Tag Archives: Australia Day

Continuous culture of 65,000 years? Come off it!

The claim that Aboriginal culture is the world’s oldest continuing culture through 65,000 years is constantly regurgitated in a supportive media and by the white reinvented Aboriginals who form a powerful political group.

‘Continuing’ in this sense means unchanged because the first settlers found Aboriginal society the most primitive that European explorers had found anywhere. They had not even invented the wheel. And like all native cultures, Aboriginal culture was extremely violent.

But regarding the 65,000 years, how do they know it was the same culture and the same people over 65,000 years? The earliest written records (Sumerian and Egyptian) go back no more than 3,400 years, and the first coherent records (Sumerian and Egyptian) are no more than 2,600 years old.

Of course, fossil traces of human existence go back thousands of years, but nothing specifically cultural. One can accept fossil traces of human existence have been found on the Australian continent, but that does not mean it was the same people or exactly the same culture. It does not assault reason to say Aboriginal culture, as found by the settlers in January 1788, may not have been more than a few thousand years old.

Let’s face it. The constantly regurgitated claim about Aboriginal culture is a political weapon. It is meant to demonstrate the alleged illegitimacy of European settlement and the superiority of the present indigenous community, a great deal of which is mixed blood.

It is ridiculous to behold flabby, painted, pale men trying to execute Aboriginal dances in the southern states. These reinvented ceremonies accompany just about every official occasion. We know they’re not genuine because we often see on television the same dances executed by full-blood Aboriginals in the Northern Territory and northern Queensland who are from traditional Aboriginal communities. The cultural reinventions of the southern states are a joke.

White Aboriginal leader Marcus Stewart, a main player in the Victorian ‘Treaty’ discussions.

Australia Day must be brought back to what it once was

Wokish news.com.au has today provided a terrific series of 45 photos of past Australia Days highlighting Australia’s national flag.

Australia has one flag. There are no others.

Once elected, Peter Dutton’s task is to restore Australia Day to what it once was.

Accompanying the photos was News’s claim: ‘A recent poll found younger Australians aged 18 to 24 were more likely to be in favour of changing the date.’ This quote is meant to show that support for Australia Day is on the way out.

It pertinent to point out that the Marxist enemy has full control of Australia’s education system. Australians aged 18 to 24 have been thoroughly indoctrinated with an virulently Anti-Australian narrative.

There are now signs that Australians in their mid-twenties are waking up to the processes of indoctrination that has formed their attitudes. See my post ‘Is the ride turning?’

For the rest of the 45 photos see here . . .

Woolworths – Treachery Betrayal

In early January 2024, the news broke that the Woolworths Group had got rid of their Australia Day merchandise (flags, caps, towels, and so on). They would no longer sell anything to do with Australia Day. The decision was clearly ideological. Woolworths management had joined the woke elites who supported the Aboriginal activists. This was in the face of the crushing defeat the activists suffered in the referendum to authorize what in reality was a separate Aboriginal state. Outrage thundered across Australia. Woolworths remained unrepentant. In this video, I show on the basis of the information on Woolworths’ corporate website, that the Woolworths’ Group is fully committed to the wokish agenda. The outrage of the ordinary Australian was justified.


Woolworth’s decision to remove Australia Day merchandise from its shelves hit like a bombshell across Australia.

What could they have been thinking, people were asking? Loud contempt and savage criticism have been poured on the corporate sector for cowardly turning their backs on ordinary people and falling in behind the wokist and Marxist elites who are never finished reading us their lessons and never finished scheming and manipulating the political process.

One would think that prudence would have dictated more subtle political action. But, no, in a sickening act of betrayal, they resorted to a business nulla nulla to bash us into submitting to their wokist political agenda. Indeed, Woolworths’ competitor, Coles, seems to have decided to keep Australia Day stock and escaped the lashing. Woolworths’ cussedness is an indication of their ideological rigidity. The people must obey, and if they resist, they must be made to obey.

Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci fronted the media on behalf of what’s called the Woolworths Group Executive Committee to defend the corporation’s action.

He squirmed and wriggled as he struggled to parry the criticism with the excuse that it was an economic decision. Australia Day merchandise did not sell. No sense in having stock that doesn’t sell. That’s pitiable nonsense, of course. It’s a fact that Australians buy Australia Day merchandise throughout the year, and not only around Australia Day. On simple business principles, a business would stock merchandise for which there was a demand. Brad’s explanation did not wash. And people could smell the wokist politics a mile off.

Continue reading Woolworths – Treachery Betrayal

Invasion day? Worry about the one taking place.

