Category Archives: Law

Natural Law, Social Justice, and the Crisis of Liberty in the West

March 10, 2017, Ryan T. Anderson

The essay below by Ryan T. Anderson on The Witherspoon Institute website is an excellent piece on the natural law. Edmund Burke outlined similar ideas about the duties inherent in man’s nature. See Edmund Burke on what it means to be a people.

Since I have just said a few words on natural law and economic freedom, I want to say a few words about a natural law conception of social justice and how it can help us now. Some people think social justice is a twentieth century invention of left-leaning thinkers, but this starts the history of social justice midstream. To understand its true meaning, we must look farther back to its real historical origins.

The first known use of the phrase “social justice” was by a Jesuit Thomist, Luigi Taparelli, in his multivolume work published between 1840 and 1843 titled Saggio teoretico di dritto naturale appoggiato sul fatto (A Theoretical Treatise on Natural Law Resting on Fact). I want to emphasize two arguments that Taparelli highlighted by coining the new phrase “social justice”: first, that man is social by nature and belongs to many societies and, second, that man has natural duties to others in justice.

Read the rest here . . .


Discussion of Chapter Six, ‘Reputation, Reason and the Enlightenment Project’, Second Part on ‘Thought’ of Jesse Norman’s book EDMUND BURKE: PHILOSOPHER, POLITICIAN AND PROPHET

Chapter Six, ‘Reputation, Reason and the Enlightenment Project’ begins the Second Part on ‘Thought’ of Jesse Norman’s book Edmund Burke: Philosopher, Politician And Prophet. Norman surveys the reaction to Burke’s writings and speeches following Burke’s death in 1797. He cites the views of many well-known historical figures in addition to lesser known names in the fields of academia, politics and literature. His conclusion, with which one should readily agree even on a brief reading of the opinions, is that there was much ‘bipartisan esteem’ of Burke’s thought.   ‘Amid the ferment of early nineteenth century social, economic and political change,’ he says, ‘many different writers were able over time to find ideas of enduring value within Burke.’ (KL 2320)

‘In the twentieth century,’ he continues, ‘Burke was pressed into service on numerous occasions.’ Those occasions were the fight against communism during the Cold War (the 1950s and 1960s) and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. It was Burke’s anti-totalitarian rhetoric that American conservatives drew on to drive forward their fight against communism, which represented all forms of totalitarianism. Norman’s tendentious tone here makes it clear he is not convinced of there being any justification for this service. He ends the survey with the following rather puzzling comment.

There has been a persistent desire by some conservative writers to relocate Burke away from a Lockean framework of natural rights and find in him a specifically Christian, indeed Thomist, doctrine of natural law. (KL 2349)


Synagogue bombing – we know who did it

Jewish girl gang raped and brutalised by Hamas 7 Oct 2023


We know who were responsible for the bombing of the Melbourne synagogue and the antisemitic vandalism in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney.

So, why won’t the media point the finger at the obvious culprits?

The charge of Islamophobia is half the answer. The media is collectively frightened of mentioning the word Muslim in connection with the acts of violence and intimidation they’re responsible for.

The second half of the answer is Marxists. The long-established Marxist groups in Australia always collaborate with fellow extremists to undermine and destroy white capitalist society.

For more than a year the streets of Australia’s major cities have been hijacked by the collaboration of Marxists and Muslim extremists.

So, again, why won’t the media say so? Why won’t our elected authorities do anything about it?

We are in an age of betrayal and gutlessness. Everywhere you look, the ordinary Australian – not those whose allegiance is to foreign countries and their ideologies – sees treachery, betrayal, and gutlessness.

Muslim fanatics scorn Australia’s laws

AAP reports below that Muslim fanatics under the banner of the barbaric terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah will conduct their obscene protests no matter what.

Of course, they will.

These Muslims have contempt for Australia’s laws. Indeed, they have contempt for anything which does not suit their hellish ideology.

Will Australia’s legitimate authorities do anything about their hateful behavior? Probably not. Not only have they not done anything about it, but they have made it worse by opening Australia’s borders to these lawless people.

Will nobody do anything? Must we sit by steaming with fury while watching people who hate Australia and Australians occupy our city streets?


Palestine rally organisers vow to ignore court ruling

AAP Story by Jack Gramenz and Callum Godde

 A pending court case will not stop pro-Palestine rallies and vigils around the anniversary of the Hamas terror attack on Israel, as one premier says her state is powerless to halt them.

