Tag Archives: Australians of Aboriginal Ancestru

Forwarding the separatists’ agenda

The Violent Politics of Australia Day

Keith Windschuttle

Editor, Quadrant Magazine, 9 January 2022

The group of Aboriginal activists and their white supporters who set fire to Old Parliament House on December 30 were marking what will soon be the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in the parliament’s grounds. They were emulating the degree of violence that took place at the same location on Australia Day in 2012 when demonstrators marked the fortieth anniversary of the Tent Embassy’s existence.

This is a point that none of our mainstream news media have so far chosen to make in their plainly subdued reports of this willful assault on such an important symbol of Australian democracy. Indeed, even The Australian let down its readers, claiming “The Tent Embassy was getting ready to celebrate 50 years of peaceful occupation of the site.” Its journalists said the incendiaries were motley outsiders, many of them white. The newspaper said there was “rising tension” between the long-time occupants of the tent embassy and “the new arrivals, many of them anti-vaxxers and ‘sovereign citizens’ who believe laws don’t apply to them”. However, let me remind Quadrant readers what happened on the fortieth anniversary and what the Tent Embassy occupants regard as acceptable political behaviour.

At 2pm on January 26 2012 Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott went to the Lobby Restaurant on King George Terrace, Canberra, just down the road from Old Parliament House, to present the National Emergency Medals. These awards are part of the Australian honours system and only given for exceptional action in protecting lives and property in direct response to events like the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria in 2009 and the Queensland floods and cyclones in 2010–2011. The ceremony is usually a dignified affair that the recipients of the medal and their families are proud to remember. On Australia Day 2012, however, the ceremony was anything but.

Soon after it began, an angry mob of 200 Aborigines and their white supporters marched up to the front door of the restaurant and loudly interrupted proceedings. When security would not let them inside, they surrounded the building and, banging hard on its glass walls, shouted “shame” and “racist” and chanted: “Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land”.

Read the rest here …

Old Parliament House – insurrectionists’ act of war

A naked act of war entirely predictable

Insurrectionists, mostly Australians of different degrees of Aboriginal ancestry, some unrecognisable as ‘indigenous’, have been shouting their intentions for years. They don’t recognise ‘ownership or ‘sovereignty’ over Australia by anyone but themselves. ‘Always was, and always will be’ is a constant refrain sung by the complicit government-funded ABC and SBS. These are not empty beliefs. They are intentions and beliefs to be acted on. And they have acted.

They were shouting ‘burn it down, burn it down’ while they piled kindling on the flames eating away at the doors of Old Parliament House. They had no compunction setting alight Old Parliament House. It was a right act in a righteous cause. Their ownership gives them the right to destroy whatever does not meet their insurrectionist/separatist agenda.

And there, yet again, was the seriously delusional Greens senator, Lidia Thorpe, shouting her support for what was nothing else but an act of war.

The insurrectionists have declared war on Australia. Why not give them the war they want?

The truth about Aboriginal disadvantage

Loudest voices come from the cities, not the bush

Jacinta Nampijinpa, The Australian, 5 January 2021

Despite Closing the Gap, there remains a seven-year difference in life expectancy between the cities and the bush.
Despite Closing the Gap, there remains a seven-year difference in life expectancy between the cities and the bush.

Our political leaders don’t live in the bush, they live in cities. Heads of Aboriginal organisations don’t live in the bush, they live in cities. Policymakers don’t live in the bush, they live in cities. Those with the loudest voices pushing to change the date of Australia Day — or for a voice to parliament — don’t live in the bush, they live in the cities.

The cities are where the activists and their credulous supporters live among some of Australia’s most privileged. The cities are where the “progressive” media lives and the frame through which it views and reports to the rest of Australia. The cities are where the universities indoctrinate with much of their politically correct ideological teachings, delivered by academics who’ve never lived in remote Indigenous communities yet who bombard parliamentary inquiries and grant application channels with recommendations that fail to even grasp Indigenous disadvantage.

This is part of the reason decades of attempts to address Indigenous disadvantage have fallen short of accomplishing the outcomes needed to fix the ongoing raft of problems. Indigenous Australians in regional remote areas still face dire circumstances.

