The Pell Lynch Mob

This page is being developed. I add to it overtime.

The media in Australia (newspapers, radio, and television) are on the leftist spectrum from the socialist left to the extreme psychotic left. The media left as a group are driven by an inexhaustible anti-Catholic sectarianism from mindless sneering to flaring and flaming bigotry. Cardinal George Pell, as a determined political and religious conservative, was never going to get a fair hearing on any issue whatever. And so it happened. The record is there.

With a compliant and barracking media, the writhing, worming and scheming body of Pell-haters naturally congealed into a lynch mob with an understood agenda: Destroy Cardinal George Pell. They could never have imagined how successful they would be. The following are the foremost members of the Pell lynch mob whose malevolence and bigotry are seemingly inexhaustible.

My compilation should be read with Paul Collits’ detailed article The Networks That Snared George Pell from which I draw.

At the top of the list is Australia’s billion dollar government-funded Australian Broadcast Corporation. It is Australia’s fortress of Anti-Catholic bigotry, pushing the renewal of the penal laws and Catholic disqualification. It is no accident that homosexual activist David Marr, slavering with hatred of Cardinal Pell, and spiteful delusional Louise Milligan, carried on the shoulders of her blind unquestioning supporters, are closely connected or work for the ABC. The full range of ABC television and radio programs took (and take) their turn at bashing Cardinal Pell. At the forefront have been on television ABC News Breakfast, the 7.30 Report, Lateline, and on radio AM, World Today, PM, Radio National.

The crew on News Breakfast deserves special mention. Virginia Trioli, Michael Rowland, and Paul Kennedy have been at the ready to recycle, distort and blow up any tidbit that came to hand about the Cardinal. The charges of sexual abuse became a feast for them. Paul Kennedy teamed up with the remorseless Antarctic Fosters (see below) whose clear aim was to destroy Pell. Michael Rowland championed the deluded and utterly discredited Detective Inspector Peter Fox (see below) and generally got himself into an adolescent fever at the merest hint of Catholic shenanigans.

The anti-Catholic stallions in the Fairfax Media (now Nine) are the Melbourne’s leftist rag The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald the latter now showing the white bones of the Sydney newspaper that ordinary Sydneysiders once trusted. Like the ABC, the Age and the SMH feasted on anything that could harm Cardinal Pell.

This is the newspaper par excellence for remedial leftists, those laden with prejudice who don’t want to think through the issues. The Guardian has served up more than 400 articles on Cardinal Pell which its readers can swallow without chewing. That second-rate journalist David Marr who reports on political matters like a novelist now writes for the Guardian.

60 MINUTES (actually 45 mins)
In their stories of 10-15 minutes, the ’60 Minutes’ crew prove that you don’t need more to seriously discredit someone. Certainly, if you have a multi-million dollar company behind you and often a pretty face with the latest fashions to conduct the ambushes. They laid into Cardinal Pell over David Ridsdale’s accusation of bribery. Richard Carlton did not bother to ask the obvious – whether Ridsdale was a homosexual with connections to the Rainbow Sash group who boasted they would ‘get you [Pell] in the end.’ He and his colleagues were so keen to nail the cardinal that they didn’t bother to do some investigative work that may have revealed David Ridsdale was guilty of the sexual abuse of a minor. In Get Pell: the facts behind the Royal Commission headlines, Monica Doumit deals with ’60 Minutes’ naked prejudice. Her piece includes the interview with David Ridsdale. You watch ’60 Minutes’ if your concentration span is around 15-20 minutes and you want your prejudices reinforced.

Ballarat survivors group

CHRISSIE FOSTER – the Madame Defarge of the survivors group. She and her now dead husband were indefatigable in their stalking and harassment, grabbing every opportunity to attack Cardinal Pell, even forking out money to fly on the spur of the moment from London to Sydney when an opportunity arose to further their campaign of destroying him. Mrs Foster with an Antarctic remorselessness has carried on the campaign of destruction, freezing her environment with blasts of icy hatred. The vehicle of her hate-filled campaign is her two daughters who were abused by a priest Cardinal Pell had nothing to do with. Photos of the daughters are flashed at strategic moments, giving the impression to the susceptible that the Cardinal was the abuser.

Broken Rites

Louise Milligan has been the sparkling, ever-giving, deluded star of the Lynch mob. This woman, embarrassingly infatuated with the lying choirboy, occupies a high place in Australia’s Alfred Dreyfus affair. The links below are critiques of her poisonous one-sided book about the Cardinal:

All round Australian show business figure beloved of the left. He composed and performed the brilliant lynch-mob anthem that caused contempt for Cardinal Pell (and belief in his guilt) to skyrocket. He called his gutless village-bully performance ‘his most overt activism’ in which he called the cardinal ‘scum’. Stand up the real scum. On all standards, second-rate Michin is a creep who amply demonstrates how degraded Australian society has become. Very pally with Louise Milligan (below).

Louise Milligan and Tim Michin glorying over the jailing of their target

Review of essay on Cardinal Pell

Media Silverback Fitzsimons falls into the same category as the Guardian. His lazy sloppy writing full of dodgy reasoning is for the sloppy and lazy reader who hasn’t master the fundamental rules of reason. His rants about Cardinal Pell qualify him for membership of local Orange Club. (There’s more to come about this Orangeman).

Your paradigm Pell hater. Read what a hypocrite he is.
Called Cardinal Pell a ‘sociopath’ and had sex with victim
Crimes of Carl Beech
The many lies of Carl Beech

The contemptible overrated Derryn Hinch

RAY HADLEY of 2GB radio.
Chest-thumping Silverback of the airwaves Hadley is really a minor player in the Pell lynch mob but wins a guernsey for his loud unquestioning belief about ‘paedophile’ Pell and his unquestioning support for Milligan. All that stuff (here and overseas) by academics and highly respected lawyers savaging Pell’s court cases is a lot of rubbish. Besides, he does not have the time to waste on a matter that has long been decided – by him. Appeals to higher courts, a part of Australia’s degrading legal system, are of no account.

Detective Inspector Peter Fox

More to come