Big data expert: Facebook, Twitter, Google have become Orwellian ‘Ministry of Truth’
Martin Burger, LifeSiteNews, Fri Oct 2, 2020
October 2, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Big data expert Kalev Leetaru accused social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter of being “Orwellian walled gardens” in which “ever-changing rules of ‘acceptable speech’ dictate what Americans are permitted to say and see.”
For Leetaru, Big Tech in Silicon Valley has “become the de facto Ministry of Truth.”
In an opinion piece for RealClearPolitics, the senior fellow at Auburn University’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security explained that social media companies, “in the absence of governmental regulations requiring greater transparency about their operations, … are able to shield their growing power from public scrutiny.”
Breaking apart the monopoly: How conservatives can fight back against Big Tech
September 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – The second video of LifeSite’s new Uncensored: Big Tech vs. Free Speech series is now available.
Today, we hear from Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center, who discusses how Big Tech manipulates search engine results and aids and abets domestic terrorism.
Bozell explains how conservatives can fight Big Tech, and how individuals can help bring back our freedom of speech.
If there is just one video you see this year, it should be this. And if you think all that talk about one world government and the power of the big techs is just conspiracy theory nonsense, then think again. The evidence continues to emerge to what extent the West has surrendered to dictators.
Political prudence aims at ‘combining the principles of original justice with the infinite variety of human concerns.’