Read the rest here…

White Aboriginals wish their existence away

It is a curious thing about many self-declared Aboriginals who bemoan the so-called invasion and the ravaging of their ‘indigenous’ culture. The majority of Aboriginals who pass before our eyes in news reports are in fact Australians of Aboriginal ancestry (AOAAs).

Their colour, from faded brown to full white with European features, gives them away. They all have the blood of other races (predominantly white) racing through their veins.

Do they realise that in bemoaning the invasion they are wishing their existence away? Does it not occur to them that they are alive because the fantastic, incredible voyage of eleven ships brought Europeans and their culture to the land mass now known as Australia?

It is not the only incoherence in the Aboriginal affair.

I do not acknowledge welcome to country

All Australians are equal under the law. No group of Australians has a superior status by virtue of their race or a culture other than Australian culture. Implicit in the Welcome to Country ceremonies is the superiority of Aboriginal culture and land ownership over and above that of ordinary Australians.

A nation and its culture are only as strong as their cultural confidence and their strength and determination to defend themselves. Otherwise they will fall prey to inimical forces operating either under a variety of pretexts and subterfuges or by open force of arms.

Ordinary Australians are witnessing the infiltration and takeover of their institutions which are then used to impose a reinvented and fabricated culture on them and the downgrading and eventually exclusion of their own.

Is there anyone who will defend us? Are we to fall to the traitor class? Will nobody come to our aid?

I do not acknowledge the Aboriginal flag

The so-called Aboriginal flag, whatever its origins, has long been hijacked by the far-left as a formidable weapon in their Marxist agenda, which is to wipe out all vestiges of European (capitalist) society. That’s the reason I do not recognize it. How many Australians of Aboriginal ancestry (AOAAs) realize they are just a tool in the radicals’ agenda? The Aboriginal flag is the opposite of a tool of reconciliation.

What are the origins of the so-called Aboriginal flag? Why has this commercially designed flag, now hijacked by the extreme left, been given official status – which status I refuse to acknowledge? Who gave it official status?

The brief answer is that the flag was designed by a graphic artist who holds the copyright and exacts a payment for its use. So the flag that has no popular ratification is a political leftist flag that pours money into a few private pockets.

The flag was given official status as the Aboriginal flag in 1995. IT IS NOT A NATIONAL FLAG. But that does not answer the question of who in government took it upon themselves to give the flag official status without going to the people. More information below.

The shady past of the WHITE man who controls the Aboriginal flag

Aboriginal flag nothing more than a ‘fabricated entity’

Government must not buy Aboriginal flag ‘because there is already one national flag’

Aboriginal society was not a pretty sight

The first arrivals in Botany Bay and Sydney Cove wrote their impressions of the Aboriginals they came across in small groups. Among other observations, they noticed that the Aboriginal women showed signs of constant bashing. Indeed, it was no different from the bashing and child abuse presently witnessed among Aboriginal groups in central Australia. The indefatigable promoters of Aboriginal separatism see the history of Aboriginal society differently, Now Aboriginal society pre-settlement cannot be glorified too much. In all respects, they assert, Aboriginal society was superior to the white racists who established the complex society we see around us today. And to point out what the real first Australians achieved, is to earn the title of ‘white supremacists’. The history of Aboriginal society is either being rewritten or reinvented. Occasionally, a real historian will break through the fantasy and propaganda to state the truth.


Life and Death in Pre-Contact Aboriginal Australia

William D Rubinstein, Quadrant, 18 November 2020

When Europeans first settled in Australia in 1788, they encountered an Aboriginal society of almost incredible barbarism and violence. This was the reality of what they found. The reasons for the violence and barbarism of Aboriginal society derive entirely, or almost entirely, from one factor alone. All of the Aborigines of Australia were hunter-gatherers who had not domesticated livestock nor grown crops for food. As a result, the lives of the hundreds of small tribes that constituted Aboriginal society were engaged in a never-ending struggle to find what food they could from what little existed on this continent.

