Tag Archives: The Voice

‘Just say NO!’

This article in Spectator Australia summarises all the major objections which make the VOICE the huge con that it is. But what I like about it most is the cover and illustration by Sarah Dudley and Ben Davis. One should copy it and pass it around. It could not be more eloquent.


‘Just say No,’ was the catchphrase of Nancy Reagan back in the 1980s. The slogan was used to encourage people to stay away from drugs. It was in response to the ‘crack’ epidemic, which saw a cheap but highly addictive derivative of cocaine flooding schools and universities, not to mention the streets of major cities. The premise behind the Reagan campaign was simple: you don’t need a raft of complicated reasons or arguments against this drug. A one-word No will suffice.

The slogan could equally apply to the proposal for an Indigenous Voice to parliament, which Australians have been asked to vote on in a referendum later this year. For many well-meaning Australians, the idea of voting Yes to the Voice is as tempting as those cheap, feel-good drugs were to 1980s teens. Get a warm inner glow as you assuage any guilt about the plight of Aborigines in Australia, and show your friends, family and colleagues just how cool you are. It’s a pretty cheap fix.

But the reality is that the Voice is no fix at all; certainly not a fix to the genuine problems facing disadvantaged indigenous Australians every day. What it will do, however, is fix the political need of our bureaucrats and left-wing politicians to be seen to be ‘doing something’ after decades of continual and shameful failure. If the Yes vote succeeds, from that moment on our elected representatives will be absolved of any responsibility for the dismal state of affairs in remote communities. All they need do is simply kowtow to the policies prescribed by the Voice.

Read the rest here …

Who is Australian?

The message below was included in the latest email from the federal Liberal member for Bowen, Henry Pike. Not only do Redlands public school teachers display their bigotry and adherence to the system of apartheid proposed by the Aboriginal elite, they show a deep-seated ignorance of what constitutes a nation.

Of course, we wouldn’t expect primary school teachers to be versed in political philosophy. But you expect them to have an inkling of what aspects would be considered when talking about the concept of nation. I refer the reader to the links on my homepage where I deal with the idea of nation in detail.

The essential aspect of a nation, however, is that it is a moral and political incorporation of a people developed over time and not just a mass of land. Indeed, a mass of land is a mass of land until a people organize over it. Australia refers to the nation built by the British settlers after the arrival of the First Fleet. The Aboriginals had little to do with it.


Henry Pike MP:

This is a slide used in a Redlands public school last week to teach our kids that a non-indigenous Australian should be referred to as an “occupier” or “coloniser” but shouldn’t be called “Australian”.

Is this man an Aboriginal?

This is Marcus Stewart described as a ‘Nira illim bulluk man of the Taungurung Nation’.

But I say this is a white European man whose ancestry is most likely in one or other Germanic tribe of Northwest Europe. Put a horned helmet on his head, a wolf skin around his neck, a sword in one hand, and shield in the other, he could convincingly pass as an extra in a television series about the Vikings.

But Marcus has long paraded unashamedly before the glare of the television cameras as an Aborigine. Does he really think he fools anyone but the most biased activists – indigenous of non-indigenous – that collection of fanatics who are conning the Australian people into accepting a system of apartheid?

Today Marcus is reported as accusing Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price of hating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

“I don’t think I’ve come across anyone that hates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander — or seems to hate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people so much,”

In another report, white European Marcus is recorded as saying, ‘We have a far-right politician in Senator Nampijinpa Price out there spreading lies, spreading mis- and disinformation.’

This is typical of the abuse fakes like Marcus resort to when confronted with arguments against the YES campaign. Marcus and his faux-Aboriginal mates will spout this sort of abuse until the last moment of the campaign to establish the parasitic nation of their fantasies.

Senator Price was not lost for words as reported in the Daily Mail:

‘What can I say? I’m used to powerful Aboriginal men personally attacking me when they feel like they’re on the backfoot … And evidently that’s where Mr Stewart is at … This reeks of desperation from the Yes campaign … [Mr Stewart is] completely removed from the Indigenous people [in her family and in the most vulnerable communities] … He has been part of the Aboriginal industry and done very well for himself]

‘All I’ve been fighting for, for many years now, is for my mob in the bush to have the same sorts of opportunities that he has had in life.’

Of course, she is absolutely right.

The great difference between Marcus and Senator Price is that Senator Price has a full-blood parent and grew up in outback Aboriginal society while Marcus is the product of the white urban middle class.