Evidence will be filed on Thursday before a hearing in the NSW Supreme Court to decide on a police push to declare that scheduled rallies in Sydney should not go ahead on Sunday and Monday.

A snap protest has been organised, with the Palestine Action Group Sydney calling on supporters to gather in the court precinct prior to the hearing.

“The application to ban demonstrations commemorating and mourning one year of Israel’s genocide in Gaza and now invasion of Lebanon is an attack on fundamental democratic rights,” the group said.

Organiser Josh Lees said demonstrators needed to protest “more than ever to stop this war and madness that is going on”.

“We’ll be going ahead with our protest on Sunday … regardless of what happens in the court,” he told ABC Radio on Thursday.

NSW has a permit system that allows participants to disobey laws against blocking transport routes, but police can go to court to deny protest permission.

Read the rest here . . .

Who would have thought that a Muslim terrorist flag would adorn our city streets?

Australians – be angry, be very angry.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election early in 2025

The Muslim fanatic is well established in Australia

If you want any proof of the deep roots fanatical Islam has struck in Australia, this video will give it. The Muslim coverage begins at 1 min 12 secs.

These people are our enemies. They say it themselves. For them Australia is a ‘shithole, racist, settler colony’. They don’t recognize our long legally constituted country. Yet some of these fanatics sit treacherously on seats in our parliament.

Do we have to wait for a couple Muslim fanatics to step from the train at Wynyard Station and pump bullets into the white people they can see in the crowd?

Multiculturalism has been a criminally conceived disaster for the people who built the Australian nation.

Remember this at the coming Federal Election in 2025

People who don’t belong in Australia – but they’re here courtesy of the Labor Party

‘Australia and Israel share two things in common … being a shithole, racist, settler colony …’ Nasser Mashni, president of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN)

Fanatical Nasser Mashni and his Labor Party sponsor

Australia’s #1 Hamas Fan

Timothy Cootes, QUADRANT, Sep 11 2024

Nasser Mashni, president of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN), has been impossible to avoid of late. His irruption into public debate began at about the same time as Hamas’ pogrom, when many journalists got into the habit of including a comment from Mashni in their copy. Since then, he’s become a regular interviewee on the national broadcaster and a talented demagogue at the podium at the weekly pro-Palestine rallies across our capital cities.

Unsurprisingly, he was quoted just about everywhere in the wash-up from Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s call for a pause on Gazan refugees. Words like “shameful” and “racist” have received quite a workout in APAN’s press releases in the last week or so, though it should be noted that those were some of the milder rebukes.

Before Mashni made his acquaintance with the broader Australian public, he was better known to the Victorian justice system. In 1991, a 22-year-old Mashni was convicted for kidnapping a child, whom he beat and locked in the boot of a car. According to the Herald Sun, he then drove his victim to an empty paddock, where he expressed a keen interest in breaking the child’s legs. Since that day out and his subsequent conviction, Nasser Mashni’s moral outlook, I would argue, hasn’t really improved all that much. On October 7, he was busy ‘liking’ social media posts that praised and justified the massacre, though, to be fair, that was hardly unusual among the activist and intellectual Left.

Mashni has distinguished himself from his co-thinkers, however, in a number of ways. His anti-Israel fulminations, for example, could rival in intensity those of just about any Hamas spokesperson, I suspect. “Israel has to cease to exist,” he told one interviewer recently. On his own radio show, he wobbled into conspiracy theory, railing against the world’s “power structures that all focus upon Zionism”. The solution, as usual, came in his demand for “the decolonisation of Palestine and the ending of Zionism.” He avoided specifics as to what that process might look like for Israelis, though his listeners probably didn’t have to think about it for very long.

After all, his preferred strategies aren’t exactly difficult to glean. Mashni and APAN are unconvinced of the prevailing view that Hamas is a terrorist organisation in the first place. He gets particularly huffy when his media interlocutors inquire as to whether he has a stern word to say about the terror army at all. Journalists really should resile from such a line of inquiry, as Mashni has always been rather ecumenical in his admiration for different factions of Islamists. When terrorists of Islamic Jihad and Al-Aqsa Brigades escaped from an Israeli prison in 2022, Mashni was quick to glorify them as “heroes”.

Read the rest here . . .