The British Australian Community has produced a blockbuster video, providing a brief historical account of what made Australia the great nation that it became in a miraculously short time.

Wonderful scenes are shown of the Australian people as we used to know them. In contrast with these rousing scenes is the threat of runaway migration that includes people from incompatible cultures with suspect intentions. See my previous comments about the Chinese community.

Treacherous feminist campaign to eliminate Australian culture and history

Take a look at the portraits below of Brimbank Council’s councillors. Eight of the eleven councillors are women and three are men. In this case it is more accurate to say that eight are feminists and three are emasculated men.

All women who manage to capture even the smallest management position in Australian society are feminist. They are feminists who acquire their position to promote and push forward their feminist/woke agenda. They are remorseless and unforbiding in their various campaigns. Once they secure their position they will hang onto it like a wild cat, scratching and hissing at anyone.

In the case of an elected position, like a municipal councillor, they will capture the position according to democractic rules but once secured will shut down any challenge to their decisions – as Christopher Heathcote illustrates below – in the best dictatorial manner.

Capture of local government is integral to the feminist agenda. If you don’t believe me, inquire who is running your local council and whether they are more concerned with their political ideology than with the tasks local councils were created for. The time for local councils has passed.

People have to realize that feminists don’t give a st… about democracy. It’s all about their feminist/woke ideology – the destruction of patriarchy and the white anglo capitalist order.

Australia’s feminists are guilty of treachery and betrayal that former generations once knew how to handle.

When will Australian men realize that it is not in their interests to give any support at all to the feminist agenda?


Welcome to Country, Goodbye Australia Day

Christopher Heathcote, Quadrant, 16 December 2023

Sunshine and surrounding suburbs in Melbourne’s west will not be observing Australia Day in 2024.  Residents learned this on 12 December at Brimbank Council’s last meeting for 2023.  The council runs a sprawling municipality of over half a million souls, encompassing Deer Park, Sunshine, St Albans, Kealba, Taylors Lakes and historic Keilor.

It was a packed meeting with extra chairs carried in for the many ratepayers who attended. Three security guards were also laid on — one stood either side of the room, and a third (who kept noisily grunting) sat in the back row amid a contingent of elderly Vietnamese. The Mayor, Cr Ranka Rasic, started the meeting by reading out a prepared statement that comments or protests from members of the public would not be tolerated, and anyone who disrupted the meeting would be ejected from the building.

Cr Rasic next called all present to stand, then gave a formal acknowledgment of country, and the meeting got underway.  After accepting the minutes of November’s council meeting it was on to correspondence from ratepayers.  A theme running through letters cited was the seeming reluctance of councillors to actually meet with ratepayers.  One letter about a meeting to ratify the council’s new policy on LGBTQ+ matters pointed out that, while there was a strong turnout of the local LGBTQ+ community, most councillors did not attend.  However, Councillors defensively took the line that its easy enough throughout the year for ratepayers to contact them, so there is no need for ratepayers to meet with or address the council.

The first few letters asked about the independence of councillors.  Cr Rasic speedily dealt with them by referring the correspondent to the relevant regulations, quoting a code number. 

The next letter pointed out that council meetings begin with all standing for an acknowledgement of country, but the National Anthem is neither played nor sung.  Emphasising that the National Anthem is inclusive and acknowledges all Australians, not just one race, the correspondent requested that in future it be sung at the start of all Council Meetings.  Cr Rasic once again referred to the council’s regulations (code number quoted), saying that they prescribe the acknowledgement of country, but not the National Anthem.  No councillor took up the proposal to play or sing the National Anthem in meetings, so the meeting moved on.

Read the rest here . . .

Stephen Smith – another Labor Traitor

Stephen Smith cancels Australia Day celebrations in London.

STEPHEN SMITH, High Commissioner to London, and former Labor Party high-up (that’s why he got the job) has shown once again that the Australian Labor Party is the party of treachery and betrayal. Despite the ‘YES’ campaign for separatism being absolutely smashed by the 61% of Australians, the dishonorable Stephen Smith has taken it upon himself to get rid of celebrations for Australia Day at Australia House in London.

Like all his Labor colleagues who don’t give a sh.. about what Australians want if it does not fit in with their ideology, he has acted on is own. He has no authority at all to discard an Australian tradition like Australia Day which is and has always been on 26 January. The Australian nation properly understood has its origins in that date.

Do Australians once again have to swallow such arbitrary undemocratic decisions as this? Is there nobody who will rise to defend us?