The (deceptive) Voice

The deceit is being slowly laid bare. The Voice is the biggest con in Australia’s history. The small clique of Aboriginal elites have only ever wanted to grab land and wealth from 95 percent of the population to create a separate country. If they succeed, it will be the biggest shakedown in history.


Final Report of Referendum Council: Voice to Parliament will lead to Treaty, Reparations

David Hiscox, XYZ, 20 April 2023

A Freedom of Information Request has resulted in the publication of the Final Report of the Referendum Council, which you can read in full here.

Unsurprisingly, it reveals the intention of aboriginal activists for the so-called “voice to parliament” to lead to a so-called “treaty” which could in turn lead to “reparations”. An excellent summary has been provided by Aboriginal Voice Exposed:

Secret government documents the National Indigenous Australians Agency was forced to release under freedom of information laws say that “any Voice to Parliament should be designed so that it could support and promote a treaty-making process”.

And what’s in the treaty?

According to these secret documents, it must include a “fixed percentage of Gross National Product. Rates/land tax/royalties”.

The documents explain:

… a Treaty could include a proper say in decision-making, the establishment of a truth commission, reparations, a financial settlement (such as seeking a percentage of GDP), the resolution of land, water and resources issues, recognition of authority and customary law …

This a direct quote from the secret Voice documents:

“Australia got a whole country for nothing, they haven’t even begun to pay for it.”

Doesn’t that just tell you everything you need to know?

But it gets worse.

According to these documents, they want to abolish the Australian flag, because “the Australian flag symbolised the injustices of colonisation”.

What’s modest about forcing you to change your flag or pay a percentage of the entire economy as reparations?

Again, you can read the entire document here. It makes for startling reading. We can make a few brief observations.

Note that the document was published on 30 June, 2017. The process leading to this year’s referendum has been long and bipartisan:

In 2010 Prime Minister the Hon Julia Gillard established the Expert Panel on the Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Constitution, co-chaired by Patrick Dodson and Mark Leibler, which reported in 2012. Prime Minister the Hon Tony Abbott established a Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, co-chaired by Senator Ken Wyatt and Senator Nova Peris, which reported in June 2015. Prime Minister the Hon Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader the Hon Bill Shorten then established this Referendum Council in December 2015.

We should take the Coalition’s appearance of opposition to the “model” being proposed for the “voice” with a big grain of salt.

Read the rest here …

The Voice – be sure of what you wish for

The vote for the Aboriginal Voice in Parliament is the most critical vote living Australians will make in their lifetime. One should be absolutely sure of what one is voting for. David Barton has written one of the clearest articles I have come across on what’s at stake.


As Lidia Thorpe so Eloquently Said, ‘It’s War’

David Barton, Quadrant, 6 April 2023

Most people don’t realise that Australia is at war – with itself. In a sense we are already engaged in an internal ‘us and them’ civil war which shows every sign of becoming much worse. This will be especially true if the ‘Voice’ referendum is successful. Indeed, the democracy of Australia has not been under such threat since World War II.

In 1940 Great Britain was under attack by Germany and losing heavily on all fronts. British forces hastily evacuated the beaches of Dunkirk, and France surrendered. The great battleship Hood was sunk by the Bismarck in early 1941 and with Japan entering the war in late 1941 the Prince of Wales and Repulse were both sunk and Singapore fell in early 1942. Things could not have looked worse. It was not until the Battle of El Alamein in November 1942 that the British had their first serious win and from then on there were many victories.

The ‘Voice’ referendum is Australia’s El Alamein. Let me explain why.

In many respects, Aboriginal activists have declared war on the rest of Australia and they did so many years ago. Senator Lidia Thorpe made this clear by declaring on January 26 “this is war” to the crowd at the Melbourne ‘Invasion Day’ Rally.1  Arguably, she is right. We, the citizens of Australia ought to consider ourselves at war with those who would seek to take over and reshape Australia in their own image and for their own purposes. Most Australians probably haven’t noticed, but we’ve been at war with ‘Aboriginal interests’ for a long time now, and over the last few decades it’s not been going well, to name but a few here:

♦ We have lost and given up vast tracts of land under spurious ‘Native Title’ legislation, now “formally recognised to be about 50% of Australia’s land mass”.2

♦ We have lost and given up to the now obligatory ‘Welcome to Country’, which in reality is a statement about who really owns Australia.

♦ We are now surrendering our language so that many English place names are being replaced with Aboriginal names.

