This is what it is all about. The CPA (The Communist Party of Australia) took up the ‘struggle’ for land rights on behalf of the Aboriginals in the 1960s. It all flows from there. Marxists like Michael Mansell and Gary Foley were in the vanguard.
Tag Archives: First Nations
The (deceptive) Voice
The deceit is being slowly laid bare. The Voice is the biggest con in Australia’s history. The small clique of Aboriginal elites have only ever wanted to grab land and wealth from 95 percent of the population to create a separate country. If they succeed, it will be the biggest shakedown in history.
Final Report of Referendum Council: Voice to Parliament will lead to Treaty, Reparations
David Hiscox, XYZ, 20 April 2023
A Freedom of Information Request has resulted in the publication of the Final Report of the Referendum Council, which you can read in full here.
Unsurprisingly, it reveals the intention of aboriginal activists for the so-called “voice to parliament” to lead to a so-called “treaty” which could in turn lead to “reparations”. An excellent summary has been provided by Aboriginal Voice Exposed:
Secret government documents the National Indigenous Australians Agency was forced to release under freedom of information laws say that “any Voice to Parliament should be designed so that it could support and promote a treaty-making process”.
And what’s in the treaty?
According to these secret documents, it must include a “fixed percentage of Gross National Product. Rates/land tax/royalties”.
The documents explain:
… a Treaty could include a proper say in decision-making, the establishment of a truth commission, reparations, a financial settlement (such as seeking a percentage of GDP), the resolution of land, water and resources issues, recognition of authority and customary law …
This a direct quote from the secret Voice documents:
“Australia got a whole country for nothing, they haven’t even begun to pay for it.”
Doesn’t that just tell you everything you need to know?
But it gets worse.
According to these documents, they want to abolish the Australian flag, because “the Australian flag symbolised the injustices of colonisation”.
What’s modest about forcing you to change your flag or pay a percentage of the entire economy as reparations?
Again, you can read the entire document here. It makes for startling reading. We can make a few brief observations.
Note that the document was published on 30 June, 2017. The process leading to this year’s referendum has been long and bipartisan:
In 2010 Prime Minister the Hon Julia Gillard established the Expert Panel on the Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Constitution, co-chaired by Patrick Dodson and Mark Leibler, which reported in 2012. Prime Minister the Hon Tony Abbott established a Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, co-chaired by Senator Ken Wyatt and Senator Nova Peris, which reported in June 2015. Prime Minister the Hon Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader the Hon Bill Shorten then established this Referendum Council in December 2015.
We should take the Coalition’s appearance of opposition to the “model” being proposed for the “voice” with a big grain of salt.
Read the rest here …
The fake vetting the fake – how wild will it get?
The belligerent white Aboriginals wandering through the media in Australia’s big cities – not the outback – are the big elephant in the room, the emperor without clothes, the word none dare to speak … and the rest of the cliches. None except an Aboriginal like Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, who actually grew up in Aboriginal society. She calls those box-tickers who have to tell you they’re ‘First Nations’ – fakes who want the prestige and loola, dough, bucks etc etc the government throws around without questioning. Cory Bernardi had a go at them in his Sky News Program.
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SBS uses ‘heavily contested’ Indigenous man Bruce Pascoe for comment on ‘fake’ Aboriginals
Cory Benardi, Sky News, 20 March 2023
Sky News host Cory Bernardi says SBS ran a story about “fake Aboriginals” using a contested self-proclaimed Indigenous individual, Bruce Pascoe, as a “prop” to support their concerns.
“SBS – ran a very important story about fake aboriginals recently – the story was sparked by a 25 per cent increase in the number of self-identified aboriginals in the 2021 census, it’s a phenomenon known as ‘race shifting’ for a bunch of people who quote ‘are now box-ticking Indigenous as their identity in the Census, at workplaces, within cultural institutions and in educational settings,” Mr Bernardi said.
“A pretty important story, particularly if people are exploiting a race-shifting loophole gain benefits or preferment or patronage, goodness knows, I reckon, there are probably more than a few of those in public life already.
“We can’t challenge their claims of heritage because that would be racist, so I suspect we’ve got a few Elizabeth Warren equivalents in our midst, you may recall she’s the US Democratic senator who claimed to be native American – Donald Trump labelled her Pocahontas and forced her into getting a DNA test that actually revealed she had less native American DNA than almost every other American citizen.
Read the rest here …
The ALP going whole hog on separatism
There can be no longer any doubt about the Labor Government’s policy on what one calls ‘First Nations’ people. The policy is one of separatism, the establishment of a nation over and above the rest of the Australians. The denomination ‘First Nations’ indicates the superior status of this separate nation whose mostly mixed-race people are not only separate and superior. Their reinvented culture is to imbue, permeate, and eclipse the culture below it, namely Anglo culture. There are signs of this cultural eclipse everywhere you look.
One can’t miss the blazing symbol of betrayal flying over the Habour and Westgate bridges.
