Tag Archives: White aboriginals

White Aboriginals on the cusp of successful coup

Nothing demonstrates how degraded and corrupted Australian government has become more than the so-called Treaty negotiations between white Aboriginal coup leaders and the traitorous Marxist Andrews/Allan government.

The origin of this cancerous problem is the NATIVE TITLES ACT 1993 passed by the perfidious Keating Labor government. The cumulating coup by white Aboriginals, at the centre of which are and always have been unrelenting Marxists, can only be stopped by repealing this destructive treacherous act.


Permanent Indigenous voice on the table as Victoria treaty negotiations ramp up

Story by Benita Kolovos Victorian state correspondent, The Guardian, 14 Jan 2025

First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria co-chairs Ngarra Murray (right) and Rueben Berg. A permanent Indigenous voice to parliament would deliver ‘practical solutions for Aboriginal communities across the state’, Berg says. Photograph: Joel Carrett/AAP© Photograph: Joel Carrett/AAP

A permanent Indigenous voice to parliament is being considered as part of treaty negotiations between the Victorian government and the state’s First Peoples’ Assembly.

On Monday, the two groups issued a joint statement outlining the topics to be discussed as part of negotiations that began in late November, which includes the “creation of an ongoing First Peoples’ representative body”.

The possibility of “evolving” the First Peoples’ Assembly into such a body will be discussed. Further, “the role of a representative body in decision-making relating to Victorian government programs and services for First Peoples” and the “interaction between a representative body and the Victorian parliament and government” will also be negotiated.

Although the statement does not refer to such a body as a voice to parliament, the government has previously referred to the work of the First Peoples’ Assembly as being part of the “voice” aspect of the Uluru statement of the heart.

The assembly was established in 2018 to represent traditional owners of country and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria “on the journey to treaty”.Expand article logo

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White ‘indigenous’ want treaty with fellow Victorians

Marcus Stewart (or Stuart), posing as a proud man of an invented aboriginal nation, heads the video Tyerri Yoo-rrook ‘Seed of Truth’ Report Handover. Marcus’s appearance, as you can see (if you watch the video), is no different from the disgustingly white Australian citizen who has a direct family line with ancestors in the British Isles.

Marcus is of the common variety ‘white Aboriginal’ who, together with other white or tinted Aboriginals, are instigating a coup, enabled by that traitorous man, Daniel Andrews, to wrest the ownership of Victoria from the Victorian people – under the title of ‘treaty’.

Information about the coup is on the website First People’s Assembly of Victoria. The welcome page tells us that the ‘First Peoples’ are just that – a class separate and above the rest of Victorians.

Once the treaty is established, the First Peoples will tolerate us – of course, on the understanding they will be funded while busying themselves with cultural reinvention and myth-making.


‘The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is the independent and democratically elected body to represent Traditional Owners and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria.

‘We believe it’s time to negotiate a Treaty between our people and the Government of Victoria and we’re establishing the foundations and framework to enable that.’

This coup would not get off the ground if it weren’t for the collusion of Daniel Andrews and his quislings.

What white aboriginals are seeking

The claims

From the first chapter of my unfinished manuscript, ‘Nation: A Burkean Perspective’

On 3 June 1992, the High court of Australia decided (in common terms) that Mer (Murray Island) belonged to a group of Torres Strait Islanders who had inhabited that Island since time out of mind. It cannot be disputed that the occupation of that island by that particular group of islanders had not been disturbed by British settlement, or later when the nation of Australia had passed its infancy.

Murray Island is about 150 kms, northeast from the tip of Queensland, 100 kms directly south from the closest point of Papua New Guinea, and about 350 kilometres west of Port Moresby. It is 2,169 kms from Brisbane, capital of the state of Queensland of which Murray Island is considered to be a part. At present, around 450 people live on Mer Island, and around 4,500 people on the group of 274 Torres Strait Islands scattered over an area of 48,000 kms, covering an area of 566 kms. Torres Strait Islanders, being Melanesian, are ethnically different from Aboriginals on the Australian mainland. The many differences justify the technical separation of the two races. It would be an offence to Torres Strait Islanders to lump them together with mainland Aboriginals. It would indeed be stupid because the differences between pure-bred Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders are evident on sight.

When the High Court of Australia announced its judgment 6-1, Australia, the nation that grew from the planting of the British flag in Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788, was 204 years old, its population 17.5 million. It was in the forefront of developed nations with its democratic system of government, its vast legal structure that had served the country outstandingly until then, its system of education, its welfare system, and its vibrant economy outperforming most countries in the region. In the 1880s, the Australian colonies were said to enjoy the highest standard of living in the world. The speed with which the descendants of those first settlers built the nation of Australia was unparalleled.

