Tag Archives: Christian Porter

Christian Porter’s Bipolar accuser

In contrast with Cardinal Pell’s initial lack of support, there have been some powerful responses to the ABC mob after Attorney-General Christian Porter for alleged rape. But one important similarity between the Pell and Porter accusers is their mental and emotional health.

Despite the ban on the media to keep the identify and state-of-mind of Cardinal Pell’s accuser secret, information continues to dribble out. Merging all the information about ‘J’ or the ‘kid’, as he was variously referred to, one can form a picture of a man plagued by severe mental disorders.

While we rely on bits and pieces about Pell’s accuser, there is no such impediment with Porter’s. She suffered from bipolar disorder before killing herself – a common outcome of bipolar disorder. Bill Dawes in his ‘Accusations from the Realm of Madness’ (Quadrant, 10 March 2021) explains what the condition of bipolarity means.


Accusations from the Realm of Madness

Bill Dawes, Quadrant, 10 March 2021

On Friday a reporter put this question to Attorney-General Christian Porter: “Why do you think this woman would come up with such an elaborate lie?” According to reports, the woman in question, who had accused Christian Porter of raping her in 1988, suffered bipolar disorder. If the reporter spent any time reviewing the experiences of people who suffer from bipolar he would not have asked such an asinine question.

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a diagnosis bestowed upon those who experience sweeping mood swings that range from depressive lows to manic highs. Those who suffer from bipolar are often clever, as this poor girl was reported to be, however they must stick to a strict routine of strong medication to prevent slipping into a psychotic state. When they do, it is routine to experience a recurrence of false memories of a violent and sexual nature that become embedded in the brain, only to reappear when another episode occurs.

“Ah, give me madness, you heavenly powers! Madness that I may at last believe in myself! Give deliriums and convulsions, sudden lights and darkness, terrify me with frost and fire such as no mortal has ever felt, with deafening din and prowling figures, make me howl and whine and crawl like a beast: so that I may come to believe in myself!”– Friedrich Nietzsche.

If our ace reporter wanted to find out more about the experiences of bipolar patients and how they come up with such elaborate stories, he could have simply turned to google to read confessions such as this from PenelopeAnn:

Read the rest here…

More articles about the Porter Affair are HERE.

the Mob case against Porter already failing

Claim against Christian Porter is ‘now falling to bits’: Andrew Bolt

Sky News, 4 March 2021

The claim made against Attorney-General Christian Porter is “now falling to bits” as there are already two “factual errors” in what the alleged victim says occurred, according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“By way of introduction, let me say that one of the silliest and [most] dangerous slogans of our time is ‘believe the victim’,” Mr Bolt said.

“This rape, we’re told, occurred in Sydney in January 1988”.

“The material that Porter’s accuser wrote – and which friends sent to some journalists after she killed herself – recalls that just before she was raped that very night, she went dancing with Christian Porter at the Hard Rock Café”.

“The first Hard Rock Café in Sydney, in Darlinghurst, did not open until 1989, April 1989, a full year or more later. This woman’s account, as told by that journalist, is wrong.”

Mr Bolt said he has now found a “second detail” which is “more important”.

Read the rest here…

Porter already Guilty – Annette Kimmitt of MinterEllison

In an astounding email to her 2,500 staff, Annette Kimmitt, CEO of Australia’s largest law firm, MinterEllison, apologised for the ‘pain’ caused by the firm’s acceptance of Christian Porter as client. One of her senior lawyers, Peter Barlett, well-known defamation expert, accepted the brief.

Christian Porter is presently the target of the media mob for allegedly raping his 16-year-old girlfriend 33 years ago when he was seventeen. Take note: 33 years ago, when Porter was seventeen-years-old.

Kimmitt wrote in her email, “The nature of this matter is clearly causing hurt to some of you, and it has certainly triggered hurt for me.” Poor Annette, to have to endure a bit of hurt. Boo-hoo.

In an oblique reprimand of Bartlett, Kimmitt explained that he had accepted Porter without going through the firm’s process of approval.

As I say, this action by the CEO of Australia’s largest law firm is utterly astounding. Like the media mob, to which she has joined herself, she is declaring Christian Porter guilty before the legal processes have begun.

What’s she doing in the law, leaving aside the question of what she’s doing as a lawyer, and what she’s doing heading up a law firm? Has she not heard of the principle, ‘innocent until found guilty’?

What has happened to the law in Australia? Was not the Pell Affair enough to show Australia’s legal system is on the slide to Salem Witch Hunt and the Dreyfus Affair territory? Apparently not.

Annette Kimitt has joined Louise Milligan’s Sixth Grade Spiteful Girls’ Club. Louise and her pals are the ultimate bone-pointing legal authority. Once they point the bone, that’s it. The guilty may as well lie down and die. There’s nothing they can do or say.

See reports in the Age and Guardian.

Louise Milligan’s 6th grade spiteful Girls’ club is on the rampage – again

I hardly took notice when a young women accused a man connected to the Liberal (read conservative) Party of rape. I took in the bare details that the alleged rape took place after a night of drinking and the couple had gone to someone’s unlit office in Parliament house – to have a cup of tea and a scone, no doubt. I didn’t take much notice because I knew what would follow.

‘We see you, we hear you, we believe you.’

Milligan and her spiteful pals were immediately on the case beating up the usual scenario of a toxic environment in which women are always the helpless victims. Of course, the toxic environment is always one inhabited by knuckle-dragging conservative types – the male-males that Milligan hates.

As expected, more cases emerged, the last being (horror!) of someone stroking a woman’s thigh. What trauma that totally helpless young woman must have suffered.

As expected, the actions of this one man were extended to the whole herd of conservative males in Canberra. They were all guilty of raping the woman.

The cry went up from Milligan and her spiteful pals. Action must be taken! There was no end to the prescriptions to deal with the uncontrollable males roaming Canberra on the lookout for helpless young women.

When the girls’ club rose in fury about the alleged rape by a cabinet minister of a women 33 years ago, my wife asked who they were talking about. I said, ‘I haven’t a clue, but if I have to guess, it’s probably Christian Porter. ‘Why,’ said my wife? I replied, ‘Because Milligan and her 6th Grade Spiteful Girls’ Club are after him and they won’t let him go. He’s done for.’

Christian Porter is a much lesser scalp than Cardinal Pell, but a prize one, nevertheless. Now, who’s next?