Russian propaganda and the Tenet case

KGB supremo and USSR reviver Vladamir Putin might be struggling on the battlefield but he’s taking all before him in the propaganda war. Nothing has revealed the dark tentacles of the revived KGB and the USSR than the recent scandal of Russian dark money paying well-known conservative You Tubers to do their dirty work. Jake Broe gives an irrefutable account of the Lauren Chen and Tenet project in the video below. The account begins at around the 14-minute mark.

It is utterly astounding.

Jake Broe is well-known for his convincing reporting and analysis of Russia’s war against Ukraine. He is less convincing about Donald Trump who he denounces as a Russian stooge. Indeed, he lacks the distance in judgement he shows in his reporting of the war.

Although I have said in previous posts that Trump will likely lose the election if he does not reverse his view of the war and support Ukraine, Trump cannot be reduced merely to a Russian stooge. Apart from his view about the war, Trump has policies that are in the main acceptable to a clear-headed conservative. Little that far-left fanatic Kamala Harris proposes is acceptable.


Two Russian citizens who work for RT News have been indicted by the Department of Justice for money laundering and failing to register as foreign agents after paying millions to a group of right-wing podcasters and influencers including Lauren Chen, Tim Pool, Lauren Southern, Tayler Hansen, Matt Christiansen, Dave Rubin, and Benny Johnson.

White reinvented Aboriginals preside over ‘truth-telling’ farce

Below is a 3 September report from the ‘Yoorrook Justice Commission’. This justice commission is about slandering the white settlers who built the nation that funds such commissions whose sole object is to disqualify the true Australians – the people who originated from the community of the First Fleet. The Aboriginals – a post-settlement determination – had nothing to do with the nation’s establishment. In fact, they did their best to stop the nation building by slaughtering settlers, killing their stock, and burning their crops.

How’s that for truth?

You won’t get that truth – empirically justified – from the ‘Yoorrook Commission’. You’ll get their own brand of self-serving separatist truth.


Descendants of early colonial figures to give evidence to Yoorrook

September 3, 2024

Content warning: Please note the following contains historic language and events that may cause distress to First Peoples.

Three non-Indigenous witnesses are set to give evidence to Victoria’s truth telling process this week. This includes two descendants of early colonial figures who will reflect on their families’ involvement in key events in Victoria’s colonial history, which had a devastating effect on First Peoples.

The hearing will look at issues including early massacres of First Peoples in the 1830s and 40s and the passing of the so-called ‘Half Caste’ Act in 1886, which played a key role in the Stolen Generations.

The Yoorrook Justice Commission hearing will commence at 10am on Wednesday September 4 and will be livestreamed via the Yoorrook Facebook page and website.

Witnesses will include:

  • Elizabeth Balderstone, the current owner of a property in Gippsland on which the ‘Warrigal Creek’ massacre occurred in 1843.
  • Peter Sharp, a great grandson of former Prime Minister Alfred Deakin, who has researched Deakin’s involvement in the passage of the Aborigines Protection Act 1886, more commonly known as the ‘Half Caste’ Act.
  • Dr Katrina Kell, a researcher, author and fourth-generation matrilineal descendant of Captain James Liddell, who brought Edward Henty to Gunditjmara Country in November 1834 on board ‘the Thistle’, leading to the first permanent European settlement in what would become the State of Victoria.

Read the rest here . . .

The Enemy within

Decolonising the curriculum: challenges and opportunities for teaching and learning

Dr Marlon Moncrieffe, School of Education
Dr Yaa Asare, School of Applied Social Sciences
and Dr Robin Dunford, School of Humanities

A renewed call to ‘decolonise’ the university curriculum has marked a shift in thinking about education and what should form the canon of curriculum content. It has been amplified further here in the UK by the ‘Rhodes must fall’ campaign. However, fresh approaches and opportunities for advancing practice in teaching and learning, with an aim to diversify the university curriculum for teaching and learning, are not without challenges. Our paper reflects on the meaning of decolonising the curriculum and on attempts to decolonise the curriculum at both institutional and subject specific level. In this article, which is in three sections, we use examples from our
own practice to reflect on some of the challenges of decolonising the curriculum and opportunities for sharing good practices amongst colleagues.

This article outlines the need for decolonising the curriculum within and beyond the university. The call to decolonise the curriculum, made by students, social movements and academics in higher education, is a call to take seriously the legacy of colonialism in the curriculum. It is also a call to include a diverse range of experience, away from the white hegemonic world view and experience that informs much of our teaching.

Read the rest of this treasonous document here . . .