Tag Archives: Matt Kean

A ‘moderate’ Liberal is a left-wing woke infiltrator

In a brazenly bias act that demonstrated the helpless ideological bent of the mainstream media, political journalists led by the hacks from the ABC, the Age, the Guardian, and the Sydney Morning Herald began calling Liberals who opposed Tony Abbott, ‘moderate’ Liberals. This was to distinguish Liberals who subscribed to a left-wing woke view of the world from the ‘far-right’ ( read conservative) Liberals who supported Tony Abbott. And the label, despite its transparently brazen prejudice, stuck.

‘Moderate’ when applied to a Liberal is code for subscribing to a Marxist position on abortion, the unending program of LGBTG+++, sexualising of children, homosexual marriage, open borders, Aboriginal separatism, and lately the crackpot ideology of transgenderism that has males competing in female sports, thus destroying sport for females.

The latest ‘moderate’ Liberal to publicly wear the badge of intolerant Liberal lefty is Matt Kean, the NSW State Liberal Government’s treasurer. Kean is a man for whom the conservative can justly have loads of disgust and contempt.

Kean showed his fat ‘moderate’ head above the trenches in response to Katherine Deves’s position on transgenderism. Attractive Deves is the newly selected Liberal candidate for the federal seat of Waringah, currently held by the very limited wokist, Zali Steggall. Deves uttered opinions in very colorful language about transgenderism and woman’s sport with which every conservative worthy of the name would heartily agree and approve – both the position and the language. Fathead Matt lost his temper and joined the media pile-on. Here is his spray as reported by the ABC:

Mr Kean, who is a leader of the moderate faction in New South Wales, told the ABC there should be no room for her views inside the Liberal Party.

She’s got to go,” Mr Kean said.

“There is no place for that vile bigotry in a mainstream political party or quite frankly anywhere.

“I am sick of people turning a blind eye to it.”

Kean later supported his outburst to the ABC with extra detail. He tweeted:

There is no place in a mainstream political party for bigotry. Coming out as Trans would be hugely challenging, especially for kids, and political leaders should be condemning the persecution of people based on their gender, not participating in it.

Kean, like the usual unreflective ideologically-enslaved wokist, begs the question – as any discriminating philosophy 101 student could tell you. He assumes what is at issue, namely transgenderism. You see, Matt, transgenderism is a theory in which there are problems screaming for clarification and justification. There are issues of rights (of women), of biology and psychology that for a person of average intelligence and good will need clarification. You need to defend your position, and not like a bloated commissar lazily dismiss opposition with abuse and call for their destruction.

On his own implicit principles, Matt Kean is a vile bigot.

How does a politician like Matt Kean survive in the Liberal Party of Robert Menzies, let alone hold a crucial portolio? Well, the process of infiltration of inimical people and ideas into the Liberal Party began shortly after Menzies retired in 1966. Like all Marxist infiltration it was gradual and determined until they had an irremovable foothold – a critical mass. Fathead Matt is one of the group.

A sure test of who is in the group is when the wokist media attach ‘moderate’ to the Liberal’s name.