♦ We have lost and given up to mountains, beaches and waterways being closed and ‘non-indigenous’ access denied or new access fees charged.

♦ We have lost and given up freehold title to National Parks now handed over to localised Aboriginal Corporations.

♦ We have lost and given up to having our children’s education about early Australian history now revised, distorted and perverted into self-loathing.

♦ We have lost and given up to our universities being run by socialist academics hell-bent on revising our history, society and culture.

We have lost so much, especially in the last five years; we have voluntarily given up so much at the hands of black and white racial oppressors. And they are oppressors, because no-one has ever asked us if we wanted any of this stifling treatment. All of what we have lost, of what has been forced upon us, has all been done to us without any consultation and without our permission or consent. Who gave them the right to do that?

Read the rest here …

No divisions – no separatism – one people under one law

I am firmly behind Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and her fellow Aboriginal Australians. It is not racist to see the Voice as a retrograde step for all Australians.

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‘We are one Australia’: Fair Australia Indigenous delegation demands to be heard in Canberra

 Fair Australia, March 22, 2023 Matthew Sheahan 

A delegation of Aboriginal Australians have travelled to Canberra thanks to the Fair Australia (powered by ADVANCE) campaign, to ask the Prime Minister and Opposition Leader to hear their ‘no’ case in opposition to the Voice.

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price hosted the 22 community leaders, including 11 from Ngukurr in Roper River.

Organised by ‘no’ campaign Fair Australia, they are seeking meetings with Mr Albanese and Mr Dutton to offer their simple message: the Voice will divide Australians by race, rather than uniting us as a nation.

Nationals senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has warned the PM not to expect First Nations people to vote “yes” on the Voice to parliament referendum.

Senator Nampijinpa Price introduced the Indigenous community representatives from across the country to politicians from different parties.

Senator Price said Aboriginal people did not want to be divided or segregated, as the divisive Voice will do.

“We stand as one under this flag as Australians – whether we are from the first peoples of this country, whether we’re from those who came on the first fleet, and the settlers and the migrants that come to this country,” she said.

“We are one Australia.”

Senator Nampijinpa Price said there was a legitimate fear in communities that the Voice would stoke division and undo any work to close the gap.

“We’ve overcome segregation in our country, to then go ahead and put it in our founding document, that is not the right thing to do going forward,” she said.

Fair Australia delegation member and social worker Molisa Carney said existing representative bodies that were supposed to be representing Indigenous people were “ignoring” them.

“Why aren’t our politicians … going out to the remote communities. In those communities, no one knows about the Voice,” she said.

“And what about our poor children, the next generation – what are you going to provide for them? Division? Segregation, you’ve already done segregation.

“We’re all Australians here, we’re meant to be working together – not against each other.”

The fake vetting the fake – how wild will it get?

The belligerent white Aboriginals wandering through the media in Australia’s big cities – not the outback – are the big elephant in the room, the emperor without clothes, the word none dare to speak … and the rest of the cliches. None except an Aboriginal like Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, who actually grew up in Aboriginal society. She calls those box-tickers who have to tell you they’re ‘First Nations’ – fakes who want the prestige and loola, dough, bucks etc etc the government throws around without questioning. Cory Bernardi had a go at them in his Sky News Program.

* * * * *

SBS uses ‘heavily contested’ Indigenous man Bruce Pascoe for comment on ‘fake’ Aboriginals

Cory Benardi, Sky News, 20 March 2023

Sky News host Cory Bernardi says SBS ran a story about “fake Aboriginals” using a contested self-proclaimed Indigenous individual, Bruce Pascoe, as a “prop” to support their concerns.

“SBS – ran a very important story about fake aboriginals recently – the story was sparked by a 25 per cent increase in the number of self-identified aboriginals in the 2021 census, it’s a phenomenon known as ‘race shifting’ for a bunch of people who quote ‘are now box-ticking Indigenous as their identity in the Census, at workplaces, within cultural institutions and in educational settings,” Mr Bernardi said.

“A pretty important story, particularly if people are exploiting a race-shifting loophole gain benefits or preferment or patronage, goodness knows, I reckon, there are probably more than a few of those in public life already.

“We can’t challenge their claims of heritage because that would be racist, so I suspect we’ve got a few Elizabeth Warren equivalents in our midst, you may recall she’s the US Democratic senator who claimed to be native American – Donald Trump labelled her Pocahontas and forced her into getting a DNA test that actually revealed she had less native American DNA than almost every other American citizen.

Read the rest here …