Last January I posted a comment about the George Floyd and BLM incident that unleashed a leftist mania worldwide: George Floyd and BLM – All Based on Lies. There has hardly been an incident that Marxists have so gloriously exploited. Millions went into the pockets of a handful of Marxists who now enjoy the benefits of their windfall – and have a big laugh at how easy the shake-down was.
Today I am posting Candace Owens’ video demonstrating again how successful the BLM Marxists were in exploiting the death of an habitual criminal and drug addict and sending an innocent policeman to a lengthy term in jail who was just doing his job. The George Floyd and the BLM mania is emblematic of the decay in Western Civilization.
Far and away the most multicultural countries in the world are the European countries and those lands settled by white people, like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the US. Not too long ago, those countries were predominantly white by a large margin.
In the mid-1960s, the Marxist-left launched a campaign to change the migration laws to allow the entry of non-white peoples into these predominantly white countries. A multicultural society would enrich the country, they said.
At the same time, nobody launched a similar campaign to enrich Asian and African countries by allowing unimpeded migration of white people. After all, if the standard applied to white countries, why not Asian and African? In fact, the opposite was the rule. Many African and Asian countries kicked out white people.
But that was not the rule for the Marxists. Their rule was to smash white, male, capitalist society. You see, by definition capitalist countries are white and masculine.
The Marxists have achieved a stunning victory. Those formerly white countries are now on the point of dropping below the 50 percent level of white people.
They have taken in people from the poorest, crime-ridden, undemocratic, violent countries. And many have brought their troubles with them.
White countries have given non-white people the opportunity for the best education, the most freedom, and the most stable government.
Are they happy with the privileges they would never have had in the countries they still give their allegiance to? No, they are now discovering there are too many white people around them, who make them feel inferior. The presence of white people is suffocating.
The passing of a white majority can’t be too soon. Indeed, one looks forward to the time when white people are made to suffer for what whiteness has done.
Insurrection? The left show what an insurrection is about
One can always recognise the signs that the left are about to concoct a narrative. Such signs presented when a relatively small riotous group forced their way into the Capitol building in Washington on 6 January, while the main body of Trump supporters remained at a distance, as did Trump. Those who did make it into the building were filmed wandering around unheeded. Despite the non-threatening manner of most – there were a few exceptions – the left latched onto it with glee and enthusiasm.
Right across the world the media hammered the charge of insurrection. The same vision of the stair to the building crowded with people was recycled endlessly. The narrative was fixed. Fascist Donald Trump with his far-right supporters had attempted a coup. The narrative was unmercifully thrashed until there was not a jot of life left in it. By the time an official investigation showed Trump had nothing to do with what was now described as the riot, the incident was in the grave. Only a few indefatigable leftists now visit the grave in an attempt to resurrect the narrative.
But as far as insurrections go, conservatives should go to the left, to Antifa, to BLM to learn how to do an insurrection. Here are four of Paul Joseph Watson’s most popular videos.
The article below is pretty much what I think about the Marxist campaign in the US. Indeed, it is pretty much what is going on in Australia, and has been going on for some years. Read this article carefully. There are other articles saying the same under my tab BLM, but this article says it all. I wonder whether it’s not too late for people to wake up and recognize the uncompromising agenda of the Marxists. Do something.
The situation had become “worrying,” in fact, even before the results of the 2016 presidential election were known. As we now can read in the Department of Justice report by Michael Horowitz, the senior levels of government during the Obama Administration were colluding to prevent President Trump from winning the election, and then, after it, to frame him in an attempted coup d’état.
Mayors of many cities and other local officials have deliberately protected criminals over law-abiding citizens and allowed the destruction to take place.
“I thought things were partisan and tough 30 years ago — nothing compared to today. Things have fundamentally changed… [the left] represents a revolutionary Rousseauian party that believes in tearing down the system… They’re interested in complete political victory. They’re not interested in compromise. They’re not interested in dialectic, exchange of views… It’s a substitute religion. They view their political opponents… as evil because we stand in the way of their progressive utopia that they’re trying to reach…” — US Attorney General William Barr, Fox News, August 9, 2020.
“Today our nation is facing the most serious threat to establish such a tyranny in our entire history.” — David Horowitz, Frontpage Mag, August 10, 2020.
Felix Rex (Plack Pigeon) has released a stunning video that undermines one of the main reasons for the Black Lives Matters rioting, showing the movement to be the tool of the dark (Marxist) forces attempting to eliminate white people and their civilization and replace it with a Marxist constructed dictatorship.