Tag Archives: Brittany Sellner

Cowardly Rubbishing of the traditional woman

What could Allison Langdon of Australia’s Nine Network be thinking? It shows how out of touch film and television celebrities are. News reports say the ratings for the Langdon/Stefanovic duo’s TODAY SHOW have slumped yet again. What do they expect? Mocking and rubbishing a woman for putting her husband and children first would turn off many woman who have chosen for a working career, let alone those who have chosen for their family either full-time or work part-time.

Hating men as a commitment and way of life

Brittany Sellner (formerly Pettibone) shows where we are with the hatred of men. She quotes from a representative tweet:

‘Hating men isn’t a meme for me. It’s not an online persona. It’s a commitment. It’s a way of life.’

The tweet drew 190k+ expressions of hatred showing that it’s not only allowable to hate men, but that it is a recommended lifestyle. In other words, it’s recommended to abuse men wherever a woman comes across this despicable piece of shit – on the street, in the office, in the bus, in shops, in the family and, so on.

The hatred of men, however, is not just hatred of men generally. No, it’s ‘white men’ that women should reserve their deepest hatred for. Sellner quotes one tweet that suggests white extermination may be the final solution to the problem:

‘This isn’t for white people. Fuck your ancestors.’

Where’s this going? Are white men going to endure this indefinitely? Will those who do the dirtiest, most humiliating, and most dangerous jobs in modern society swallow this treatment indefinitely?