Directly because of this central fact, it was absolutely necessary to keep the size of each tribe small enough for its members to be kept alive by what food and other sustenance they could find. It was therefore absolutely necessary for them to avoid adding any excess mouths to feed to the limited numbers who could be kept alive by the methods of hunter-gatherers in the Dry Continent. They did this by systematically eliminating the excess mouths.

Continue reading Aboriginal society was not a pretty sight

Aboriginal woman takes us behind the rhetoric

Aboriginal woman pens powerful letter to divisive Australians

Caldron Pool, 19 January 2018

Jacinta Price has shared a remarkable letter she received from “a true survivour and the kind of Aboriginal woman our leaders need to listen to, especially [former] Greens Leader Di Natale.” [Marxist Adam Bandt is now Greens leader.]

I want to share this letter sent to me by a woman I regard as a sister. She is a true survivor and the kind of Aboriginal woman our leaders need to listen to, especially Greens Leader Di Natale!! Hear her words and please share her story! –

I’ve spent an hour trying to figure out how to start this letter and there’s no easy or good way to start it, I can’t pretty it up and I can’t be sensitive because I’m just so angry.

Over the last few days we have seen The Greens party cause a huge division between us, Indigenous pitted against Indigenous, Black against whites in what I can say is some of the most vile and racist hate speech I’ve ever seen, those defending the Greens have played right into their hands like the puppets you are, you think you’re smart but you’re not. Have you ever read the story of The Pied piper? The Greens are the piper and you’re the rats.

I see so much screaming and crying over the date, the 26th of January, the national day of Australia, Australia Day but not the correct date of the first fleet arriving, more fool you. So foolish to believe that the people crying for changing the date actually care about you? They don’t care about you! They care about division, widening the gap not closing it, a fool is easily parted from his family.

Read the rest here…

Working towards a system of apartheid

This is the Mornington Peninsula Shire’s mayor. Just elected she has not wasted any time in imposing her far-left green agenda on the unsuspecting people of the Mornington Peninsula of whom a large proportion are retired people, people who have absolutely no affinity with her mangled leftist views. Despi O’Connor has emptied herself of her Australian culture and in its place she has stuffed a reinvented and in some degree a fabricated version of Indigenous culture and history. The Mornington Peninsula Shire is yet another municipality the Green Left have taken without giving any indication beforehand of what they stood for. Despi and her council mates are for everyone except old Australians, those conscious of what Australia has achieved since 26 January 1788.


There are some very sensitive people over there at Mornington Peninsula Shire Council. The Green far-left are true to style. Blot out anything that deviates from their tiresome leftist narrative. Despi does not want her propaganda exposed to the well-earned criticism on youtube, does she? So, like the fervent little collectivist she is, she removed it. But the video is still on the council’s website HERE, at least until she finds out unwelcome eyes can still view it.

Reconciliation is giving in to the separatists

We have known it for years. When the Marxists say they are all for peace and reconciliation, they mean peace and reconciliation on their terms. No compromise. Those who reject the Marxist agenda are subject to the usual abuse, slander, and disqualification. Prime Minister Morrison should have known that changing one word in the anthem would make no difference to those separatists who look on themselves as a superior caste.

Anthem change opens floodgates for activists.

Advance, January 11, 2021

As Advance has said for years, if you give the left an inch, they’ll take a mile.

When the clock struck midnight on New Year’s eve, Prime Minister Scott Morrison made the executive decision to change our national anthem.

In an attempt to appease the left and their Indigenous allies, ScoMo changed the line “for we are young and free” to “for we are one and free”.

Although this gesture aims to recognise that Australian Aboriginals lived here for thousands of years, it fails to address the suffering endured by many in our rural Indigenous communities and has done the very opposite of appeasing the activists.

Instead, the anthem change has empowered those who hate our anthem and opened the floodgates for those who wish to change it more.

The most vocal of these is Indigenous boxing great Anthony Mundine, who blasted the lyric change, claiming it “ain’t good enough”.

He argues “one word ain’t gonna change the core meaning of a song” and that “it’s always gonna be a white supremacy song until the whole song is rewritten.”

Mundine isn’t alone.

Read the rest here…