Labor’s decades long betrayal is reaching its apotheosis. The reason-defying Penny Wong announced the policy in faraway New York, as reported in today’s Australian with the call for ‘an expression of interest for the role of Ambassador for First Nations People.’
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Wong announces role for First Nations Ambassador
SAM KING, The Australian, 21 September 2022
The Albanese government has announced an expression of interest for the role of Ambassador for First Nations People, rolling out an election commitment for a wider First Nations Foreign Policy.
Speaking from New York, Foreign Minister Penny Wong said the role was part of “the government’s determination to include First Nations people at the heart of our foreign policy”.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said the position will “lead the government’s efforts to embed Indigenous perspectives, experiences and interests across the Department”.
“The ambassador will head an office of First Nations engagement within the DFAT, and work in partnership across government agencies and departments.”
The department said its ideal candidate would bring “extensive networks across First Nations communities” to the role, and had experience in driving government policy and working with international institutions.
Noble savage – or just savage
Propagation of the picture of the noble savage in the lands the European powers colonised in modern times is a vastly important part of the Marxist effort to create a body of myths to demoralise people in the white west and destabilise their society and government. Bruce Pascoe’s DARK EMU is an eminent case.
Powerful forces went into promoting this shameless fantasy about Aboriginal culture until self-respecting academics on the left could not bear the shame of supporting something so academically outrageous. But like true Marxists, many on the left refused to relinquish its power of indoctrination – foremost among them the government funded ABC and SBS.
I have provided links to many articles demonstrating how violent and uncivilised the Aboriginal tribes were pre-settlement (see tab Aboriginal violence pre-settlement). Such violence and savagery was found in all ‘First Nations’ peoples.
The North American Martyrs and the Myth of the Noble Savage
PAUL KRAUSE, Crisis Magazine, 19 October 2021
October 19 is the feast day of St. Isaac Jogues in the General Calendar. He was a Jesuit missionary working and living among the Mohawk Indians in the 1630s and 1640s before being tortured and beheaded on October 18, 1646. Few Catholics, especially Catholics in America, even know of the story of the North American Martyrs. Why?
In an age when we are meant to weep and cry over the tragedy of the Native Americans due to European settlement and Christianization, none are told to weep over the Europeans who were brutally butchered at the hands of the indigenous populations that routinely warred and killed each other prior to the arrival of European settlers. The Mayans were active sodomites, and some of their surviving artwork celebrates sodomite lust and violence. The Aztecs engaged in human sacrifice, cannibalism, and a slavery far worse than the Atlantic slave trade. The mound-building Native Americans in the interior river basins of North America also engaged in ritualistic human and child sacrifice. These were hardly noble and peaceful people before the arrival of Europeans.
The defenders of these horrors argue that the Christian (predominately Catholic) sources overexaggerated the brutality of the natives to justify conquest. This is typical among the Christ-hating intellectual establishment. Dismiss all the evidence that doesn’t conform to your presuppositional ideology. If facts don’t fit the theory, dismiss the facts as fake.
It is important for Catholics to have the memory of the North American martyrs for several reasons.
First is that the story of the Catholic martyrs suffering from the hands of the Native Americans dispel any illusion that the natives were peaceful victims of supposed European aggression. On the contrary, it was often native aggression toward Europeans that sparked the wars between the settlers and Native Americans. Why weep for Native Americans when holy saints were flayed alive and had their skulls crushed by tomahawks? Eradicate that memory and the tragedy of the Native Americans can be weaponized for contemporary political goals.
Read the rest here…
First nations – NOble savage or just savage?
Bruce Pascoe’s book DARK EMU strove to paint a picture of Aboriginal culture before European settlement that was all peace and harmony and in many respects superior to the hated white man’s culture. His bestselling work was swallowed greedily by Australia’s woke/PC class (particularly the ABC) no matter how much it contradicted previous scholarly findings.
One aspect that historians before Bruce found common to all Aboriginal tribes was the mind-numbing violence they inflicted on each other, externally with other tribes and internally where the men murdered each other and beat the hell out of their women.
In the age of (European) exploration, the most developed countries of Europe settled mostly in lands where First Nations people lived: Australia, North and South America, Canada, Africa. Again, what was common to the primitive tribes on those lands was the violence. The tribes warred with each other, sparring no extent of brutality, many indulging in cannibalism. Some First Nations people had elaborate religious ceremonies during which all manner of people were sacrifice to the gods. The Spaniards could not believe what they witnessed among the Aztecs, for example.
Just an few hundred miles to the North of the Mayan tribes (today’s Mexico) were the Indian tribes on the Southern Plains (Texas). They included the Apaches and the Comanches. Before white people settled in the area, the dreaded Comanches had driven all the other tribes from the plains, their natural homeland, some hounded to the point of extinction. The Comanches spared no one. Men, women and children were slaughtered in their raids, Women were led away as captives to be gang-raped. The video Comanche War Raids gives a look into the delightful culture of that First Nation tribe.
Bruce Pascoe has turned out to be a fraud and DARK EMU a political work of nonsense.