Tag Archives: Climate alarmism

Pakistani Mehreen Faruqi hates Australia

There is so much evidence of Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi’s hatred of Australia and (white) Australians that you wonder why the mainstream media treats her as untouchable. Sky News Chris Kenny raises that very point below.

Faruqi denounces Australia as ‘criminal’ because her ramshackle country can’t organise itself against critical climate events. She wants reparations from Australia for the damage allegedly caused by the climate when (as Kenny points out) Australia’s minimalist contribution to the climate would not make the slightest difference if it was suddenly eliminated.

Faruqi makes these hysterical charges (there are many others) because she suffers a crippling case of Anglophobia.

This vicious hateful Greens senator from Pakistan should take herself back to her country of birth so she can solve their dreadful problems of violence and organisation before attending to the problems Australia has – Australia, meaning that nation the disgusting Anglos founded and built, and which now pays her a salary only elite Pakistanis could dream of.

Faruqi must be removed from Australia’s parliament at the federal election due early next year.

It’s a mockery that such a person soils the floors of a building that is a symbol of Australia’s democracy.

Get her out!

Climate change – hoax or not?

Some of us are old enough to remember the excitement 50 years ago about the coming Ice Age. Scientists were sure of it. The world was about to freeze over, devastating the world’s population. George Christensen posted the following on his FB page:

Ten climate alarmist predictions that did NOT come true in 2020:

1. Average global temperatures were supposed to be up 3 degrees Celsius in 2020. Didn’t happen.

2. Carbon dioxide emissions were supposed to have doubled by 2020. Didn’t happen.

3. We were told to follow Communist China as they were going to reduce gases by 40 to 45 per cent below 2005 figures in 2020. Didn’t happen. (Instead, they increased emissions by 168 per cent above 2005 figures.)

4. Al Gore said there would be no snow on Kilimanjaro by 2020. Didn’t happen. There’s still lots of snow up there.

5. The sea level around Florida was supposed to rise by two feet in 2020. Didn’t happen.

6. There were claims that children wouldn’t know what snow was in 2020. Didn’t happen. It’s snowing in many winter countries in the northern hemisphere and it snowed in Australia earlier this year.

7. They said Pacific Island economies would be devastated by climate change in 2020, particularly Tuvalu and Kirabati. Didn’t happen. Both countries grew their economies.

8. Climate change was supposed to cause nuclear war due to fighting over scarce resources. Didn’t happen.

9. They reckoned the Arctic would be ice free in 2020. Didn’t happen. There is 3.9 million square kilometres of ice in the Arctic.

10. They said glaciers would be gone at Glacier National Park in the USA. Didn’t happen.

Read the full story HERE.

Manipulating the psychologically unbalanced

When Greta Thunberg began featuring in mainstream media reports, many people saw a small, stunted girl with the staring expression of someone not quite in contact with her surroundings. Hand-wringing Greta seemed to be playing out a role. This acting-out became disturbingly obvious in her manic ‘how dare you’ speech to the world of recalcitrant adults.

The left did not care about the possible psychological or emotional harm. They immediately seized the political opportunity and went into full manipulative mode. It was a repeat of the Vietnam War tactics. Times magazines sank to rock bottom and fashioned the sweating, hand-wringing, eye-darting 15-year-old into the Climate Change poster girl.

Still, not many of us knew or could guess the extent of Greta’s psychological issues. In an essay on Quillette, Self-Harm Versus the Greater Good: Greta Thunberg and Child Activism, Pauline Neuding provides a fair picture.