Continue reading What white aboriginals are seeking

White Aboriginals’ apartheid system is closer

White Aboriginal, MP Ken Wyatt, entirely indistinguishable as an Aboriginal, Indigenous, or First Nations person (the title changes according to its perceived political advantage), has announced the Morrison government’s policy on the ‘voice’ in parliament.

Coalition to build Indigenous voice from ground up

Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt had previously said he wanted an Indigenous voice legislated before the next election. Picture: Katrina Bridgeford.
Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt had previously said he wanted an Indigenous voice legislated before the next election. Picture: Katrina Bridgeford.

The Morrison government will start building an Indigenous voice from the ground up after cabinet agreed to form 35 regional and local groups that will be part of a national body.

The Coalition decided not to move immediately to the establishment of a national voice after considering the final report of the Voice’s senior advisory group led by Marcia Langton and Tom Calma.

That report, presented to government in July and due to be released on Friday, recommends the regional and local groups should be established first.

It means there is no possibility the Morrison government will attempt to legislate a voice before the next election. Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt had previously said he wanted a voice before the poll.

Instead, the Morrison government will appoint a local and regional voice establishment group to work with government to form the 35 local and regional voice bodies. The government will also hold discussions with states, territories and local governments about their role in establishing and supporting the various regional and local groups.

The current blueprint for the voice is the result of work by 52 prominent Australians, most of them Indigenous, followed by a public consultation period that took feedback and suggestions from 9400 people and organisations.

Three white Aboriginals who we must pretend are black

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‘First Nations’ – An oracular class

I have alleged often on this website that Aboriginal activists (mostly the delirious white faction) are agitating for a separatist system of government in Australia. Theirs is an apartheid, though, with a huge difference from the South African system in which black Africans were the inferior race.

In our local activists’ vision (not all Aboriginals are activists), white Anglo-Celtic peoples who established and built the Australian nation with absolutely no input from the disparate Aboriginal tribes roaming the continent, constitute the inferior caste.

But Australia’s Aboriginal activists (particularly the white ones) are not the only indigenous group struck down by delusions of superiority. In all countries where Europeans founded a new nation you have a similar a group of ‘First Nations’ people pontificating to the bad white (mostly Anglo-Celtic) folk, often from fat-cat positions in government and non-government organizations.


Confession and Conspiracism in the Church of Social Justice

Jonathan Kay, Quillette, 22 Nov 2021

“Indigenous peoples have been stewards of this planet since time immemorial,” tweeted Canadian Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault from the Glasgow Climate Change Conference earlier this month. “The fight against climate change is not possible without their knowledge and leadership.”

It was an odd thing to post. In recent years, many Canadian Indigenous groups have become full commercial partners in oil and gas development projects, and so have no particular incentive to apply their “knowledge and leadership” toward assisting white environmentalists such as Guilbeault in limiting carbon emissions. But even if First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples fully answered his call, it’s not clear why they would have any special insights to offer in regard to how densely urbanized nations such as Canada can best shift their industrial base, power generation, and transportation networks to low-carbon fuel sources.

But for Canadian progressives, Guilbeault’s intended audience, his message would have made sense, as it channelled the officially endorsed conceit that Indigenous peoples comprise a sort of oracular caste, whose folk wisdom shall inform the project of planetary salvation (or as one magazine headline writer rapturously put it, “we need Indigenous wisdom to survive the apocalypse”). Canadian progressives, a constituency once defined by fastidious secularism, are now experiencing a sort of Indigenous mystical awakening—a northern variant of the phenomenon described aptly by John McWhorter in his new bookWoke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America.

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Don’t be gullible – Vote the voice down

Why conservatives shouldn’t support an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

Peter O’Brien, Spectator Australia, 10 August 2021

Yesterday, Flat White ran a piece by Senator Andrew Bragg explaining why conservatives should support the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Let me now offer my thoughts as to why conservatives should shun this idea.

There are two reasons the Voice is not a good idea. Firstly, claims that it will be advisory only and that it will not become a third chamber of Parliament are specious at best. And secondly, it will not work.

Let me begin with the first point. Senator Bragg cites a number of examples where government has a formal mechanism to receive advice – the Joint Committee on Human Rights and the Joint Standing Committees on Corporations and Intelligence and Security. Notice anything about these bodies?  That’s right. They are embedded within the parliament. There are, of course, many external bodies that proffer advice to government – industry associations and so on – that is not binding, but they do not attract the wide public support, and therefore political attention, that Aboriginal affairs does. The advice of these organizations is considered by governments but since they are essentially self-interested, albeit enlightened, their advice can safely be ignored by government if it adversely impacts other considerations.

That will not be the case with the Voice.

It’s vital to read the rest here…