Tag Archives: Black Lives Matter

The unremitting violence of BLM and Antifa

This last week has seen many videos posted on social media platforms of Black Lives Matter and Antifa Marxist thugs bashing white Trump supporters. The attacks are cowardly, often in groups, and launched from behind on unsuspecting people demonstrating peacefully. The attacks are what BLM and Antifa are about. Violence is their essence. If you deny the widespread violence you are either a lying activist or seriously delusional. LifeSiteNews has compiled examples that are a sickening illustration of the Marxist BLM and Antifa.

BLM, Antifa inject violence into Million MAGA March, attack peaceful participants

Social media lit up over the weekend with video of violent clashes provoked by Black Lives Matter and Antifa against Trump-supporters.

by Charles Robertson

November 17, 2020 (LifeSiteNews.com) — As night fell on Saturday and the peaceful participants of the Million MAGA March in Washington, D.C. began to disperse, violent clashes provoked by Black Lives Matter and Antifa against Trump-supporters began being posted to social media.

Saturday’s massive event in support of Trump was countered by a variety of left-wing organizations, including Refuse Fascism and Black Lives Matter. As Trump-supporters were making their way back to their homes or hotels toward the end of the day, the leftist groups seemed no longer content to curse their opponents, but began to lay hands on them as well.

Part of a video of a daytime incident leading to the arrest of several BLM activists went viral on Saturday evening and into Sunday. The part that was most widely seen showed a Trump-supporter being hit from behind and then kicked while he was down. Leftists on social media complained that this video left out footage of the Trump-supporter starting the conflict. However, further footage shows that this particular incident was the outcome of police redirecting Trump-supporters through an increasingly violent mob of BLM activists.

In the first video, Trump-supporters are redirected through a crowd of BLM and Antifa counter-protesters by police, and a man is repeatedly punched and pushed by a woman in an orange hat starting around 1:13 (warning: violence and foul language):

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