Richard Harrison & Frank Salter, Quadrant, 28 April 2022
Part 1 of this series examined antipathy towards Anglos, who were defined as: people descended from the indigenous population of the British Isles in Australia and overseas as well as those who have assimilated into those populations.
We named this hatred “Anglophobia” in line with other forms of hostility such as homophobia and Islamophobia. As Anglophobia is a form of racism, various dimensions of racism were discussed along with related sociological concepts. Types of Anglophobia were described under the headings vilification, discrimination and violence.
In Part 2 we continue examining types of vilification, especially Critical Race Theory. This ideology has expanded to become an industry, impinging negatively on popular culture, education and much more. Connected topics include the claim that only white people can be racist because racism is a form of power, the replacement of Anglo identity in historical movies, and the firing of a producer of the British television drama Midsomer Murders. Finally, we examine how the accusation of “white supremacism” levelled at Anglo culture is contradicted by that culture not having the highest incomes or educational outcomes.
[4. Are considered prone to racism according to the ideology of “Critical Race Theory”, even when no direct evidence of racism exists.]
Quadrant magazine has published the first part of a major analysis of Anglophobia or anti-white racism in its April edition. The second part will appear in the May issue of Quadrant. At this time, the article (Pts 1 & 2) are available to subscribers only. See my tab Anglophobia – Anti-white Racism for more articles.
Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred (Part 1)
Richard Harrison & Frank Salter, Quadrant 31 March, 2022
In recent decades, the taboo against hostile discrimination has intensified. Racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and transphobia have been elevated to a point where they are now considered tantamount to criminal acts. Yet during the same period, discrimination against Anglos has been largely ignored.
(Note: In this series of articles, the term Anglo refers to people descended from the indigenous population of the British Isles in Australia and overseas as well as those who have assimilated into those populations. It can include kindred ethnic and cultural categories, namely people of European descent and Western civilisation as a whole.)
This discrimination needs a name commensurate with its importance. We have chosen the term Anglophobia. A clear statement of the scope and types of Anglophobia has become necessary.
Anglophobia is defined as hostility towards, aversion to, or discrimination against Anglo people. Anglophobia can be displayed by non-Anglos, by other white ethnicities, and by Anglos themselves. Hostility and suspicion towards Anglo and white Australians have become systemic in multicultural institutions. This hostility appears to be intensifying as ethno-religious diversity increases. It is harming Australians in general and Anglos in particular.
If the other identity phobias are valid concepts for describing hostility towards particular groups, then so too is “Anglophobia”.
Anglophobia helps to motivate policies which disadvantage the Anglo majority. These include unrestricted large-scale immigration that is transforming our society. They also include assaults by the school system on the Anglo identity of children. Australians have never been asked to vote for these policies. Instead, they have been imposed by edict.
Multiculturalism is a policy pursued by the governments of Anglosphere nations and many others in the West since the 1970s. The form of multiculturalism adopted is not the advertised normative type. Diversity and ethnic pride are not universally celebrated. Instead, the policies are often aggressive against the founding ethnic group, acting like a form of cultural warfare intended to defeat Anglos demographically, economically and psychologically. From its beginnings in the 1970s, Anglo advocates were excluded from multicultural forums and remained the prime targets of multicultural attacks on freedom of speech and association. This is intolerable in a law-governed democracy.
Adam Creighton in an article in the Australian (9 June 2021), Yale in damage control over ‘shoot white people’ lecture, gives a brain-exploding look into the demented hatred of white people that prevails in academia in the West. He writes:
‘New York psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani, in a lecture at Yale’s Child Study Centre titled The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind, said white people were “out of their minds and had been for a long time” in remarks that supercharged the debate over far-left teaching in schools and universities.
“I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f..king favour,” she told the audience of clinicians and child mental health experts.’
Did you get that? Let’s read it again to make sure we’re not imagining something so grotesquely psychotic.
“I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f..king favour,” she told the audience of clinicians and child mental health experts.’
Such unblushing outbursts are not uncommon. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of anti-white racism that floats unchecked in academia.
Khilanani’s name (appropriate for a racist psychotic) and appearance places her ancestry in the Indian subcontinent, a regions rife with class distinction and abject poverty. So, here we have another case of someone arriving in the affluent West, taking advantage of all that it has to offer, and as thanks then turn to subversion and sabotage. Not an uncommon case. (Anne Tyler provides more information on Wikibious)
Yale in damage control over ‘shoot white people’ lecture
New York psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani said her remarks had been taken out of context. Picture: TikTok
Adam Creighton, The Australian, 9 June 2021
America’s most exclusive university, Yale, has distanced itself from a guest lecturer who said she had fantasies about shooting white people.
New York psychiatrist Aruna Khilanani, in a lecture at Yale’s Child Study Centre titled The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind, said white people were “out of their minds and had been for a long time” in remarks that supercharged the debate over far-left teaching in schools and universities.
“I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f..king favour,” she told the audience of clinicians and child mental health experts.
Yale University said it “found the tone and content antithetical to the values of the school”, and restricted access to a video of the lecture.
