Tag Archives: War in Ukraine

It must be a war of attrition against the Russians

I thought the expectations of Ukraine’s summer offensive were far too optimistic. At least, the media hyping of the war was optimistic – even delusional. Now everywhere the media are expressing disappointment that the offensive has stalled. I thought a more realistic stance would have been wait-and-see how the Ukrainians performed with the new weapons and the men they had.

Not far into the offensive, it quickly became obvious the tactics the Russians were adopting . It was a WW1 tactic: dig in and blast the attackers while having a bottomless pit of men they could throw into the meatgrinder. Putin is a vicious psychopath who has no regard for the number of Russian soldiers killed. He thinks he can outlast the weaponry the West is willing to give and the number of men Ukraine has at their disposal.

If Russia wants a war of attrition, let’s give it to them. The Ukrainians must dig in a fortress build-up and pound the lines of Russian trenches. Let’s see how long the Russian population is willing to suffer the losses, how long Russia can bear the sanctions, and how long they are willing to remain the pariah of the world, their friends being the world’s most barbaric regimes.

Frank Ledwidge, military analyst and lecturer, outlines this approach in the video below in a far more expert way than I am able.

Russia’s elite – barbarians, liars and psychopaths

Over the years Vladimir Putin managed to fabricate an image of himself as a rational statesman with understandable grievances about security. He had nothing more in mind than to protect Russia, its history, and its culture – an unexceptionable conservative project. There was also the impression that he took action to prevent the cancerous disease of wokeness from entering Russia. In this way, he managed to gain sympathy from conservatives in the West.

I was among them. I was even ready to believe that the assassinations of Russians in the West were the work of rogue elements in the military or the FSB (The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation). But is was all a sham – all a carefully planned fabrication.

The unfolding of the brutal obscene invasion of Ukraine has taken the curtain away from the psychopathic Kremlin clique running the invasion at the head of which is dictator Putin. Nothing will stand in the way of Putin’s agenda.

People in foreign lands are assassinated without a jot of regard for the laws of the country. Countries are invaded without the slightest regard for its citizens or its infrastructure. People and buildings are pulverized. Drunken uncontrolled soldiers rape women after shooting dead their husbands or boyfriends. Clearly some of the actions of the Russians in Ukraine are war crimes. The world has become ill at the barbarism of the Russians in Ukraine.

The comparison of Putin with Hitler is not far fetched. You see the same characteristics: a manic nationalism, Slavic superiority, counting one section of humanity as beneath contempt- Putin names Anglo-Saxons – and the preparedness to exterminate the perceived enemy. The world must not let this new Hitler get away with it. It must slowly squeeze Putin to death.

But it’s not just people in the West revolted by Russia’s barbarism. There is evidence of spreading disgust among a great part of the Russian population, despite the frantic propaganda by Putin and his clique to fool ordinary people.