Tag Archives: Anglophobia

Only white people are racist

Far and away the most multicultural countries in the world are the European countries and those lands settled by white people, like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the US. Not too long ago, those countries were predominantly white by a large margin.

In the mid-1960s, the Marxist-left launched a campaign to change the migration laws to allow the entry of non-white peoples into these predominantly white countries. A multicultural society would enrich the country, they said.

At the same time, nobody launched a similar campaign to enrich Asian and African countries by allowing unimpeded migration of white people. After all, if the standard applied to white countries, why not Asian and African? In fact, the opposite was the rule. Many African and Asian countries kicked out white people.

But that was not the rule for the Marxists. Their rule was to smash white, male, capitalist society. You see, by definition capitalist countries are white and masculine.

The Marxists have achieved a stunning victory. Those formerly white countries are now on the point of dropping below the 50 percent level of white people.

They have taken in people from the poorest, crime-ridden, undemocratic, violent countries. And many have brought their troubles with them.

White countries have given non-white people the opportunity for the best education, the most freedom, and the most stable government.

Are they happy with the privileges they would never have had in the countries they still give their allegiance to? No, they are now discovering there are too many white people around them, who make them feel inferior. The presence of white people is suffocating.

The passing of a white majority can’t be too soon. Indeed, one looks forward to the time when white people are made to suffer for what whiteness has done.

The fury of anti-white racism

Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred, Part II

Richard Harrison & Frank Salter, Quadrant, 28 April 2022

Part 1 of this series examined antipathy towards Anglos, who were defined as: people descended from the indigenous population of the British Isles in Australia and overseas as well as those who have assimilated into those populations.

We named this hatred “Anglophobia” in line with other forms of hostility such as homophobia and Islamophobia. As Anglophobia is a form of racism, various dimensions of racism were discussed along with related sociological concepts. Types of Anglophobia were described under the headings vilification, discrimination and violence.

In Part 2 we continue examining types of vilification, especially Critical Race Theory. This ideology has expanded to become an industry, impinging negatively on popular culture, education and much more. Connected topics include the claim that only white people can be racist because racism is a form of power, the replacement of Anglo identity in historical movies, and the firing of a producer of the British television drama Midsomer Murders. Finally, we examine how the accusation of “white supremacism” levelled at Anglo culture is contradicted by that culture not having the highest incomes or educational outcomes.

[4. Are considered prone to racism according to the ideology of “Critical Race Theory”, even when no direct evidence of racism exists.]

Continue reading The fury of anti-white racism


Quadrant magazine has published the first part of a major analysis of Anglophobia or anti-white racism in its April edition. The second part will appear in the May issue of Quadrant. At this time, the article (Pts 1 & 2) are available to subscribers only. See my tab Anglophobia – Anti-white Racism for more articles.


Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred (Part 1)

Richard Harrison & Frank Salter, Quadrant 31 March, 2022

In recent decades, the taboo against hostile discrimination has intensified. Racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and transphobia have been elevated to a point where they are now considered tantamount to criminal acts. Yet during the same period, discrimination against Anglos has been largely ignored.

(Note: In this series of articles, the term Anglo refers to people descended from the indigenous population of the British Isles in Australia and overseas as well as those who have assimilated into those populations. It can include kindred ethnic and cultural categories, namely people of European descent and Western civilisation as a whole.)

This discrimination needs a name commensurate with its importance. We have chosen the term Anglophobia. A clear statement of the scope and types of Anglophobia has become necessary.

Anglophobia is defined as hostility towards, aversion to, or discrimination against Anglo people. Anglophobia can be displayed by non-Anglos, by other white ethnicities, and by Anglos themselves. Hostility and suspicion towards Anglo and white Australians have become systemic in multicultural institutions. This hostility appears to be intensifying as ethno-religious diversity increases. It is harming Australians in general and Anglos in particular.

If the other identity phobias are valid concepts for describing hostility towards particular groups, then so too is “Anglophobia”.

Anglophobia helps to motivate policies which disadvantage the Anglo majority. These include unrestricted large-scale immigration that is transforming our society. They also include assaults by the school system on the Anglo identity of children. Australians have never been asked to vote for these policies. Instead, they have been imposed by edict.

Multiculturalism is a policy pursued by the governments of Anglosphere nations and many others in the West since the 1970s. The form of multiculturalism adopted is not the advertised normative type. Diversity and ethnic pride are not universally celebrated. Instead, the policies are often aggressive against the founding ethnic group, acting like a form of cultural warfare intended to defeat Anglos demographically, economically and psychologically. From its beginnings in the 1970s, Anglo advocates were excluded from multicultural forums and remained the prime targets of multicultural attacks on freedom of speech and association. This is intolerable in a law-governed democracy.

Continue reading Anglophobia