Mark Latham, NSW One Nation leader, is not afraid to speak out about the violence in First Nations communities while the left typically ignore frightful circumstances that don’t fit their agenda. From his FB page.
Mark Latham, Facebook, 5 June 2022
Occasionally the mainstream media play a useful role.
This weekend The Australian newspaper has interviewed Judge Judith Kelly in the Northern Territory. She has highlighted the epidemic of violence and child sexual abuse in Indigenous communities.
Since 2000 in the Northern Territory, the police have shot dead two Aboriginal men while 52 women have died from homicides, mostly at the hands of their partners.
That puts the problem in perspective.
It’s the national tragedy the Left don’t want to talk about, preferring endless (and meaningless) Welcome to Country ceremonies and the Uluṟu Statement for a treaty and the rewriting of Australian history.
In NSW I have spoken to police officers in the Western districts of the State who say they work on the assumption that every Aboriginal child over the age of 5 has been sexually abused.
I asked Premier Dom Perrottet about this and he said “there’s no evidence to say this is true”.
That’s because Perrottet hasn’t tried to examine the evidence.
When he became Premier he said Aboriginal Affairs was a big priority for him. What has that meant in practice?
His big announcement was to fly the Aboriginal flag on the Sydney Harbour Bridge all-year-round. Something he had previously (and accurately) described as pathetic ‘virtue signaling’.
Some problems are too hard for weak politicians like Perrottet to solve. Albanese is no better.
The Indigenous in Australia have everything: TV advertising, special football jumpers, reserved employment places, flags on bridges, Sorry statements, Welcome to Country, land rights and big welfare spending.
They have everything except solutions to the nation’s worst plague, the curse of their wives and children not being able to sleep safely at night.
Say this and the Left scream ‘racist’.
The true racism (and barbarism) is to ignore the plight of little girls being raped by their drunken ‘uncles’.
Tragically, this is what most politicians do.
Mark Latham MLC
5 June 2022