Tag Archives: Marxists

A message to the world from Cdl Pell’s prison

COVID Dystopia Comes To Melbourne

SEPTEMBER 7, 2020|

GIDEON ROZNER, The American Conservative

It was the image that shocked Australia and soon went global. A pregnant woman, handcuffed in her own kitchen, in front of her children, as police officers seized every computer, tablet and cell phone in the house before frog-marching her off to the station.

It’s the treatment that Australians are used to seeing meted out to drug traffickers, suspected terrorists and child pornography rings. But in Zoe Lee Buhler’s case, her ‘crime’ was a Facebook post.

Zoe had tried to organise a protest against coronavirus restrictions in place in the state of Victoria. For this, she was charged with ‘incitement,’ and now faces a sentence of up to 15 years. She has been released on bail, and will go to court in January.

The most remarkable thing, though, is it’s taken until now for some sort of protest movement to emerge. Melbourne—Victoria’s capital city—has been under some form of lockdown since March. When the coronavirus first hit, the premiers governing Australia’s eight states and territories descended into a kind of unspoken competition to see who could take the ‘toughest action’ against the virus—that is, which leader could close the most businesses, destroy the most jobs, and stifle the most liberties in the name of being seen to be ‘doing something’ about the virus.

Read the rest here…

America – Marxists are going all out

The article below is pretty much what I think about the Marxist campaign in the US. Indeed, it is pretty much what is going on in Australia, and has been going on for some years. Read this article carefully. There are other articles saying the same under my tab BLM, but this article says it all. I wonder whether it’s not too late for people to wake up and recognize the uncompromising agenda of the Marxists. Do something.

The Attempt to Overthrow America

by Guy Millière

The situation had become “worrying,” in fact, even before the results of the 2016 presidential election were known. As we now can read in the Department of Justice report by Michael Horowitz, the senior levels of government during the Obama Administration were colluding to prevent President Trump from winning the election, and then, after it, to frame him in an attempted coup d’état.

Mayors of many cities and other local officials have deliberately protected criminals over law-abiding citizens and allowed the destruction to take place.

“I thought things were partisan and tough 30 years ago — nothing compared to today. Things have fundamentally changed… [the left] represents a revolutionary Rousseauian party that believes in tearing down the system… They’re interested in complete political victory. They’re not interested in compromise. They’re not interested in dialectic, exchange of views… It’s a substitute religion. They view their political opponents… as evil because we stand in the way of their progressive utopia that they’re trying to reach…” — US Attorney General William Barr, Fox News, August 9, 2020.

“Today our nation is facing the most serious threat to establish such a tyranny in our entire history.” — David Horowitz, Frontpage Mag, August 10, 2020.

Read the rest here…

How many Marxists are agitating for illegal migrants?

It is a common charade played by Australia’s dominant political class that those pleading the cause of refugees are just ordinary Australians who have a heart. No political motive – just giving their time and heart to the oppressed and abandoned. No mention, of course, of the money paid to people smugglers who work at landing in any craft whatever as many people on Australia’s northern coastline as possible. No mention that the supreme aim is to break open Australia’s borders.

Many Australians are waking up to the con, but not as many as there should be. Things will get worse before they get better. Put in another way, the Left will continue to wreak havoc until a counter-force is big enough to stop them.

Lucas Rosas has done an inestimable service in compiling a list of the main Marxists who are not only behind the effort to open Australia’s borders to all and sundry – except perhaps for white people – but are behind any politically correct cause you can imagine. His article  including the list appears on the XYZ website.