Tag Archives: COVID-19 virus

Does the evidence really support the Corona hysteria?

How dangerous is Covid? A Swedish doctor’s perspective

Sebastian Rushworth, The Spectator UK, 11 August 2020

I want to preface this article by stating that it is entirely anecdotal and based on my experience working as a doctor in the emergency room of one of the big hospitals in Stockholm, and on living as a citizen in Sweden. As many people know, Sweden is perhaps the country that has taken the most relaxed attitude towards the Covid pandemic. Unlike other countries, Sweden never went into complete lockdown. Non-essential businesses have remained open, people have continued to go to cafés and restaurants, children have remained in school, and very few people have bothered with face masks in public.

Covid hit Stockholm like a storm in mid-March. One day I was seeing people with appendicitis and kidney stones, the normal things you see in the emergency room. The next day all those patients were gone and the only thing coming into the hospital was Covid. Practically everyone who was tested had Covid, regardless of their presenting symptoms. People came in with a nosebleed and they had Covid. They came in with stomach pain and they had Covid.

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The Gestapo again

Paul Smeaton of Life Site News has followed his comprehensive report on the pregnant woman case with a report on the second case of Victoria Police’s Gestapo action. It should be no surprise that Australians have to rely on a US website accurately reporting the Gestapo action. Go to Victoria’s Age newspaper and you will find no mention of the two house-invasion cases, but plenty of support for the Andrews Government’s imprisonment of the population and the destruction of the livelihood of many ordinary people. I have been calling Daniel Andrews a monstrous Marxist for years. One positive point is that events are showing how right I am.


WATCH: Australian police break down door, arrest man for promoting anti-lockdown protest

MELBOURNE, Australia, September 4, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Police in Victoria, Australia, smashed the door down of a man’s home and arrested him for allegedly promoting anti-lockdown events online.

James Bartolo, formerly a soldier in the Australian Army, filmed police arriving at his home in Melbourne, breaking down his door with a battering ram and arresting him on the morning of Sept. 3.

Like Zoe Buhler, the pregnant mother arrested at home by Victoria Police officers earlier this week, Bartolo was arrested for ‘incitement’ after publicizing an anti-lockdown protest this coming weekend.

A police statement said the arrest occurred “following an ongoing investigation into the organization and encouragement of protest activity in the CBD this Saturday”.

A police spokeswoman said that police seized several devices including a mobile phone and laptops, as well as five samurai swords, from Bartolo’s home.

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The other side of the CoviD-19 narrative

The appearance of the Corona virus has achieved what all the machinations of Western Marxists have failed to achieve since the Russian Revolution: lock people in their homes and deal what could be a fatal blow to the market economies of the West – otherwise called Capitalism.

The pretext is the COVID-19 virus. The only way to deal with this highly infectious virus is to restrict people to their homes and shut down most economic activity while printing money to ‘save’ businesses from destruction.

Christopher Ferrara in a long essay in Remnant newspaper, DONALD TRUMP and the COVID19 PANIC: A Comprehensive Analysis, discusses the other side of the story. The other side is President Trump’s strategy to deal with the virus whose effects on the evidence is hardly more serious that seasonal influenza. This is a long essay but it’s worth reading, if for nothing else than to read an alternative narrative to the present program of destruction – and the handing over of Western Society to the extreme Marxist left some of whom are already gloating over the irony of it all.