Tag Archives: Box-tickers

The fake vetting the fake – how wild will it get?

The belligerent white Aboriginals wandering through the media in Australia’s big cities – not the outback – are the big elephant in the room, the emperor without clothes, the word none dare to speak … and the rest of the cliches. None except an Aboriginal like Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, who actually grew up in Aboriginal society. She calls those box-tickers who have to tell you they’re ‘First Nations’ – fakes who want the prestige and loola, dough, bucks etc etc the government throws around without questioning. Cory Bernardi had a go at them in his Sky News Program.

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SBS uses ‘heavily contested’ Indigenous man Bruce Pascoe for comment on ‘fake’ Aboriginals

Cory Benardi, Sky News, 20 March 2023

Sky News host Cory Bernardi says SBS ran a story about “fake Aboriginals” using a contested self-proclaimed Indigenous individual, Bruce Pascoe, as a “prop” to support their concerns.

“SBS – ran a very important story about fake aboriginals recently – the story was sparked by a 25 per cent increase in the number of self-identified aboriginals in the 2021 census, it’s a phenomenon known as ‘race shifting’ for a bunch of people who quote ‘are now box-ticking Indigenous as their identity in the Census, at workplaces, within cultural institutions and in educational settings,” Mr Bernardi said.

“A pretty important story, particularly if people are exploiting a race-shifting loophole gain benefits or preferment or patronage, goodness knows, I reckon, there are probably more than a few of those in public life already.

“We can’t challenge their claims of heritage because that would be racist, so I suspect we’ve got a few Elizabeth Warren equivalents in our midst, you may recall she’s the US Democratic senator who claimed to be native American – Donald Trump labelled her Pocahontas and forced her into getting a DNA test that actually revealed she had less native American DNA than almost every other American citizen.

Read the rest here …

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and the box-tickers

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price‘s Newsletter 30 July 2021

Can you believe they feel bad for being white?

Have you heard about “box-tickers”?

They’re the selfish inner-city wokes who are planning to say they’re Indigenous on the Census form when actually they’re no such thing.

They do it to feel good about themselves. As one box-ticker said, she just feels “more connected with the land and with Aboriginal people”.

They hope the government will see all these extra Indigenous people on the Census and funnel more resources into supporting them.

There’s a few things going on here, all of them bad news for Indigenous Australians.

Across Australia, 50 per cent of those who identify as Indigenous marry and have children with those who aren’t Indigenous. In places like Melbourne and Sydney, it’s up to 80 per cent. It’s down around 8 or 9 per cent in places like the NT.

That means that in the bigger built-up cities, Indigenous people are culturally and linguistically almost exactly the same as the next Australian, whereas in places like the Northern Territory, there are vast cultural and linguistic differences.

Those that are living in cities and have access to services also have better education and employment outcomes.

They are actually doing quite well.

The huge problem with the overrepresentation of Indigenous Australians where the box-tickers live, is that funding meant for marginalised Indigenous Australians in the bush gets put into the inner-cities where it’s of absolutely no use to the people who need it.

The most marginalised Indigenous Australians are those in remote and regional areas, where they make up over 50 per cent of the population – they’re the ones who need it.

And often the crime rate in places like this is more than 50 per cent more than the state or territory average.

Quite often the crime that outstrips all other crimes is domestic and family violence.

What’s worse is that these box-tickers will make the official data look like we’re “closing the gap” between white and Indigenous disadvantage, when clearly we’re not.

The gap exists between the cities and remote and regional Australia as well, and it doesn’t necessarily matter if you’re Indigenous or not.

Can you believe there are so many people in this country who feel so bad for being white they’d tick a box to say they weren’t?

No human being should have to feel bad because of the colour of their skin.

We have to stop demonising white Australians, painting them as evil and bad compared to the victimised people of colour.

It’s just not right.

And the awful thing is that these people – these box-tickers – will end up costing Indigenous Australians.

You’re part of this country, regardless of your background, and that is the thinking we need to have so every Australian knows they belong.

Jacinta Nampijinpa Price
Country Liberal Senate Candidate for NT