Tag Archives: Men and boys

The Suzanne Venker Show

Feminism’s harshest critics are now women. When Women’s Liberation (as it was then called) broke on us in the late 1960s, I, like most, could think of no objection to the equal treatment of women in the workplace. In those days, the issue was ostensibly about equal pay and equal opportunity. By 1975, I had changed my mind about feminism, at least about the feminism the activists promoted and forced on us. It was feminism underwritten by Marxist theory.

It was no longer about a fundamental equality, an equal dignity, and equal opportunity. Now men and women were claimed to be the same. To suggest differences was an outrage and an injustice. Equality of outcome had replaced equality of opportunity.

To me this was unfair and a denial of the essential observable differences between men and women. Feminism was fast destroying the natural relationship between men and women, I often said, and still claim. The result would be misery for many men and women. I have aired my criticism from that time, on occasions making myself very unpopular.

In recent years, I have stopped my personal criticism because a growing group of very articulate women are savaging the feminists far better, and with more insight, than I could do. Many claim that women more than men suffer in the destruction of the natural relationship between men and women.

There are long established tabs on this website about the issues of feminism and men and women. One only need to click on the drop-down menu to find them. My two favourite critics are Janice Fiamengo and Suzanne Venker. The links are there. Below are links to four of Venker’s recent youtube videos.

 The Secrets of Happily Married Women & Men

What it means to be a man

The Feminization of men and boys

Why women don’t want ‘nice’ men

Who is killing relationships?

Bettina Arndt and Suzanne Venker think women are killing relationships. They give their reason in this video: Woke women are killing relationships. They begin with a funny story to illustrate their fundamental thesis. There are more Suzanne Venker videos under the tab ‘Coaching women’ (under Men and Women) and a lot more on youtube. See Venker’s blog. See also Janice Fiamengo’s videos under the tab ‘Feminism’.

The deliberate degradation of Australian men

The Unique Discrimination White Men Face

Augusto Zimmerman, Quadrant, 17 November 2020

There are compelling reasons for white men to believe that bias against them is increasing. Take the example of politics. While Australians are worried about the rising unemployment and how to pay expensive electricity bills, the ruling party frets about “gender balance” among its members of federal Parliament. Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he is deeply committed to boosting female representation.

The Liberty Party has recently stated that it wants to increase the representation of female MPs to at least 50 per cent over the next decade. Currently, around 22 per cent of female Liberal MPs grace the federal parliament. The internal report, entitled ‘Room for Movement: Women and Leadership in the Liberal Parity’, relates decreasing electoral support for Liberals with the low proportion of female leaders within the party and, particularly, in the parliament. Currently about 50 per cent of Labor MPs are female. How’s that working for them?

The Australian Labor Party lost the last federal election. And not only that but it received around 300 thousand fewer votes from women than did the Liberal Party. Labor now despises the working class and their voters feel disenfranchised, abandoned, forgotten and ignored. Labor is now a party of social engineers and completely infected by new-leftism, feminism and radical environmentalism. 

As for the Liberal Party, its leadership certainly should think twice before advancing the same leftist agenda. Rather, this party should consider the advice of their founder Sir Robert Menzies, who once said he would vote for a woman ‘with no prejudice and with great cheerfulness’ only if he was satisfied that she is the better and more qualified person to occupy the job.

The argument that the Liberal Party needs more “representation of women” is misuse of language. After all, every MP is supposed to represent men and women alike.[1] As noted by James Macpherson in The Spectator, ‘the sexist idea that only a woman can truly represent the interests of women was well and truly dismantled [this late October] when it was revealed Australia’s foreign affairs minister Marise Payne was yet to speak to her Qatar counterpart about the alleged strip search of 13 Australian women at Doha’.[2]   

It’s unbelievable to think the party founded by Menzies would allow itself to be defined by sexist ideology, especially when the New Left cannot even define the word “woman”. The Liberal Party is taking “incremental steps” towards higher female representation, boasts its left-wing leadership. One would expect a supposedly conservative party to pre-select candidates on the basis of their merit, regardless of gender. However, writes Macpherson, ‘their fixation on social engineering shows that they are taking Australia down the same work cul-de-sac as Labor, only more slowly’.[3]

Read the rest here…

Is this the worst analogical argument you’ve ever heard?

There are feminists in high positions who seemed to have been born with a degraded reasoning faculty, compensated for by rampant emotions that we are to take as rational thinking.

Sarah Silverman thinks it’s time to start legislating male masturbation

Look, Sarah Silverman gets it. We live in a country filled with anti-abortion activists who feel they have the right to decide what a woman does with her body. It sucks, but that’s where we’re at. In 2016. Sure, fine, OK.

But if we’re going to defend the right of men to enact laws that limit the options of pregnant women, Silverman has just one follow-up question: Shouldn’t we do the same with men who wish to regularly masturbate without consideration for the poor sperm cells they kill every time they do so? Read on…


Pornography and the degeneration of maleness

A comparison of the education of boys and men and their social influences in the 1950s with those of men and boys in early decades of the 21st century will give a glimpse of the causes of male degeneration over the last sixty years. This state of affairs (the degeneration of men and maleness) is of the utmost seriousness to the Burkean conservative and deserves far more attention than has been given to it. Two major features of this degeneration are excessive consumption of alcohol and pornography. LifeSite has posted a piece that claims ‘Neuroscience has proved that pornography is literally making men’s brains more childish. Seriously.’ If the appalling behaviour of some our male sporting stars is any indication then neuroscience is on to something here.

Two hundred years ago in the U.K., if you said you were going to a “gentleman’s club,” it was understood you were going to a private upper-class establishment where you could relax, read, play parlor games, get a meal, and gossip with others of your class. Today, in the U.S., if you said you were going to a “gentleman’s club,” it is assumed you will be paying to see a striptease in a low-lit bar.

Is this really what should typify a “gentleman”?

Pornography is often classified, along with other sexually oriented businesses, as “adult” entertainment—something for “mature” audiences. If this meant that these kinds of entertainment are “not suitable for children” then few would protest…Read on here