It’s coming to Australia. Indeed, it has already started. The woke elites are frantically trying to keep a lid on it. Treasonous Adam Bandt and the Greens are the flag-bearers.
Tag Archives: Woke culture
City of Stonnington – treachery and betrayal
One has to look for the non-ideological municipal councils across Australia to discover just how few have not lost their reason and subscribed to wokism. That would be easier than counting those who have been hijacked by the extreme Green-Left. The only question about the hijacking is the degree of lunacy.
When it comes to lunacy, Stonnington Council in an affluent area of inner Melbourne, must take the prize. They truly are what Tony Abbott called a bunch of millionaire lefties, turning on the people they shake down to gather their funds.
I thought the Mornington Peninsula Council was the champion of green-left wokist lunacy, but Stonnington trumps Mornington.
Wokist green-left councils have a range of crackpot policies that usually go against the wishes of the majority. Mornington shines in this respect. The population of the Mornington Peninsula consists of mostly retirees. It is fact that people of retiring age have no interest in leftist policies in general let alone the crackpottery of the woke class.
But do you think the Mornington Peninsula Council takes notice of the many complaints about their green-left wokist policies. Not on your life. That juvenile bunch of councillors simply give their finger to the oldies – in reality telling them to go and get stuffed. They won’t be changing anything, they have declare.
As I say, the Stonnington councillors have this Christmas season taken wokist action that defies all belief – and puts wokist Mornington to shame. Wokist unreason has so overtaken them that they made up and had printed (obviously at great cost) the street greeting in the photo below. They just could not bring themselves to wish the people of Stonnington a Merry Christmas.
Most normal people would be deeply embarrassed to be found guilty of such idiocy. Not the wokist/green left. Ideology will always overcome feelings of stupidity.
Of course, we are by now familiar with the justification of such imbecility: inclusiveness. They don’t want people of other cultures feeling left out. A little thought about the argument would show it is contradictory.
Christmas is a centuries old European tradition. Cutting it up in the manner below is to wipe it out. The sign below is an insult to most Australians. Second, to desecrate the tradition of Christmas in favor of other traditions is to admit the integrity of a tradition per se. But surely it is contradictory – at least a double standard – to recognise the integrity of the traditions of foreign cultures but to deny those of Australia.
False and stupid reasoning is of no account to those governed by ideology – an ideology that is bigoted, anti-white, and anglophobic.
Local councils have served their purpose, especially now that the wokist/green left class has taken possession of them. It’s time to get rid of them.

‘Absurd woke-ism’: City of Stonnington urged to “Reinstate ‘Merry Christmas”
A group of inner-Melbourne residents have slammed their local council for removing the word “Christmas” from its holiday messaging.
Jack Evans, 15 December,
A small group of inner-east Melbourne residents have slammed their local council for removing the word “Christmas” from its “inclusive” holiday messaging.
This year, the City of Stonnington elected to use the slogan “Make Merry” in some of its public messaging and decorations for the Christmas period.
At the time of publication, some 200 residents of the local government area, which covers some of the state’s wealthiest suburbs, including Armadale, Kooyong, Malvern, Prahran, South Yarra, Toorak and Windsor, have signed a petition demanding the municipality: “Reinstate ‘Merry Christmas.”.
“While we appreciate efforts to promote inclusivity, we believe this change may unintentionally diminish the cultural and religious significance of Christmas for many residents,” petition lead Mikhail Anossovitch wrote
Stonnington City Council has come under fire for its ‘Make Merry’ Christmas decorations
“Christmas is a time-honoured celebration, and the phrase “Merry Christmas” has long been embraced as a warm and traditional greeting.”
Ms Anossovitch said the community respected the “importance of diversity but argued the change threatened “diluting the unique cultural heritage associated with this festive season.”
“We kindly request that the local council reconsider this change and restore “Merry Christmas” on holiday signs,” she wrote.
Some of the hundreds who signed the petition also shared their thoughts on the council’s decision.
“Christmas is special and does not offend any of my colleagues and friends of other faiths – it only seems to offend atheists in the main so why should they have such disproportionate influence over these decisions,” one wrote.
Read the rest here . . .
Wars and woke culture
Few commentators speak with such precision and clarity on the way cultural Marxism has infected and poisoned the institutions of Western Civilization.
Victor Davis Hanson on Wars, Woke Culture, and the Fall of America’s Institutions
Victor Davis Hanson is an American classicist, military historian, political commentator, and farmer. He says cultural Marxism inside our major institutions and American weakness abroad have led to chaos around the world. Victor joins PragerU CEO Marissa Streit to provide clarity about the wars in Ukraine and Israel and give insight into the collapse of America’s borders and universities.
Anti-white racism – the allowable racism
Paul Joseph Watson is untiring in his attacks on the woke elite oppressing the non-woke – especially the Anglo world. He has 1.93 million subscribers/followers. His youtube videos are short but powerful. Below is his latest:
Cultural vandalism by a culturally hollow elite – we must resist
Once again, I have to ask, ‘How do they get away with it? Why doesn’t somebody do something about these saboteurs and traitors?‘
The short story is, they are coming for the classics
Frank Furedi, The Australian, 17 October 2021
Why am I not surprised to read the Welsh National Opera will run a series of lectures on Madame Butterfly to highlight issues of “imperialism and colonialism”?
Because in recent years it has become increasingly fashionable to frame Western art and culture in a negative light. All its great inspiring figures, from Chaucer to Shakespeare through to Jane Austen face the charge of being “too Western”, “too white” or “too racist”. Classical music, ballet and opera are also dismissed in a similar vein. Western classical culture has always been the target of dogmatic radical commissars on the grounds it is elitist, out of date, irrelevant and far too exclusive. Now these philistine arguments have fused with those promoted by advocates of identity politics.
Hostility towards Western classical culture is frequently justified on the ground that it is too old, too white, too male and far too homophobic. This point was emphasised recently by a participant in the Gender Equity and Diversity in Opera Summit organised by the Australian Music Centre. Sonya Holowell took great objection to the traditional meritocratic emphasis on quality in the opera world. She dismissed the idea that “quality comes first” on the grounds that it “ignores the inherent privileges that many” are afforded
Her solution is to “decolonise the high arts”. In praise of this form of artistic vandalism she asks, the “pertinent question to me is what do we want to leave intact?” Judging by recent unrestrained attacks on classical culture, the answer must be “not very much”.
Read the rest here…
McCain's prize-winning ad
McCain Food ANZ does not get the prize for its tasteless cardboard product that one would choose as a last resort. No, it gets the 2019 woke prize for advertising, snatching the honour from a range of gut-churning sycophantic grovelling woke advertisements that the public gets pushed in their faces.
Woke advertising is the display of vomitous gutlessness, the corporate world’s caving to the unelected political forces oppressing the population.
The McCain ad goes beyond the general woke scenario. It is a terrific promotion of gay culture. Despite this success, there are parts of the ad that would have many throwing up. No matter how oppressive the woke world becomes, there are some things in the nature of the human being it can’t change. Indeed, too much pressure might cause a rupture.
Whether one wants to call the McCain ad wokeness or political correctness or gay culture or give it some other similar leftist title, the foundation of such political activity is Marxism.
After all the worry about Communism taking over the ‘free world’, and after all the gigantic sums spent on defence, Marxism has won. Marxists now have the ‘free world’ in their grip. And lickspittle traitorous companies like McCain Foods do their bidding.