Tag Archives: US Democrats

The naked democrats and the US elections

Professor Garrett Ward Sheldon comments on the US elections farce, drawing on an old but pertinent fairytale.

The Emperor’s New Clothes and the Democrats’ Old Tricks

GEN Z Conservative

In the fable “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, a sly royal tailor makes the Leader an invisible outfit and declares it the most beautiful ever; but, only if you have discerning eyes. So, the Monarch goes along with it, trapses around naked and everyone goes along with the ruse. Except an innocent young boy who shouts, “Look, Mummy, he doesn’t have any clothes on!” Then, everyone wakes up, in shame, to the deception, and the Emperor actually congratulates the boy.

We have a widely propagated myth of Biden’s win, dismissing all reasonable discernment and credible evidence. Even Fox and National Review have fallen for the ruse. But some bright young ones (led by a boy named Rudi) see through the fraud and that spreads the truth quickly.

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No substantial evidence for fraud?

Was the US Election Stolen?

by Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute, “We’re fixing to overturn the results of the elections in multiple states. President Trump won by not hundreds of thousands of votes but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose. We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed — it was designed to rig elections.” — Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor and a member of President Trump’s legal team.

“It’s the software that was the problem. Even their own manual explains how votes can be wiped away, it’s like drag and drop Trump votes into a separate folder and then delete that folder.” — Sidney Powell.

“They can stick a thumb drive in the machine or upload software to it, even from the internet, they can do it from Germany or Venezuela even. They can remote access anything, they can watch votes in real time, they can shift votes in real time. We’ve identified mathematically the exact algorithm they used and planned to use from the beginning to modify the votes — in this case to make sure Biden won. That’s why he said he didn’t need your votes now, he would need you later.” — Sidney Powell.

“The software that they use is done by a company called Smartmatic. It’s a company that was founded by Hugo Chávez, and by his two allies who still own it. It’s been used to cheat in elections in South America. It was banned by the United States about a decade ago. It’s come back now as a subcontractor to other companies to sort of hide in the weeds.” — Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney.

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Litigation – Trump not the only one

Critics of Donald Trump’s litigation have short memories

The Mocker, The Australian, 12 November 2020

Like him or loathe him, US president-elect Joe Biden has won the presidential election. But it does not follow that he should be president. In fact, he should not, and there are sound grounds to refuse his elevation, even if it goes against majority opinion. To argue democracy should be paramount is to misconstrue how it functions in the republic.

Americans talk about democracy like it is sacred. The more democratic American government is, the better. The people are supposed to rule. But that is not the premise that underlies America’s political system. Most of the men who founded the country feared the tyranny of majority rule.

Before he became president, James Madison wrote that systems of government based upon “pure democracy’ were “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property”. After he left the presidency, John Adams wrote that “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself.”

That is not to say the founders rejected democracy. They designed a system with democratic features. The people had a voice. They could, for instance, directly elect members of the House of Representatives. But the founders also self-consciously limited the people’s voice.

For example, the Bill of Rights is undemocratic. It limits the federal government’s power in profound ways, ways the people often dislike. The Supreme Court too is undemocratic. Its justices wield extraordinary power for as long as they wish without any being answerable to anyone. It matters not if the majority of Americans oppose the court’s rulings. The only way to change the system is through amending the Constitution, and that is a cumbersome process. But even that is undemocratic. Unlike Australia, it does not require a referendum.

Technically speaking, Biden was not elected on November 3. Under the Constitution, the real election will occur on December 14. That is when electors in each state cast their votes. Put yourself in their position. Would you bestow the presidency on Biden when he is already showing signs of mental decline?

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How the fraud was achieved

How massive voter fraud was facilitated in three swing states: Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada

LifeSiteNews, 10 November 2020


November 10, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Under the pretense of coronavirus hysteria, Democrats implemented a national, orchestrated push to loosen accountability in the voting process, which they have now evidently exploited with massive voter fraud enabling even their ability to flip a lopsided presidential election. 

Attorney General Bill Barr warned in September that “mail-in voting” schemes were “reckless and dangerous” due to their being “very open to fraud and coercion,” and that this understanding was broadly acknowledged prior to the arrival of the Trump administration.

Throughout these last several months of “crisis,” the Democrats laid the groundwork for this absurd outcome by advancing an ongoing loosening of accountability in the voting process, including universal mail-in balloting, the extension of time to accept or “cure” mail-in ballots, and the removal of provisions that are meant to prevent “ballot harvesting.”

Here is how their campaign to open-up vulnerabilities in our election process has enabled them, through evident voter fraud, to potentially steal elections in three important states. 

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Two Videos: Analysing and Exposing the US Election

Victor Davis Hanson speaks at length with former deputy prime minister John Anderson about the US election, fraud, misleading polls.

As the video is hosted by YouTube, those interested should watch now just in case the Google-owned platform adds the clip to the ever-growing list of things Big Tech doesn’t want you to see.

From Mr Hanson’s helicopter view of the election, the culture war and the factors that determined its alleged outcome, now descend to the granular as a Detroit election supervisor describes how to get the result the Democrats needed.

See the videos here…

It’s the counters

It’s Not Who Votes, It’s Who Counts Them

James Allan, Quadrant, 5 November 2020

A conservative friend who dislikes Trump asked about his 2am speech branding the election as a fraud. Here’s my reply:

I guess my immediate response to any criticisms of Trump’s performance last night is to tease out some of the underlying assumptions. There are three basic possible premises.

1/ The Democrats did not cheat.

2/ The Democrats did cheat.

3/ We can’t know for sure, but the Democrats may have cheated.

In regard to #1, if this is true then Trump’s claims about stealing an election are despicable. Thus far I haven’t been overwhelmed with any evidence on this front. But it may come.

Re #2. On this premise I don’t think there was anything at all wrong with Trump’s 2am performance. I would have done the same.

Re #3. I assume most people fall here. We don’t know. We do know that Wisconsin now has, what, an 86 per cent turnout. That is nearing NZ levels, the highest in the world for any non-compulsory voting jurisdiction.

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Let’s make up a list of Trump supporters

The Left Begins Compiling Lists of Trump Supporters.. ‘They’ll be Dealt With’

Inside Scoop Politics, 8 November 2020

When, throughout history, have we heard this kind of rhetoric before? What kind of countries compile lists of political opponents to ‘deal with them’ after an election?

We aren’t just talking about left wing citizens. We are talking about members of Congress bragging about having a list of Trump supporters that are ‘complicit in the future’ – whatever that means.

That’s not even the worst of them.

Here’s Washington Post writer and MSNBC contributor saying that any Republican supporting President Trump in the investigation into voter fraud should not be allowed into a ‘polite’ society and be denied jobs.

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