“We ultimately decided to post the video with access limited to those who could have attended the talk— the members of the Yale community,” the university’s School of Medicine said in a statement.
This last week has seen many videos posted on social media platforms of Black Lives Matter and Antifa Marxist thugs bashing white Trump supporters. The attacks are cowardly, often in groups, and launched from behind on unsuspecting people demonstrating peacefully. The attacks are what BLM and Antifa are about. Violence is their essence. If you deny the widespread violence you are either a lying activist or seriously delusional. LifeSiteNews has compiled examples that are a sickening illustration of the Marxist BLM and Antifa.
BLM, Antifa inject violence into Million MAGA March, attack peaceful participants
Social media lit up over the weekend with video of violent clashes provoked by Black Lives Matter and Antifa against Trump-supporters.
by Charles Robertson
November 17, 2020 ( — As night fell on Saturday and the peaceful participants of the Million MAGA March in Washington, D.C. began to disperse, violent clashes provoked by Black Lives Matter and Antifa against Trump-supporters began being posted to social media.
Saturday’s massive event in support of Trump was countered by a variety of left-wing organizations, including Refuse Fascism and Black Lives Matter. As Trump-supporters were making their way back to their homes or hotels toward the end of the day, the leftist groups seemed no longer content to curse their opponents, but began to lay hands on them as well.
Part of a video of a daytime incident leading to the arrest of several BLM activists went viral on Saturday evening and into Sunday. The part that was most widely seen showed a Trump-supporter being hit from behind and then kicked while he was down. Leftists on social media complained that this video left out footage of the Trump-supporter starting the conflict. However, further footage shows that this particular incident was the outcome of police redirecting Trump-supporters through an increasingly violent mob of BLM activists.
In the first video, Trump-supporters are redirected through a crowd of BLM and Antifa counter-protesters by police, and a man is repeatedly punched and pushed by a woman in an orange hat starting around 1:13 (warning: violence and foul language):
What a bunch of appalling cowards the corporate world has become. News has just broken that gutless Canadian company SAPUTO has caved into a small bunch of far-left activists in Australia who claim ‘COON’ as in Coon Cheese had ‘racist connotations’.
The leader of the small poisonous group is cited in media reports as Stephen Hagan, ‘Hagan’ having European/Germanic derivations, No connotation here, but a direct root in Europan/Germanic culture.
In some media reports Hagan is described as ‘academic’, in others as an ‘Aboriginal activist’. Hagan is likely an Australian of Aboriginal Ancestry (AOAA) with no more than splash of Aboriginal blood in his European blood flow. We see these white Aboriginals at the forefront of agitation, sucking on the fat teat of government largess, and oppressing the general population.
Of course when you claim you are Aboriginal in Australia, you feel entitled to say or do whatever you want, and you do or say whatever you want. As for the rest of the (white) population, we can all go to buggery.
It makes no difference that 99% of the Australian population never connected Coon Cheese with anything pertaining to race. All you have to do as an ‘Aboriginal’ activist is concoct a story about racist discrimination and feed to a compliant leftist media, and you’re home and hosed. The elected authorities go down like a pack of cards.
What we are seeing in a Australia is the wholesale betrayal of our Australian way of life.
Australia is constantly slandered as a (white) racist country. The hordes of POCs trying to get into Australia would seem to disprove that slander. Of course, that does not stop the slander. It does not stop the slander because the truth or falsehood of the claim (it is false) is not at issue. It is slander as a political tool. It will keep going because it is an effective tool in the worldwide Marxist campaign to destroy white influence and white civilization.
Those white countries that allow extensive POC immigration now find many of those who benefited out on the streets condemning their white hosts as racists and tearing down statues of figures once considered important in developing the standard of living that those POCs migrated to enjoy.
One wonders how long the tolerance of this insane situation will go on.
As expected, the far-left, including the Marxist Greens, have rushed together to dismiss the violent merciless crimes of African youth as (white) racism. (See report)
It does not matter that the crime figures demonstrate an incident of crime and violence among African youth that is way out of proportion to the size of the African community in Australia. It does not matter that there is ample video evidence of the violence and brazenness of the criminals. No, using the African community as a pretext, the usual treasonous people and groups are there to attack and undermine bourgeois white capitalist society at every turn. It is another manifestation of the rise of anti-white racism.
Will the Australian community witness once again the success of a determined far-left campaign to slur and slander (white) Australians as racist, thereby putting yet another gag on the ordinary person’s right of free speech?
The systematic murder of white farmers in South Africa
Following her visit to South Africa, Lauren Southern is preparing a ten-part documentary series on the shocking plight of white farmers in South Africa. The series will cover ‘the intricacies of the methods used in farm killings to the enduring consequences. The series tells ‘stories of murder, brutality and corruption – but also stories of bravery and triumph.’ It’s a story that our main stream media is not telling. It is also the story of the rising anti-white racism around the world. More information about Lauren’s project is here.
The video below speaks for itself. It’s about circumstances that are never mentioned in the Australian media. Lauren Southern is a well-known youtuber.
Political prudence aims at ‘combining the principles of original justice with the infinite variety of human concerns.’