alice Springs and Country Liberal Senate candidate for NT. Her views on the Aboriginal issue coincide mostly with the views I express here. She sees Australia as one country and one people under one flag. We work together to solve the problems of disadvantage.

She makes claims that would be called racist if a white person (like me) made them. She runs a newsletter which I strongly recommend. Email her here, info@jacintaprice.com, to receive the newsletter. I will post those that I find relevant to my concerns. I also strongly support her candidature for the Senate at the next federal election, and hope the Territorians support her. Her first newsletter focused on the antics of far-left Greens Lidia Thorpe, and the damage she does to the Indigenous cause.


Jacinta Nampijinpa Price Newsletter, 16 July 2021

I know you’re as sick and tired as I am of the damage being done by left-wing ideologues in Canberra.

Far left politicians and activists are lying and virtue signalling, trying to force their dangerous agenda onto everyday Australians.

But you and I aren’t about to roll over and let them destroy our great country. We’re ready to fight for our nation, and that’s why I am ready to go to Canberra.

Last week, I spoke to Sky News host Paul Murray about woke activist and Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe.

Showboating Lidia will say and do almost anything as long as she can put it on Twitter. Time she should be using to improve the lives of all Australians is spent on her divisive rhetoric, ridiculous ideology and juvenile tantrums when she doesn’t get her way.

She doesn’t realise how utterly ineffective she is, grandstanding just to get a rise out of her leftie Twitter mob.

She is doing herself, the people she was chosen to represent, and Indigenous Australians a complete disservice with her outbursts and whining, without contributing any meaningful debate.

The Australian Senate is not the place for juvenile activism and attacks on hard-working people actually trying to improve lives across the country.

Did you see Lidia blast the “white male” Attorney General of the Northern Territory?

“I do hope the Attorney-General, given he probably didn’t read the royal commission recommendations, hopefully he listens to these experts. Hopefully, they’re white. You know, white is right in this place.”

Unfortunately for her, NT Attorney General Selena Uibo is an Indigenous woman.

As Selena Uibo put it, Lidia is an expert at “the true Canberra tradition of saying outrageous things to get your name on television”. It’s time that Senator Thorpe realised she is actually the Senator for all Victorians – black, white, everyone.

Enough is enough.

You and I know we have a fight on our hands in Canberra and I’m ready to get in there.

I’m ready to go to Canberra and stand up for the Aussie values you hold dear.

With your help, I’m ready to take on the woke left activist politicians like Lidia Thorpe, doing their level best to ruin our great country.

I know you won’t let them. Jacinta Nampijinpa Price Country Liberal Senate Candidate for NT