Revenge of the Losers
Garrett Ward Sheldon, GENZCONSERVATIVE, 15 July 2021
We know why, politically, Liberals hated (and still hate) Donald Trump. He was unraveling their world system of economic, commercial, diplomatic, criminal, and cultural domination. He had to be stopped for their financial, social, and political survival. [In America ‘Liberal’ is synonymous with the ‘left’. ]
But there is also a personal, psychological, emotional reason explaining the ferocity (“Trump Derangement Syndrome”), the virulent hatred of Trump. He “called a spade a spade.”
He told them to their faces that they were losers and fakes. Pretending to be the most righteous, wise, good reformers in the world (“Saving the Earth”; curing all diseases; caring for the downtrodden and rejected; serving as shining beacons of virtue). Trump openly declared that this was false and pretentious. Unforgiveable!
For Liberals are really very insecure deep down, knowing their unworthiness, corruption, and wretchedness. They must clothe themselves in righteousness to keep up their morale and image. Some have referred to them as “The Emperor’s New Clothes” or The False Wizard of Oz. The Truth hurts.